Hundreds of cavalry came to a hundred meters away in front of Chen Yu, and then stopped cautiously.

The centaurs were silent and silent.

Xu Huang’s eyes swept over Liu Guanzhang’s corpse not far away, silent.

“Komeito wants to fight?”

Chen Yu sat on the red rabbit horse and smiled at Xu Huang.

Xu Huang didn’t know him.

But a famous general with a big axe.

It seems to be just him.

It can’t be Li Kui, right?

“…… Wen Hou is not harmed. ”

Xu Huang took a deep breath and revealed a bitter smile.

What a fart!

Neither Guan Yu nor Zhang Fei is an opponent.

As a result, both hung …

It hurts a little to look at.

I don’t know what medicine Lv Bu has taken wrong recently.

The strength has risen to such an unbelievable level.

“Lv Bu is really brave.”

Cheng Yu opened his eyes and looked at Chen Yu for a long time.

Something always feels wrong.

But I can’t tell what’s wrong.

Originally, he thought that Liu Bei was a master of Yu Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei himself was a small master.

Even if Lü Bu is unparalleled in the world, it is difficult to break through from now on.

As a result, Lü Bu really did not break through.

He simply came to kill.

After killing people, he also asked the troops Shi Shiran to rush back to Xia Picheng.

Even, he was still alone in place and broken.

I didn’t pay attention to these hundreds of people at all.

Although Cheng Yu was well-informed, he was also a little speechless.

“Even if you are brave, at least you are unmatched.”

Xu Huang was a little dissatisfied.

“General Xu, can we keep these hundreds of us?”

Cheng Yu gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice.

“If he wants to break through, fight everyone here, there is a one chance to keep him, and a fifty percent chance to force him back to the city.”

“There is still a forty percent chance that we will all die here, and then he will break through.”

Xu Huang hesitated and calculated softly.

“But he looks like he was going back to the city?”

Cheng Yu’s face twitched.



The two looked at each other, their eyes a little hesitant.

The military order they received was only to support Liu Bei and drive Lü Bu back to the city.

Not with him.

Now it’s really encountered.

It is not cost-effective to fight, and it is difficult to explain if it is not called.

I can’t help but be embarrassed.

“Huh? These people… Kind of interesting. ”

Chen Yu glanced at the bloody watch and was slightly startled.

A red dot is still in the camp of the Cao army, and it is estimated that it will not come over at night.

Chen Yu does not consider it at present, and the remaining person will also teleport or teleport.

Normal team configuration is complementary, and the same ability will not be possessed by two people.

The Doomsday Squad certainly knows this better.

The remaining two red dots were not in the ironclad ride, but in a place about a mile in front of them to return to the city.

Are you still planning to ambush?

“Go to a certain house!”

Chen Yu’s heart moved slightly.

He didn’t bother to care what Xu Huang and Cheng Yu thought, and took a selfie to pat the red rabbit horse.

The red rabbit horse hissed, galloping like a fly, and rushed down to Picheng like a cloud of fire.

Although Chen Yu also has a lot of certainty to kill Xu Huang and Cheng Yu.

But after all, the other party also has hundreds of younger brothers, and if you use the escape method, it is still quite time-consuming.

The point is that Chen Yu also does not know the strengthening direction of the opposing reincarnation.

In case the time drags on, the other side has planted a mine.

Then to hell with it…

This unpredictable factor should be dealt with early.

“Junshi Cheng, we…?”

Seeing Chen Yu leaving, Xu Huang seemed relieved and asked.

“…… So be it, or so. ”

Cheng Yu stared at Chen Yu’s background in shock.

After a moment of silence, he looked at Liu Bei’s corpse not far away.

Slowly, a smile squeezed out of his face.

Guan Liu Bei has great talent and is very popular with everyone, and in the end he will not be inferior, it is better to try it early.

Now, Liu Bei is dead, which is indeed excellent.

As for Lü Bu?

It’s just a martial artist, whether you live or die, it doesn’t matter.


A mile away, two mountains overlap.

On both sides are cliffs, which are difficult for apes to climb.

In the middle, there is a mountain road.

It’s not wide or narrow, it’s probably enough for three or five people to walk side by side.

Chen Yu thought for a while, took out a bronze grimace mask from his arms, put it on his face, and rode into the valley.

On the battlefield, masks are actually still some market.

After all, the face is also a very vulnerable part.

Covered with fragile organs,

Once hit, it is often a serious injury.

In addition, the mask can also hide the identity and mental state of the wearer, preventing the enemy from knowing their own reality.

Of course, limited by various conditions, those who can wear masks are often high-ranking generals.

After all, masks are no better than armor.

The poorly made mask, half of it fell during the battle, covered the eyes, and the person was basically gone.

Chen Yu’s strength is not needed for this thing.

But in the spirit of saving, I still asked Zhang Liao for one.

After all, if you don’t use a mask, you have to use transfiguration.

100 points at a time, a bit of a no-brainer.

“You are Your Excellency Zhenwu, right?”

In the middle of the trail, a young man in a suit and top hat stands.

Blonde and fair-skinned, typical of the Europa race.

Seeing Chen Yu’s grimace mask, he was slightly stunned and showed a very sunny smile.

Behind him, stood a woman with white hair and white eyes, her face pale.

He looks average, has a flat figure, wears a white clothes, and looks cold.

I have to say that in the snow like this, it’s quite protective …

Ordinary people with bad eyes can’t see at all.

“What do you call it?”

Chen Yu stopped the red rabbit horse and asked lightly.

“My name is Neo, she has no name, you can call her Snow Girl.”

“Ice Girl.”

The woman said lightly.


Chen Yu said casually.


The ice woman glanced at Chen Yu coldly, as if she was looking at a dead person.

“Haha… You have something interesting, I like you. ”

“Unfortunately, you are our enemy, and the Dark Council does not need you.”

“So, you don’t have the right to live.”

“Let’s make a quick decision, it’s good for everyone.”

Neo smiled, took off his hat and bowed, his voice seemed to be a little regretful.

The next moment, his pupils turned conical, and then long black hair grew all over his body.

The face twisted violently and turned into the head of a giant wolf.

The muscles agitated, and the body exploded to about three meters, easily bursting his clothes and pants, revealing an extremely strong body.


Huge bone claws emerge from the cracks in the bones of the back of the hand, reflecting the moonlight, giving people the feeling of being extremely sharp.

Neo’s wolf head showed an excited and bloodthirsty expression.

He also stuck out his tongue and licked the wolf’s lips, and then grinned widely and seemed to laugh.

“What is it? Husky perfected? ”

Chen Yu frowned.

Neo’s smile stopped abruptly, revealing an angry expression.


Then, he suddenly opened his mouth and screamed.

“Okay, it’s a werewolf, is this your talent?”

Chen Yu nodded in understanding, a little curious in his heart.

I haven’t really seen a living werewolf.

Werewolves go to the Dark Council…

Well, it does seem to make sense.

But it feels like werewolves are not forced.

That is, a berserker with a brain full of muscles.

It’s not as good as the vampires who often fall in love with them.

At least, people can fly …

Hearing Chen Yu’s words, Neo seemed to be startled again.

Then, there was another scream.

“Next time, I’d rather go on a mission alone than be with this stupid wolf!”

“Originally stupid, after changing into a wolf, the intelligence is simply negative!”

The ice woman sighed, and ice crystals flickered and fluttered around her, as if they had spiritual intelligence.


The werewolf Neo let out a long roar, using his hands and feet together, his speed was comparable to that of a galloping horse, and suddenly rushed towards Chen Yu.

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