September 14

The second floor of a small restaurant in Beijing

The wooden Daoist was wearing a broken Daoist robe with thousands of stitches and sat at the table by the window.

A picture of game dust, uninhibited.

Judging from his appearance, no one can guess that he is one of the three famous swords in the world.

There were no guests in the small restaurant, and the dishes were served quickly.

A jug of old wine, a plate of peanuts.

It gives off a light aroma.

The Mu Dao man closed his eyes a little intoxicated, and happily drank the peanut rice.

This is also the way old drinkers eat.

When it comes to the martial arts realm of the Mu Dao people, the combination of wine and vegetables does not matter to protect the liver and protect the kidneys.

The first principle is the principle of flavor, and the taste, taste, aroma, etc. of wine and dishes must be matched and promoted.

Peanuts and liquor are the perfect embodiment of this principle.

The crispiness of peanut rice can not only greatly enhance the pleasure of baijiu to foodies, but also promote the aroma of wine.

The strength of the wine dissolves the fat of the peanut rice.

And the taste of bouncing teeth when chewing peanuts brings an extraordinary comfort to foodies.

Complement one another.


Mu Daoist took another sip of wine and suddenly opened his eyes.

A broken ancient sword placed on the table continued to shake, as if it could break out of its sheath at any time.

Mu Daoren stretched out his right hand and lightly tapped it on the hilt of the sword, and the essence in his eyes flashed.

The ancient sword stopped shaking.

On the stairs of the restaurant, there were footsteps.

It gives a special charm.

A moment later, a man in white slowly walked up to the second floor, came to the opposite side of the wooden roadman, and sat down.

Behind the man is a woman of good age.

She looked at the sloppy wooden Daoist and seemed a little disgusted.

Joan’s nose wrinkled slightly and stood behind the man.

“The sword qi is rushing, presumably the Lord of Baiyun City is here, right?”


Chen Yu began.

“Worthy of being a swordsman unparalleled in the world.”

Mu Daoren fell silent and put down the chopsticks in his hand.

Although Ye Gucheng’s status in the rivers and lakes is high, as a Mu Dao man of Wudang Taishang Elder, he can at least be on an equal footing with him.

However, he came to watch.

At best, you have to give the owner a face.

In case of a disturbance, people will not let themselves watch.

That’s also a bit awkward …

Thinking of this, the Mu Dao people smiled slightly and gave Chen Yu a glass of wine.

Then, raise your glass and salute from afar.

The number of gifts is very sufficient.

“Thank you old knife for the toast.”

Chen Yu smiled and drank the wine in the cup.

Unfortunately, the taste is quite average…

“The old Taoist can’t understand what Lord Yecheng is saying.”

The Mu Daoist fell silent and said coldly.

“You were originally the best candidate for the head of Wudang, but unfortunately, you were forced to give up the position of head to Junior Brother Mei Zhenren because of violating the rules of the door.”

“Later, in order to become the head of the Wudang faction, he established the Ghost Mountain Villa, planned the ‘Heavenly Thunder Operation’, and planned to kill the heads of all major sects and dominate the rivers and lakes.”

Chen Yu smiled: “Right? ”


The Mu Daoist fell silent.

“Then you want me to say, what kind of door rules did you break back then?”

“Enough, how do you know these things?”

Mu Daoren sighed and asked word by word.

He is indeed a little confused in his heart.

Such a big thing is enough to make yourself discredited, and it is enough to make hundreds of thousands of masters fall to the ground.

But the other party told himself so simply.

There is a sense of absurdity that makes the Mu Dao people feel a little hard to believe.

What’s even more outrageous is that the “Heavenly Thunder Plan” is a plan that he has only recently determined.

Even the name was thought up only the other day.

The other party actually took it for granted.

With the determination of the Mu Dao people, it is also a little difficult to accept.

“Is this heavy or?”

“Indeed… Unimportant. ”

Mu Daoren thought about it and shook his head.

“Give you a chance, how?”

“Please speak.”

“Tomorrow I will fight with Ximen Chuixue, so don’t come to see.”

“Ten days later, I will come to Wudang Mountain, deliberately not to solve the sword in the sword pool, you and I can fight.”

“In this way, if you are defeated, you will also die for Wudang, and no one dares to despise you.”

“If you win, you will naturally be the best candidate to be in charge of the house.”

Chen Yu smiled and said, “A gamble like this is also beneficial to you and harmless.” ”


Mu Daoren looked at Chen Yu in shock, as if he had seen a madman.

Next to the Wudang Sword Pool, even if the emperor comes, he must untie his sword.

If Ye Gucheng didn’t solve the sword, he did have a reason why he had to make a move.

But if he is defeated, the entire Wudang faction will become the other party’s mortal enemy.

Under this monstrous pressure, no one can withstand it.

The other party actually said it so lightly.

Could it be that the pressure of the duel with Ximen Chuixue tomorrow is too great, causing him to go crazy?


Chen Yu asked.

“What if the city lord is defeated by Ximen Chuixue’s sword?”

Mu Daoren said coldly.

“Then no one knows about it.”

“This girl…”

Mu Daoren’s eyes twitched and glanced at Gongsun Lan.

“She doesn’t know those details, and besides, it’s useless for her to say it.”


“You are a famous Mu Dao person, but she is just an unknown little girl.”

“If it was what she said, ordinary jianghu people would not believe it.”

Chen Yu said leisurely.

After Jin Jiuling died, the indignant Nanwang Shizi still reported to the imperial court and confiscated all the money he stole from him.

Then, Chen Yu was commended once.

Because Jin Jiuling has a relatively large face, Chen Yu’s reputation has increased from 5500 to 6300.

The super high reputation value leads to a very credible speech.

Therefore, Mu Daoren was indeed afraid that Chen Yu would tear his face with him.

But if it is replaced by Gongsun Lan, it is actually useless.

The eldest sister of a mysterious organization.

It is not so much that he can have more say than this Wudang Su Lao, one of the three famous swords.

“It is also said that the poor road is at the top of Wudang Mountain, waiting for the big driver.”

The Mu Daoist was silent for a moment and nodded.

If Ye Gucheng died, he could rest assured for the time being.

Afterwards, find another opportunity to kill this woman.

Such a big secret has been exposed, and the Mu Dao people need to rush back early to deal with the aftermath.

Originally, I was not in the mood, and I watched others compare swords again.

“Then take your leave.”

Chen Yu nodded and followed Gongsun Lan down.

“Ye Gucheng? Flying Immortals? Am I really old? ”

Mu Daoren sat at the table, was silent for a moment, and then picked up another peanut and put it in his mouth.

At the corner of his mouth, a sneer appeared.

The expression is still very calm.


“Is that old-fashioned way powerful?”

Walking downstairs, Gongsun Lan asked quietly.


Chen Yu thought about it and nodded.

In addition to the little old man and the jade rakshasa who did not make a clear move, this wooden Daoist can almost be said to be the number one master.

The hidden strength is extremely deep, and after the complete outbreak, he is not afraid of the son of the plane, the sword god Ximen Chuixue.

Therefore, Chen Yu also put his challenge last.

“It’s okay, you’ll win. I can’t beat you. ”

Gongsun Lan thought about it and grinned.

“If you win, you will win…, but it has nothing to do with winning you.”


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