After purchasing transfiguration, Chen Yu found that there was still a hidden pit.

Each time you perform a transfiguration, you need to use a unique transfiguration material.

And each serving of materials, 100 reincarnation points are consumed.

Moreover, the contour material is strictly matched with the contour target, and it needs to be done in advance in the space.

That is, you can’t select a tolerant target until you enter the replica.

After making the disfigurement, after entering the copy, you can’t change it.

As a result, the usefulness of this skill is greatly reduced.

It is basically impossible to rely on transfiguration skills to become important NPCs, so that the early layout takes the lead.

Unless there are props to specify a dungeon…

But Chen Yu has never seen such a thing in the forum.

It is estimated that at least it is also a legendary-level reward.

Fortunately, when Chen Yu bought “Transfiguration”, he didn’t have this plan.

He just planned to confuse his identity in front of other reincarnators without revealing his talent.

Just set up another person.

Chen Yu thought about it and exchanged a few more drawing papers.

Apply a smear on paper.

A moment later, a powdery-faced, handsome young man Langjun jumped on the paper.

The heart is high and does not recognize the heavenly family, and the arrogance returns to God and lives in the Guanjiang!

Well, Chen Yu didn’t know what Emperor Zhenwu looked like.

It is used to remember the appearance of Erlang Shenjun.

Just remove the heavenly eye in the middle of the forehead.

In addition to being handsome and elegant, it also looks awe-inspiring.

The appearance is not below Chen Yu himself.

Or, a throw higher than yourself, right?

Chen Yu thought unsurely.

After getting the character design, Chen Yu bought three sets of Zhenwu version of the transfiguration material in the space and put them into the storage space.

Each quest can only be used three times, and it is useless to buy more.

Although transfiguration is good, the price is still a bit high.

Many reincarnations, although they are very interested in watching.

But I lack the points to improve my strength, and I don’t dare to spend it like this.

After all, the basic reincarnation point reward of the early copy is generally only about 600.

The B grade evaluation is double, the A grade is 3 times, and the S grade is only 5 times.

9,000 reincarnation points is almost equivalent to the S-level gain of three early quests.

Spending such a large sum of reincarnation points is also a luxury for elite reincarnations.

Well, for most people, taking an S-class rating is a luxury …

That is, people like him who can often be evaluated by SSS, have a large number of reincarnation points to squander.

Chen Yu now has more than 3,900 points left, which is not a poor or white.

And he doesn’t plan to practice “Dragon and Snake Attack”.

If not, you can also earn a sum of points by hanging it at the auction house.

Excellent-level martial arts, 4000-5000 reincarnation points, can generally still be sold.

After solving one thing, Chen Yu felt that the whole person was much more relaxed.

Swaggered out.

The high-profile is Zhenwu, what do you have to do with me Chen someone?


“Congratulations to the reincarnation ‘Data Magic Rabbit’, in the story world “Lord of the Rings”, he killed the white-robed Saruman, and the challenge mission was evaluated as excellent, and received an SS-level evaluation!”

“Lord of the Rings SS – Data Magic Rabbit”

A silvery-white light shimmers the sky.

One by one, flowers bloomed.

“It’s a little high-profile, not very good…”

In the tavern, a somewhat shy young man wearing glasses drank a sip of tea with a calm face.

“The picture is always awesome, this is still the most disgusting Ben with Western fantasy as the background, you are the first to get the SS evaluation in the whole area, right?”

Two men and two women gathered at the table and took turns toasting the young man in the center.

They drink a glass of wine, the teenager takes a sip of tea …

They are from Mohai City and are classmates.

They have also obtained the admission letter of Tianhua Academy this time.

At the same time, it also won all the admission indicators of Mohai City.

Although Mohai City has always been known as the cradle of high-end reincarnations, there are already many five indicators.

Motto is their squad leader and absolute core.

“If you put silver flowers, it should be.”

“However, it’s just luck, if Armin or Murong Zhan Shen had accompanied this book before, I might not have had the opportunity to pass SS first.”

Moto shook his head.

Although the tone was flat, it showed a faint pride.

In his mouth, it was as if only Amin or Murong Xueyue were in the entire district, worthy of being his opponents.

“Hahaha, it’s still Brother Rabbit, this is a single-player copy of the fifteenth floor!”

A very strong man laughed.

“I’ve said it many times. When I came up with the name, I accidentally typed ‘picture’ into ‘rabbit’. “

“If you have to try to play this meme again and again, I will arrange an interesting place for you on the next quest.”

Mo Tu frowned slightly, looking a little unhappy.

The fierce man hurriedly closed his mouth.

Once they were old enough to enter the copy, Ink Chart mapped out their direction precisely.

Although the talent of each of them is not weak.

But without Motu’s planning and guidance, their strength would have weakened by at least 30%.

There are at least three people, none of whom are enough to stand out and enter the Tianhua Academy.

Mammoth is obviously one of them.

“Mr. Tu, how is your current strength compared to Armin or Murong Xueyue back then?”

A girl asked.

“Armin is too inscrutable, I don’t know.”

“But Murong Xueyue claimed to have cleared the 15th floor of the college entrance examination, and there was only the fifth level at that time, and I suspect that she had something to hide.”

“According to the breakthrough speed behind her, it is very likely that she has reached the sixth order at this time, and the strength of the panel is slightly better than mine.”

“Of course, I don’t know what her talent is, it may cause miscalculation.”

Moto spread his hands.

“Linjiang City, one of the candidates in this class has obtained 100 points, how is he?”

“I have seen his video through special channels.”

“The strength is indeed very strong, and the seventh level of clearing the customs has reached the fourth level, which is rare.”

“I can also kill people in a second. Unfortunately, my current state is not suitable for outbreaks, and forcibly transforming forms has to pay some price, just for the false name of the national champion, which is not cost-effective. ”

“I suspect he’s as talented as I am, SSS-class. But his talent can greatly increase attack, explosive and damage power. ”

“This is actually nothing, the warrior is promoted very quickly in the early stage, but it has obviously slowed down in the later stage.”

“Murong Xueyue this… Leaving it aside, even Li Tieyi, the leader of the Dragon Soul’s battle group, basically cut off the hope of advancing to the eighth rank. ”

Mortu spoke eloquently.

He scored 96 points in this exam, ranking second in the country.

For him, who has always been number one, it is not something to be happy about.

“So, what about that Zhenwu?”

“It’s a rising star, the previous seven SSS in a row is too strong, it should use up the foundation.”

“If he can still get SSS, it means that he is a genius who is better than me and Armin.”

“But, how can there be such a person?”

“So, I guess he’ll be silent for a month or two before he strikes again.” But at least it can get an SS-rated rating. ”

“In the future, it is a good opponent.”

Mo Tu pushed his glasses, looking calm.

“Congratulations to the reincarnation ‘True Martial Arts’, in the story world “Romance of the Dragon and Snake”, the martial arts competition ranked first in the world and defeated Wang Chao, and the side and challenge missions were perfectly achieved, and received SSS-level evaluation!”

“Dragon and Snake Romance SSS – True Martial Arts”

On the sky, the stars change, the light is not flickering, and the visual effect is gorgeous.

By the way, the silver handwriting that has not yet dispersed is crushed into the dimness.


The audience fell silent.

“Eat and eat.”

The girl pushed everyone and silently ate a plate of melon seeds in the middle.

“Okay, okay.”

Everyone took a melon seed and silently snorted.

“Is it so high-profile…”

“A little envious.”

Moto sighed, picked up a melon seed as well, and muttered to himself.

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