Li Canglong walked very uneasily…

Although his martial arts skills are world-renowned, he is also in the category of reasoning.

Thinking is also not separated from the influence of quacks.

Except for the level gap that constitutes a flash sale…

Fighting divides the winner, isn’t it a comparison of internal strength?

Whoever has no internal strength will kneel.

Born with divine power?

It’s pointless.

If I punch it, the elephant will die.

However, Chen Yu does not talk about this kind of rule.

Internal forces, although useful to him, are not vital at all.

When he was laughing at the arrogant plane of the rivers and lakes, he didn’t have any internal strength, and he killed Zuo Lengchan and consumed Chong Xu and Fang Zheng.

And in the dragon and snake plane, until the final, basically did not use internal force.

Extremely strong personal physical qualities alone can level everything.

For the vast majority of reincarnations, the primary consideration is also the basic values of strength, physical strength, acuity, and spirit.

Exclusive values such as internal power, spiritual power, and magic power are the icing on the cake to increase the means of attack.

Li Canglong is indeed fierce.

In the case of seven or eight percent of the internal force, he also received five or six punches from Chen Yu before he was shocked to death.

Chen Yu estimated that if he planned to win with his national skills at the beginning of the game, it would be quite difficult to kill him.

Although it is not impossible to beat him.

But if Li Canglong finds out that something is wrong…

If you perform light work, most of them can still retreat with your whole body.

And Chen Yu consumed his internal strength with Li Canglong.

He has no internal strength, but he lacks a means of long-range attack.

But the other party has no internal strength, and the person has basically gone away.

“Ding, judge that the dragon king Li Canglong has been killed, challenge the evaluation to upgrade.”

“The challenge mission has been completed to the limit!”

“If you defeat or kill the remaining peak powerhouses in the future, you will not increase your evaluation.”

The space system prompted.

Chen Yu defeated the First Dragon King, the Second Day King, the Fourth Flawless, the Sixth Causeless, and the Seventh Duke of Chen.

It seems that the challenge ceiling has been reached.

The rest of the Sword Saint, Ke Descending Dragon, and Yasha in front of him didn’t have to fight.

This is also a good thing.

There are still a lot of things going on now, and there is no time to find people on the map.

Besides, the devil knows where Ke Descending Dragon is.

The Sword Saint is in the Sword Room.

But he is the leader of the Heavenly Dragon Sect.

He also personally ran to find the sword saint than the sword, which was somewhat of a drop in value.

Chen Yugang brushed his breath and shook the blood beads and dust off his body.

Grab a piece of nougat and stuff it into your mouth.

The God Eater Skill, together with seeing that the god is not bad, quickly restored his qi, blood and internal strength.


The smoke and dust cleared, and everyone in the Heavenly Dragon Sect fell silent as they looked at the mutilated body of Li Canglong.

A few minutes ago, Li Canglong was still as majestic as a god.

But now, it has become a cold corpse.

The huge sense of gap left everyone speechless.

Ye Liuyun, Luo Shejun and the others hurriedly retreated, making a look of nothing.

Jiang Tianxiong and the others comprehended and also retreated to Li Cangtian’s side.

On the field, Shi Wuyi and Ren Tianxiang came and went, and the fight was incomparably fierce.

“Okay, you two don’t be embarrassed, you have to get out and fight!”

Li Cangtian sighed, and his figure flashed and came to the two of them.

One by one, he picked them up and threw them out.


Shi Wuyi fell to the ground, his eyes swept, and he found Li Canglong’s body.

The look in everyone’s eyes was also very strange.

“That’s it.”

She thought about it, let out a long sigh, jumped up, and disappeared without a trace.

“Congratulations to the sect leader for killing the traitor Li Canglong.”

Jiang Tianxiong and Xuanzhizi comprehended in their hearts, half knelt down, and shouted.

“Sect Leader Wen Tao is martial arts, unparalleled in the world.”

Li Cangtian also said.

Li Cangtian thought of Chen Yu’s casual words on the road, and his ideal body was completely exhausted.

The mood is also a little complicated.

Although he has lofty ideals, he hopes to build an ideal country in the Western Regions, just like the promised land of the West.

But it’s really just a fantasy.

The whole structure is based on a cult of personality and a high degree of moral self-discipline.

This is clearly not feasible.

Of course, since someone has singled out the problem, it is also a good thing.

Explain that there is still room for improvement.

“Sect Leader Wen Tao is martial arts, unparalleled in the world.”

Ye Liuyun hurriedly walked behind Li Cangtian and bowed down.

“The sect leader participates in the creation of merit and strengthens the thousands.”

Luo Snakejun also came over.

For a while, he couldn’t think of any ingenious congratulatory messages.

Simply moved the congratulatory message of the Dragon King Li Canglong directly.

Of course, this is also a good word, but it does not affect much.

“The two have both ability and moral integrity, wisdom and courage, these two solipsistic pills, I will give them to you equally.”

Chen Yu smiled and sat on the Dragon King throne.

With a flick of their fingers, two pills broke through the air and landed in the palms of their hands.

“Thank you Sect Master for giving Dan.”

Ye Liuyun smiled lightly and swallowed the poison pill in one gulp.

“Thank you Sect Master for giving Dan.”

Luo Snakejun’s eyelids jumped, but seeing that Ye Liuyun had already eaten, he also ate it.

Anyway, you still have to eat in the end, it’s better to leave a good impression.

The scene lightened.

When Li Cangtian, Jiang Tianxiong, and Xuanzhizi saw the two of them, there was a vague recognition in their eyes.

Ye Liuyun and Luo Snake Jun are Li Canglong’s right hand men, the absolute high-level of the Heavenly Dragon Sect.

Now that they have surrendered, the tide is set.

“See the Sect Leader!”

The rest of the Heavenly Dragon Sect members knelt down one after another, motionless.

“Let’s all get up.”

Chen Yu thought for a while and said, “Li Canglong has been stealing the position for a long time, and the system he practices has many drawbacks, and the ministry in the teaching today has been changed as follows. ”

“The original sect leader Li Cangtian, this year’s affairs are high, since he was invited to be the deputy sect leader, he can ask about all matters in the sect.”

“Thank you, Sect Leader.”

Li Cangtian held his fist.

“This sect has added two messengers of light, whose status is second only to the sect leader and deputy sect leader.”

“Jiang Tianxiong is the right envoy of the light, and Xuanjizi is the left envoy of the light.”

“Thank you, Sect Leader!”

Jiang Tianxiong and Xuanjizi were overjoyed and hurriedly thanked them.

“Ye Liuyun and Luo Shejun still hold the throne of the Guardian Law, and Ren Tianxiang, Luo Na, and Ling Xiang’er restore their original status as the Venerable King.”

Chen Yu said lightly.

“Thank you, Sect Leader!”

The five thanked at the same time.

Originally, Chen Yu planned to get the four great masters.

But now how to look at it is also five people.

Let’s have five then.

You can’t kill one temporarily.

Speaking of which, there are five people in the four heavenly kings, which seems to be common sense.

“The rest of the people present were all deceived by Li Canglong, and they were not punished without merit.”

“Thank you for your grace!”

“What Shi Wuyi did today is extremely rude, and his contributions in the past are written off!”

“His person has been removed from the Heavenly Dragon Sect from now on, and his identity as a king will be nullified, and if he trespasses on the Heavenly Dragon Sect again, there will be no mercy!”

Chen Yu thought about it and added.

“The Sect Leader is wise!”

The sound of the mountain roaring and tsunami sounded, which made people intoxicated.

“No wonder they all like to be the boss, it’s really cool.”

Chen Yu shook his head and laughed dumbly.

He has experienced being a high-ranking man and a worshipper, and he has no shortage of experience in being a big man.

Just a shoe sect leader, but it’s nothing.

If you want to be a novelty, you have to be an emperor.

I don’t know if there will be a chance in the future.

“Let’s all go down and rest, tomorrow at this time, gather here and discuss great things.”

Chen Yu smiled and stood up.

“Congratulations to the Sect Leader!”

Hundreds of people chanted at the same time, and the sound came from afar.

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