“Your Highness Shizi, the subordinates believe that Brother Jin is not this kind of person, and are willing to vouch for Brother Jin.”

Hearing Chen Yu’s footsteps leaving, Jiang Chongwei hurriedly said.

“Thank you Brother Jiang.”

Jin Jiuling’s voice choked, and he seemed extremely moved.

“Well, if not, naturally it’s best.”

“So be it for today. After Master Jin goes back, please give me a result as soon as possible. ”

Nanwang Shizi glanced at Jin Jiuling seriously and said coldly.

Originally, he also said Mr. Jin and Jin Hunting Head, but now it has been changed to Lord Jin.

Outside of the words, it is clear that the relationship is much estranged.

Chen Yu only said a few words just now.

But Jin Jiuling’s suspicion was completely pointed out.

Originally, no one thought that Jin Jiuling, the boss of the six doors, would also become a big thief.

It belongs to the simple light black.

But, now once put him into the suspect target.

It was found that his suspicion was indeed very large.

After all, behind every robbery, it seems that his shadow can be found.

The combined wealth of those robberies is also too amazing.

It can be called a rich country.

Even King Nan may not be able to refuse such a large fortune.

Jin Jiuling is naturally no exception.

After all, his external image has never been extravagant.

Not an ascetic at all.

If it was an ordinary person, Nanwang Shizi had already put him in prison and tortured him for questioning.

But Jin Jiuling’s status is not low.

If he is forcibly detained, even the Prince of Nan Shizi will have to pay a certain price.

After thinking for a moment, Nanwang Shizi still gave up.

“It’s the incompetence of the lower official, thank Lord Yecheng today for solving the confusion and providing a good idea for the lower official.”

Jin Jiuling sighed: “I’ll prepare after I go back, and I’ll deal with this matter as soon as possible.” ”

“I hope so.”

Nanwang Shizi waved his hand and walked out as well.

“Brother Jin doesn’t have to care, Lord Yecheng is a person who practices swords, he has always been straightforward and does not know how to be flexible.”

“I personally believe in Brother Jin.”

Jiang Chongwei comforted.

“It’s the little brother who is incompetent and has not been able to avenge Brother Jiang.”

“After I go back, I will do my best to find out the results of this matter as soon as possible.”

Jin Jiuling let out a long sigh, held Jiang Chongwei’s hand, and sighed in an emotional voice.

Unfortunately, Jiang Chongwei was already blind.

He couldn’t see that a trace of gloomy killing intent flashed in Jin Jiuling’s eyes.

Jin Jiuling pretended to check for half an hour before leaving the Nanwang Mansion.

Make thoughtful looks along the way, as if busy with a case.

It wasn’t until he returned to his mansion and closed the door of his study that his face sank.

“Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng!”

“You’re going to fight Ximen Chuixue on the fifteenth of next month, don’t you think about how to survive, and dare to take care of my nosy business?”

Jin Jiuling was furious in his heart, and gently patted Lihuamu’s book.

The entire book collapsed silently.

He was indeed disgusted by Chen Yu.

If you really want to kill Chen Yu, the cost is not small, and you can’t clear your suspicions.

No, the suspicion is even greater.

What’s even more disgusting is that even if the other party dies at the hands of Ximen Chuixue next month, it will take a whole month.

During this period, if Nanwang and Shizi continue to put pressure…

I may not be able to last this long.

“Let the snake king come and see me.”

Jin Jiuling sat silently for a long time, and finally exhaled and whispered.


There was a sound of clothes skimming outside the door, and it was obvious that someone had been ordered to leave.

Around him, there are several first-class masters at all times.

This is one of the reasons why he needs a lot of wealth.

After all, collecting masters is not something that can be charismatic alone.

“The pig that has been raised for so long is indeed fattened, and it is time to kill.”

The thread that has been buried for so long is simply collected together.

“Red Shoes” are nothing more than a bunch of self-righteous women.

Let them disappear with the “embroidery thief”.

By the way, they took the wealth from Tsing Yi Lou, and now they have turned a few hands and washed them clean.

It’s time to spit it out.

As for Ye Gucheng?

If you want to be nosy, arrange for him to die with the red shoes.

The world is mediocre, all pigs and dogs.

If you don’t be a good dog, you can only be a pig.

Pigs are always pigs, and even smart pigs cannot escape the fate of being slaughtered.

Thinking of this, Jin Jiuling slowly exhaled a long breath and smiled slightly.


“The guards in the royal palace are divided into two shifts when they are on duty at night.”

“Two hundred people per class, divided into six teams.”

“A team of guards outside the treasure house, a total of fifty-four people, each in a group of nine.”

“From the time of E. It patrols along the perimeter of the treasure house, with only a gap of two teas at most. ”

In the darkness of night, a young man dressed as a royal guard, like a gecko, constantly swam on the roof of the palace.

The young man was handsome, and the two beards on his mouth were as neat and beautiful as his eyebrows.

At a glance during the day, it seems to have four eyebrows, which is extremely conspicuous.

On the rivers and lakes, “four eyebrows” has also become Lu Xiaofeng’s exclusive title.

Lu Xiaofeng is not a thief.

He just wanted to prove that someone could break into that treasure trove on his own.

As long as you can do it yourself, the behavior pattern of the embroidery thief can be inferred.

Then, Lu Xiaofeng was completely confused.

The four walls of this treasure house are made of huge stones, and there is not even a window.

I can’t fly in even if I’m a fly …

After flying up to the roof, he lifted a few roof tiles.

Then, it was discovered that there were three layers of iron mesh under the roof tiles…

Even if you have a sharp blade, you may not be able to cut it.

Moreover, these three layers of iron mesh did not have a trace of destruction at all.

Obviously, the embroidery thief did not take this path.


Lu Xiaofeng frowned and stared intently at the barbed wire.

After a moment of silence, he honestly restored the roof tiles and shook his head.

Willing to lose the bet.

“I’m not looking for it.”

Lu Xiaofeng stood up and swallow-like in the air.

Now his mentality has collapsed, and he just wants to go back quickly.

“Come and come, let’s stay.”

At night, someone said lightly.


Lu Xiaofeng’s eyes suddenly widened.

On the roof not far away, I don’t know when, a man in white appeared.

The face is not clear to see, but the eyes are like cold stars, flashing with cold light.

The next moment, the sword light flashed and stabbed from the opposite roof.

A sword qi that seemed to make even the bone marrow cold pierce straight to his heart.

“Flying Immortals from Heaven!”

Lu Xiaofeng was shocked, hurriedly fell a jack and landed on the ground.

The sword qi rotated in the air, turning into countless sword shadows, and chased after it in the air.

Lu Xiaofeng took a sharp breath, and his entire chest collapsed.

The body was like noodles, twisting a few times, avoiding the sword shadow’s air stab.

The next moment, he smiled lightly, and his eyes showed an extremely confident and free color.

Two fingers were stretched out, with heavy shadows, and clamped towards the blade.

Lingxi finger!

The sword light gathers and emits a brilliant light.

Then, disappear without a trace.


Lu Xiaofeng stared at his fingers, his expression stiff.

Between the two fingers, it is empty.

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