A minute later.

Like an old dog, Xuanjizi lay on the ground panting.

The originally wide and flowing robe became extremely tattered, revealing two black thighs.

It may be that he often explains to poison, and his skin looks a little dark and purple.

Of course, Chen Yu was too lazy to look.

If you can’t do it, you just don’t pay attention to personal hygiene, and you don’t usually bathe …

“Unfortunately, this fire lotus just looks like fire, but in fact, it is just a fist intent.”

“If it’s something like the Buddha Fire Lotus, you can make Xuanjizi into a roast duck.”

Chen Yu thought thoughtfully.

Adding some elemental damage without losing the power of your fists and feet is certainly not a bad thing.

Thunderbolts, ice, fire, wind blades and other things are good.

Of course, this can only be figured out later.

“If you can’t die, get up.”

Chen Yu sighed: “Uncle Junior, you are also a master of the world, why are you so useless?” ”

“…… The old man… No, I did. ”

Xuanzhizi jerked to the ground and stood up with a sluggish expression.

“What did you just say?”

Chen Yu frowned, and randomly pinched a lotus seal in his right hand.

“…… The subordinate knows the mistake. ”

Xuanzhizi’s face turned white again, and he said very nakedly.

“Well, that’s fine, it’s important to know your position.”

Chen Yu thought for a while, took out a robe from the package, and threw it over.

“Fortunately, I brought an extra piece to change, so hurry up and change it.”

“You are also a generation of masters, so embarrassed to be seen, it will affect the image.”

“Xie… Thank you Lord. ”

Xuanzhizi’s face turned purple, and he stretched out his hand, directly pulled off his robe, and then covered the robe.

“Are you holding a grudge and planning to kill me when you find an opportunity?”

Chen Yu glanced at Xuanzhizi and said leisurely.

“…… The subordinates did not dare. ”

Xuanzhizi seemed a little scared and took a step back.

“Don’t you dare?”

“…… Can’t. ”

Xuanzhizi was extremely aggrieved, so he had to repeat.

“Don’t dare to forget it, then take a break, let’s go, while it’s still early, find an ally first.”

“Subordinates obey orders.”

“Speaking of allies… By the way, did you bring that solipsistic pill? ”

“How do you know this?”

Xuanzhizi’s face changed drastically, and he almost jumped up.

This thing is the product of the formula given by the Dragon King, which he has improved himself, and intends to use it to control the various major sects.

It belongs to the top secret of the Heavenly Dragon Sect.

Now only himself and the Dragon King know.

Others involved in dispensing and testing drugs were silenced.

The whole thing, even Luo Snake Jun, who was deeply trusted by the Dragon King, did not know.

Unexpectedly, he was casually said by this inscrutable master and nephew.

For a while, Xuanjizi simply felt like he had seen a ghost.

“How many are there?”

Xuan Hazi’s question, Chen Yu didn’t bother to answer at all.

To be honest, he didn’t know exactly how this pill was made.

Anyway, it’s easy to use in the game.

“…… This thing is not easy to refine, there are five in total, the subordinates have brought them, and there are only five copies of the antidote. ”

Xuanzhizi seemed to have thought of something, and his face became a little pale again, and he hurriedly said.

“Okay, that’s six. You take one yourself, give me five, and give me six copies of the antidote. ”

Chen Yu said indifferently.

He is taking the martial arts hegemony route, and he has no time to convince people with virtue, so it must be convenient and how to come.

Besides, those who are so-called to convince people with virtue.

It’s basically convinced…


“If you don’t want to obey, don’t obey.” Just give me six pills, and it doesn’t matter if you stay with the antidote. ”

Chen Yu smiled very understandingly.

“…… Subordinates are willing to obey! ”

Xuanzhizi saw Chen Yu’s indifferent look.

With a sudden heart, he quickly handed Chen Yu a small white porcelain bottle.

He took out a small black porcelain bottle, poured out a pill from it, put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

The subtext of the other party is very clear, after giving the pill, you can die.

And to poison, not an antidote …

Thinking carefully about the meaning of this sentence, Xuanjizi couldn’t help but feel a little numb on his scalp.

This is a complete ruthless person!

Apparently planning to control a few masters in the short term and directly use them as cannon fodder.

Even if you don’t die, then the poison will attack …

Leave it to fend for itself.

Although Xuanzhizi prides himself as ruthless.

But see this way of playing.

I suddenly felt a little panicked.

“That’s right.”

Chen Yu nodded, smiled and took the porcelain bottle and put it into his arms.

Solipsism pills are indeed good things, but this one is indeed not easy to refine.

The antidote is equally difficult.

In the game, even if the protagonist makes a move, it takes a lot of effort to get this thing.

A little less is normal.

Moreover, if there are five, it is almost enough.

After all, there are goals that are valuable enough and greedy for life and afraid of death…

In fact, there are very few.

That group of second-rate and third-rate masters, as weak as chickens, have no need to control at all.

As for whether Xuanzhizi would secretly practice the antidote or something, Chen Yu actually didn’t care too much.

Anyway, he only stayed for three months.

The rest of the thing, let it be.

Moreover, even if Xuanjizi took the antidote, it would not change anything.

“Actually, taking this medicine is a good thing.”

Chen Yu looked at Xuan Hazi’s constipated expression and casually started his ideological work.

After all, the other side is talent.

It should be preferential.

“It is a blessing for the subordinates to be honored and given medicine.”

Xuanzhizi was startled and hurriedly said.

“You have been running your own business for so many years, and you still have this bird look, even I can’t stand it.”

“Follow me, it’s our own. You have shown loyalty, made great achievements, and are outstanding talents. ”

“It is reasonable to wait for me to kill the Dragon King and become the sect leader, and give you a magic king or even a light messenger.”

Chen Yu patted Xuanzhizi’s shoulder and spoke sincerely.

“…… What is the Lightbringer? ”

“Don’t we have this position in the church? It’s okay, I have it when I become the sect leader. ”

“There are two in total, one left and one right, and their status is higher than the four great masters, second only to the sect leader and deputy sect leader.”

Chen Yu was slightly startled, and casually explained.

Although he played “The Legend of the Wulin Group”, he only remembered the plot.

Not so enthusiastic, even the organizational structure of each sect is clear.

It’s all inconsequential little things anyway.

If you really want to be the boss, just change it.

“The Four Great Venerables? Vice-Sect Leader? ”

Xuanjizi was stunned again.

“Do you have a lot of questions to ask?”

“…… The subordinates did not dare. ”

Xuanzhizi lowered his head slightly, silent for a moment, and a trace of eagerness flashed in his eyes.

He didn’t win the flawless in charge, and he didn’t mix well in the Heavenly Dragon Sect.

In the eyes of the jianghu people, they are murderous, sinister and cunning, and awe-inspiring.

But in fact, they are all mixed up and left alone.

Because there are too many people who have offended, walking the rivers and lakes is extremely vigilant every day, and it is impossible to sleep peacefully.

It’s comparable to a street rat …

Now, his own master and nephew, who was originally humble, suddenly showed shocking strength and mind.

He also said that he wanted to kill the Dragon King.

It seems that with his martial arts, it is really possible to achieve it…

This thing, although it sounds a bit child’s play.

However, if the Dragon King is really dead, it will not be a child’s play.

It is a major event that changes the pattern of the entire rivers and lakes!

Moreover, what the other party said is also very reasonable.

This is indeed an opportunity for him.

Most likely, if you change the owner.

It can be mixed much better than now.

At least, it’s better than selling your life to the Dragon King!

Well, anyway, everyone goes to the Tianlong Sect for glory and wealth, and the power is in hand!

If you can get these things.

To whom is it not selling?

Thinking of his future majesty, the scene of his masters like clouds.

Xuanzhizi couldn’t help but be moved.

A sullen breath that was originally blocked in my heart suddenly dissipated.

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