Two more hours

The four fields are empty, and the snow is white all the way, reflecting the moonlight.

Incredibly bright.

Chen Yu rode the red rabbit horse and opened the way all the way.

Behind him were Gao Shun, Chen Gong, Lu Lingqi and Sable Cicada.

Yes, sable cicadas.

After Chen Yu returned to the mansion, he was pleasantly surprised.

This version of the sable cicada is actually not bad.

Not the character of the vase.

There is no need to talk about high appearance.

Force and spirit are okay.

There are many more strategies that can be used.

The strength is between Bo Zhong and Gao Shun.

It is equivalent to the martial arts side of the fourth-order peak. (Martial Arts + Techniques)

Chen Palace is equivalent to the strength of the fourth-order upper grade.

Lu Lingqi is slightly inferior, probably in the fourth order.

Zhang Liao, on the other hand, was the only military general who had reached the fifth rank of strength.

Chen Yu arranged for him to sit in the city lord’s council hall.

Under normal circumstances, Cao Cheng is the superior side, and he will not come to attack the city in the middle of the night.

Other things, Zhang Liao is enough to deal with.

After five people, seven hundred camps poured out and galloped all the way.

This is an elite unit trained by Gao Shun.

Although the number of people is small, the battle is extremely brave.

Equipment, ability, and will to fight are all second to none in Lü Bu’s army.

Even, in the entire Three Kingdoms, it is second to none.

Everyone basically has the strength of about the second order.


“Knock knock!”

In front of Liu Beizhai, war drums sounded and the gate of the village opened.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei led 2,000 soldiers and horses, draped in clothes, and blocked the way.


Fireworks rise.

A moment later, a beam of fireworks also rose from Cao Jun’s tent.

Secretly, torches continued and it seemed that an army had begun to assemble.

“Three surnamed house slaves, Hugh go!”

Zhang Fei waved the Zhangba Snake Spear and roared.

“I’m not leaving.”

“Hahaha, you were stopped by Lao Tzu, of course you can’t leave.”

Zhang Fei was proud and laughed.

“I’m here to kill you.”

Chen Yu pinched the belly of the red rabbit horse.

The red rabbit hissed, accelerated suddenly, and lifted its feet off the ground on all fours, as if galloping.

“Rise up!”

The sable cicada let out a low sigh, and a red light flashed on Chen Yu’s body.

The red light turned on Chen Yu’s body, and then rushed towards the halberd tip of Fang Tian’s halberd and Fang Tian’s four-corner blade.

Fang Tian’s halberd flashed red, looking a little enchanting.

In the game, Rise Up is to add 20% attack power.

But the reincarnation tower does not have attack power.

It is estimated that it will become sharpness, or energy excitation and the like.

Chen Yu had no time to study for a while.

Anyway, it’s not a bad thing.


Seeing Chen Yu taking the initiative to charge, Zhang Fei’s face also became solemn.

The horse ran forward, holding the spear of the eight snakes, and stabbing out in the center.

Before the snake spear arrived, the qi surged, stabbing straight towards Chen Yu’s chest.

In the void, a cyan python seemed to appear.

Crossing his body, holding his head high and spitting out the letter, he pounced, and looked cruel.


Chen Yu felt as if there was a sound of a giant python sticking out its tongue in his ears, and his body was slightly cold.

Martial arts true meaning!

The proper cultivation of the fifth order should still be above Zhang Liao.

Most of them, it has reached the grade of the fifth order middle grade.

Watching “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, what he didn’t understand the most was those super-first-class military generals.

It seems that from the moment he debuted, he had super-first-class martial arts.

As for how these martial arts came from, it is not written at all.

What’s even more outrageous is that after Liu Guanzhang decided to raise troops.

“Yun Chang made the Green Dragon Xianyue Knife, also known as Leng Yan Saw, weighing eighty-two catties. Zhang Fei made an eight-point steel spear. ”

It can be seen that before this, these two did not even have weapons.

Guan Yu is good to say, after all, the eighty-two pound big knife is too flamboyant.

When fleeing, carrying this thing, it is somewhat cerebral palsy.

Zhang Fei was weird.

As a big dog family, he has money, a house, and a younger brother.

If you practice martial arts, you won’t even have decent weapons.


It can be seen that there is a ghost, and Chen Yu can’t understand it.

If you can’t understand it, you can’t understand it.

It’s not interesting to have this kind of thing set up officially.


Chen Yu let out a low sigh, and Fang Tian drew a halberd to disperse the qi in mid-air, and then went straight to the Xiangzhang Eight Snake Spear.

The sound of weapons colliding sounded.

Long and crisp!

Fang Tian’s halberd and Zhangba’s spear collided together, constantly vibrating.

Every change implies an extremely dangerous killing move.

If you are not careful, it will be a blood spatter.

There is no room for redemption.


With one move, the two switched positions.

Zhang Fei’s warhorse suddenly took a few steps back and half knelt down.

“Come again!”

Zhang Fei was furious, roared, and wiped the blood that burst from the tiger’s mouth.

There is not much difference between the two in terms of moves.

But in terms of strength, he is inferior to Chen Yu, and the mount is far inferior to the Red Rabbit Horse Shenjun.

It’s fine if you fight in foot.

But horse warfare requires the impact of horsepower.

Under one move, he suffered a big loss.

However, Zhang Fei was extremely brave, and after being injured, he increased his power even more, and did not show any decline.

“Second brother and third brother, hurry back!” Let this thief go. ”

Upstairs, the sound of gold sounded.

A man draped in his body jumped down, holding two swords, and the sword light flashed.

“Hmph, the family slave surnamed San, today a certain brother let you go, count your life well!” Your grandpa Zhang is bound to kill you in the future! ”

Zhang Fei was startled, the corners of his mouth lifted, and sneered.

“Do you want to leave if you can’t fight?”

Chen Yu glanced at Liu Bei, slapped the red rabbit horse, the red rabbit’s neck was raised, the horse’s hooves touched the ground, and jumped out of thin air.

“Gao Shun, block Guan Yu!”

“The rest of the people, surround Liu Bei!”

In mid-air, Chen Yu Fangtian’s halberd flipped and suddenly slashed towards Zhang Fei.


Gao Shun burst out and rushed to Guan Yu first.

“The momentum of the charge, there is no advance or retreat!”

Seven hundred camps drew their swords at the same time, and more than a hundred people surrounded Guan Yu.

The remaining people directly charged the two thousand soldiers and horses behind Liu Bei.

To be outnumbered!

“Death to those who stand in my way!”

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a wave of the green dragon moon knife, a dragon-shaped phantom was cut out.

Gao Shun snorted and was forced back by Guan Yu’s move.

More than ten trapped sergeants were cut into two pieces by the overflowing sword qi and killed on the spot.

The gap between the fifth and second orders is like heaven and earth.

“The will of the trap, there is death or life!”

The remaining trapped soldiers pressed towards Guan Yu without fear.


Lu Lingqi snorted, jumped off her war horse lightly, and rushed towards Liu Bei.

Her weapon is a sword and shield combination, which is excellent in defense, but not suitable for horse combat.

“Where the battle is dead and alive, is it a place where women play?”

Liu Bei shook his sword and looked indifferent.

The body glows orange-yellow.

This is a domineering skill unique to the Monarch class.

Temporary increase of 20% in each value.

After getting the bonus, Liu Bei suddenly became a peerless fierce man no less than Guan Yu Zhang Fei.

“The husband and jun take the overall situation seriously, and must not be angry.”

The sable cicada explained in a hurry, pulled out a long whip, and also jumped up to meet Liu Bei.

“It’s okay, it’s just Zhang Fei.”

Chen Yu took advantage of the red rabbit horse’s leap and slashed at Zhang Fei.

Then, stepping on the back of the red rabbit horse in the air, he jumped up again.

In mid-air, Fang Tian drew a halberd and waved.

A crescent-shaped blade of light condensed and burst out of the air.

The light blade is purple with a red tinge.

That is the sequential bonus of the Tianzi Dragon Qi and the Rising Effect.

At an extremely strange angle, he cut Zhang Fei’s war horse’s waist.

Suddenly, one cut and two cuts.


Zhang Fei snorted, hurriedly stepped on the horse corpse, and fell into the snow.

The huge anti-shock force caused his huge body to fall into the snow, and he couldn’t help but be slightly shocked.

“Have you ever seen a palm trick falling from the sky?”

After Chen Yu slashed, he took advantage of the momentum to rise again.

Fang Tian painted the halberd with his left hand and held it in his right hand, forming a lotus palm print, and suddenly photographed it.

In the void, purple fire lotuses condensed.

With overwhelming momentum, he bombarded Zhang Fei, who was slightly out of balance.

A dense and violent sound of bone cracking sounded.

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