In a palatial hall.

Lu Xiaofeng and Xue Bing, who was flushed, sat on the side, looking at the decoration of the hall with some curiosity.

By the way, sneak a few glances at the girl.

Six beautiful girls sat side by side opposite Chen Yu, their eyes curious.

This is also the remaining member of the red shoe.

There are chivalrous women who are very heroic and free at first glance, and there is a shy little family jasper.

Even, there are nuns in green clothes and white socks.

They were unceremonious to Lu Xiaofeng, the prospective brother-in-law, and punched hard at every turn.

But in the face of Chen Yu, they obviously restrained a lot, smiled one by one, and became knowledgeable.

After all, as we all know, Lu Xiaofeng doesn’t like to kill people and never does anything with women.

And Ye Gucheng’s words…

It has always given the impression that if you want to kill someone, there is no taboo.

As a result, the second and third sisters, who have never been afraid of heaven and earth, are also a little instigated.

Lu Xiaofeng is also very peaceful.

Anyway, he was used to being scolded by his sister.

Some have fun in it…

“Your guests have been waiting for a long time.”

A voice as crisp as a silver bell sounded, and Gongsun Lan walked out.

She still held the pair of short swords tied with red silk in her hands.

But the temperament is the same as before.

Brilliant as the morning light, noble as a queen, and as good as a fairy!

Even the clothes she wore didn’t seem to be owned by the world.

It’s a colorful neon dress in the sky!

“The 800-year-old neon feather coat is really gorgeous.”

Chen Yu looked at Gongsun Lan, got up and left his seat, and smiled slightly.

It’s really good-looking.

Originally, Gongsun Lan’s appearance was the ceiling of the entire book.

Now after relying on clothing bonuses, they are comparable to sable cicadas.

“Lord Yecheng is indeed a person who knows the goods.”

Gongsun Lan smiled lightly.

She agreed to Chen Yu’s proposal, but asked to compare sword weapons with Chen Yu again.

“Sword weapon” is not a sword, but an ancient martial arts name.

The dancers’ colorful clothes flutter and the ribbons fly.

It wasn’t until Gongsun Lady that she changed this dance technique, which was originally only for watching, into a martial art that could really stab and hurt people.

This sword technique, since it was born from dance, is of course different from other sword techniques.

The power is exerted to the limit, and it is also different from other sword techniques.

Therefore, today’s Gongsun Lan will specially change into such a colorful clothes.

Because the real power of this sword technique needs “beauty” to exert it.

Only when she restores the appearance of the original peerless beauty can she bring this sword intent to the extreme.

The previous form of Grandma Xiong itself was a discord between the temperament of a person and a sword, and it was completely unable to play the advantages of this set of sword techniques.

The power must be weakened by at least thirty percent.

“The little woman has finished preparing, and she also asked Lord Yecheng for guidance.”

Gongsun Lan smiled gently, Yingying came, and the colorful neon clothes on her body were windless.

It’s like there are thousands of ribbons flying.

“My eldest sister, is it good-looking?”

Xue Bing glared at Lu Xiaofeng and hummed softly.

“It’s not as good as you, but this dress is too top.”

“Next time, when I compare swords with others, I will definitely make such a set of clothes to wear!”

Lu Xiaofeng rolled his eyes.

“Hmm… Well? ”

Xue Bing glanced at Lu Xiaofeng a little strangely.

“This outfit is amazing! You see, now that her sword has not been shot, my eyes have been spent. ”

“If I were Ye City Lord, I would definitely turn around and run.”

“Oh? Then do you say that Lord Yecheng will not run? ”


Lu Xiaofeng suddenly shook his head like a rattle.


“Because people like them are swords, and swords are people. The sword is not deceived by the outside world. ”

“And I’m not a swordsman, just a bastard.”

“…… You are indeed an asshole. ”

Xue Bing glared at Lu Xiaofeng again.

“The little woman made a move, Lord Yecheng be careful.”

Gongsun Lan smiled, and Qianqian’s hands slowly stretched out.

The sword weapon stirred up and flickered in the air.

As the sword light flickered, the seven colored bands on her neon dress continued to flow.

The lights in the hall suddenly turned on.

Ambilight shines on her neon jacket.

In an instant, Gongsun Lan’s whole person seemed to have turned into a brilliant sunrise, shining so much that people couldn’t even open their eyes.

It was almost impossible to tell where she really was.

Thousands of ribbons circulate, and it is impossible to distinguish the location of the sword weapon.

Neon Dress Dance!

This is a song composed by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang for Taoism and used to play during the sacrifice of Laozi in the Taiqing Palace.

It describes the myth of Tang Xuanzong going to the Moon Palace to meet fairies.

The artistic conception of the whole dance music is to depict the ethereal wonderland and the dancing fairies.

After three moves, the ribbons on Gongsun Lan’s body were like mercury pouring to the ground, pervasive.

The entire basilica is included.

The killing intent is rushing, but it is also ethereal and clear, like a dream!

“Gongsun danced, sure enough, Qingshan bowed his head, the wind and clouds changed color, but in the end the people in the song were gone.”

Chen Yu sighed lightly and gently pushed his right hand on the Cold Star Sword.

A sword aura that seemed to make people’s bone marrow cold gushed out from the scabbard.

The sword qi layer by layer covered the void, fixing the approaching ribbon in mid-air.

Chen Yu slowly left the ground and stepped in the void.

Then, a sword turned upside down and stabbed straight down.

The sword intent that was brewing to the limit in the sky exploded with a little sword light.

Then it descended like a cloud falling from the sky.

The sword is like a dragon chanting, the sword light fills the sky, and the god is full of emptiness.

The sky is full of colors.

The ribbon on Gongsun Lan’s body had been torn into powder by sword qi and slowly floated in the air.

Too many beautiful things.


A long sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and the reverberations surrounded the beam.

Both stopped abruptly.



Gongsun Lan actually wanted to move a few times.

But she looked at the long sword that stopped at her throat and stopped.

Mixed feelings!

The long sword was barely a little away from her throat.

The sword was as cold as water, shining on her water-like skin, and even stirred up some ripples.

“It’s over, isn’t it?”

Chen Yu smiled faintly and returned the sword to its sheath.

“What a trick Flying Immortal!”

Gongsun Lan sighed faintly and looked at the two short swords in his hand.

The ribbon of the short sword is still there, not broken.

But her face was even more ugly.

The next moment, a “clicking” vibration sounded.

Countless cracks spread out on the two short swords at the same time.

The short sword exploded with a bang and turned into pieces.


The audience was silent, and even Lu Xiaofeng could hold his breath.

“This sword is formed before the move is made, and God remains after the move has been made, so that the rigidity is the softest, and the unchanged is the change.”

Gongsun Lan bit her lip lightly, and her voice was a little resentful: “The power of the city lord’s sword is unparalleled in the world, and the little woman is convinced.” ”

“Change this outfit, just come with me.”

Chen Yu nodded, turned around and walked out.

“Do as you are told.”

Gongsun Lan stomped his foot lightly and walked into the inner room.

A moment later, he changed into a long purple dress and walked out.

“Take her to see Jin Jiuling, I’ll go back to the royal mansion.”

Chen Yu said hello to Lu Xiaofeng, turned around and walked out.

“Actually… This matter can be discussed again. ”

Lu Xiaofeng said with a bitter smile.


“When I didn’t say…”

“Big sister?”

The remaining girls in the red shoes hurriedly surrounded Gongsun Lan.

“It’s okay, I’ll go see the six-door god catcher, explain things clearly, and come back.”

Gongsun Lan’s gaze swept over the faces of the women.

Finally, he forced a smile, revealing a trace of gloom.


Several girls looked at each other.

I was puzzled, but I didn’t dare to ask more.

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