“…… It was a faux pas, and I asked the young man to forgive him. ”

Luo Na’s eyes swept and found that Jiang Tianxiong and Xuanzhizi both looked lively, and had no intention of making a move.

Even, there is some indescribable playfulness in their eyes.

It seems that there is still some taste of empathy?

Although Rona couldn’t figure out the reason, he couldn’t help but feel even more awe-inspiring.

This shows that they know that they are not the opponent of this teenager no matter what.

You can’t even escape if you want to.

I just heard that his name is Thorn and he is the second disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect.

Xiaoyao’s flawless man is certainly an absolute master, and he is by no means his enemy.

But is his apprentice so unfathomable?

Then the Xiaoyao faction now, isn’t it going to heaven?

“Well, everyone is short of time, so let’s not talk nonsense. To put it simply, I want to rescue the Heavenly King of this Sect, are you willing to help? ”

Chen Yu spoke.


Ling Xiang’er blinked, seemingly a little dazed.

“You… What did you say? ”

Rona blushed and swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty.

It feels weird.

“I said I wanted to rescue Li Cangtian, haven’t you been planning for more than ten years?”

Chen Yu said lightly.

“Lord Heavenly King… He…”

“Still alive and well, jumping alive, imprisoned in the Shaolin Temple, the Brahma Creation Skill he practiced should almost be completed, is there any problem?”

“…… No. ”

“No, you can contact Carolus, right?”

Chen Yu thought about it and asked again.

Carolus Ren Tianxiang is also the sworn friend of the Heavenly King.

The martial arts are also quite good, although it is certainly not as good as the abbot of Shaolin without cause, but it should be on the same level as the first colorless of the Shaolin Ruotang Hall and the first Wuhui of the Luohan Hall.

You can barely try to squeeze into the last train of the top ten masters in the world.

It’s a usable combat power.


Rona was silent for a moment, giving an affirmative answer.

“Well, after ten days, under the mountain of the young room, everyone will not be dispersed.”

“When we rescue the Heavenly King, let’s go to the Heavenly Dragon Sect and get the Dragon King down.”

Chen Yu thought about it and added.

Anyway, according to the personality, although these two people have average martial arts, their scheming is not very deep.

But he is indeed loyal to Li Cangtian, and will not give up even if there is a glimmer of hope.

Now that time is tight and there is still a shortage of people, I can barely cooperate.

“Wait for the sect leader to come out, let’s talk about it…”

Rona and Ling Xiang’er looked at each other, their expressions extremely stiff.

Why are these two big things, said in the mouth of the young man in front of him, giving people a feeling of light clouds and breeze.

As if, just a breeze.

This kind of self-confidence, even the stunning Li Cangtian and the profound wisdom of Li Canglong did not have it.

“Don’t use the title of sect leader indiscriminately.”

“The sect leader of the Heavenly Dragon Sect, I am also interested. However, I can also give Li Cangtian a chance. ”

Chen Yu smiled and said, “As long as he can beat me.” ”


Luo Na’s face changed, revealing a hint of anger.

“You should be glad that you are not hostile to us, if you were, you would have died.”

“If I were you, I would choose to wait for Li Cangtian to come out before trying to tear my face, then you might still have a chance.”

“…… Good. ”

Rona’s face stiffened, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

Not to mention the teenager in front of him, Jiang Tianxiong or Xuanzhizi alone will fight a draw at most.

Now he still has internal injuries, and he has to lose nine times out of ten.

Ling Xiang’er’s martial arts skills are not as good as herself, and the probability of losing is higher.

If there is trouble now, then the two of them will only have a dead end.

It is not a pity to die by yourself, but finally there is a glimmer of opportunity to rescue the Heavenly King, and it is also shattered.

It is better to wait for the Heavenly King to come out, thinking that the Heavenly King has a deep plan, and he will have a brilliant plan.

“Okay, this matter and even the counterattack of the Heavenly Dragon Sect, you four nights to determine the plan. I still have some things, so I will go out first. ”

Chen Yu simply finished what he should say.

I saw that it was not early in the morning, and I left.

“Congratulations to the lord.”

Jiang Tianxiong and Xuanzhizi hurriedly got up and said respectfully.

“Make things beautiful.”

Chen Yu did not look back.


“Do these two want to give Dan?”

Seeing Chen Yu really walking out, Xuan Xizi was startled and added.

“The number of treasure pills is limited, and it can’t be wasted. Wait for Li Cangtian to come out, give him a pill. ”

Chen Yu said lightly.


Xuanzhizi and Jiang Tianxiong looked at each other, and they were actually a little excited in their hearts.

That’s heavenly!

Ten years ago, the first person in the world!

Today, even if he is not as good as the Dragon King, he is the second master in the world.

If it is reduced to a treatment with them.

Then their row seems to have risen a lot.

Rhonna: …

Ling Xiang’er: …

Although it is not clear what they are talking about, it seems that they are looked down upon.

Rona gritted his teeth secretly, helpless.


Chen Yu went downstairs to eat a bowl of noodles, bypassed several alleys, and walked more than ten miles.

When the lights first came on, I came to a grand and magnificent mansion with a vast area.

This is one of the secret strongholds of the East Factory, which is laid out for the entire Jiangnan martial arts.

Chen Gonggong, the owner of the East Factory, also lives here.

This is the information given by Jiang Tianxiong.

After all, one of his vests is the commander of the West Factory.

For the old rival of the East Factory, it is still very cautious.

I can’t wait to find out what color Grandpa Chen’s bottoms are.

Chen Gonggong’s methods are ruthless, and his martial arts are unfathomable.

He is the person in today’s dynasty who is most hated by loyal subjects and righteous people.

Of course, his methods are also quite vicious.

Even, taking the opportunity of imprisoning loyal subjects, he planned to lure out the jianghu people who opposed the imperial court and wipe them out.

How to say it, this is also the regular operation of the factory flowers that Chen Yu saw in the movie.

After all, eunuchs are so cruel to themselves.

Definitely ruthless to others.

While thinking about it, Chen Yu swung all the way through the dark whistle and walked to the study in the back house.

Although there are many dark whistles, they are only some second-order and third-order rookies.

With a glance of Chen Yu’s heart, he could find their location clearly.

With his acumen of nearly five hundred, as long as he does not want to be discovered, he will not be discovered.

Walking not far from the study, Chen Yu stopped.

A man dressed as a stall knocked on the door and waited honestly on the side.


Some hoarse voices sounded, and the study door opened on its own.

The man walked in, half kneeling on the ground.

“Let’s listen to the excitement first.”

Chen Yu closed his eyes slightly and calmed down.

Even the slight sounds of conversation in the room can be heard clearly.

Chen Gonggong is also on the challenge list, ranking seventh.

In theory, although they are stronger than Jiang Tianxiong, they are not much more powerful.

Chen Yu has not yet made up his mind, whether this Chen Gonggong wants to be killed or taken as a younger brother.

Like, all of them.

Then give him a chance and see how the other party performs.

Insidious and cunning, scheming and the like, just stay.

Ambitious and talented, self-righteous and so on, they killed easily.

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