“Ding, reincarnation true martial arts, the main mission has been completed, and the eleventh floor reincarnation tower has been cleared!”

“The reincarnation of Zhenwu’s injuries has begun to be treated.”

Chen Yu looked at the big ball of light that kept flickering in the reincarnation space, felt a little relieved, closed his eyes, and began to treat.

Wu Ming’s strength is indeed above him, even if he is domineering, he is very difficult to fight.

After all, Wu Ming’s internal strength and martial arts cultivation were far above him.

If you fight a protracted battle, you are likely to enter the rhythm of the opponent.

Once it is dragged until the end of the domineering time, it will definitely die.

Therefore, when Chen Yu simply made a move, he had no reservations and opened all the big moves.

The effect is not bad.

It is estimated that in the legend of Lu Xiaofeng, there is no such martial art as spiritual shock.

Although the little old man is knowledgeable, he does not take this aspect into account.

As a result, Chen Yu hit the hand, a set of injuries for injuries, and he was in seconds.

“The plot destruction is too outrageous, it is still necessary to be appropriately leisurely.”

Chen Yu took off the golden silk vest and looked at the several palm prints on it that were cut by the bone palm, a little speechless.

In the battle of sixth-order masters.

The feeling of the gold wire vest is also a psychological comfort.

It’s like playing CS games and buying armor.

If you should take a headshot, you will still kill with one blow.

Of course, the strength of the little old man Wu Ming is a bit outrageous, and theoretically it should not be the existence of the 11th layer at all.

Most likely, it is the boss of the subsequent world.

Chen Yu directly killed the other party, which is equivalent to killing through the map.

As a result, even the hidden world behind was not triggered…

Loss is not too much loss.

After all, although the hidden world rewards free points, it also occupies a place on the first floor.

If you enter, most of them will retain the plot progress of this layer, or Ye Gucheng’s identity.

It will directly lose a character skill.

Of course, if there are no additional rewards, you will not earn it.

After all, the little old man is too fierce.

Challenge the task clearance by yourself can already SSS.

There is no need to fight such off-wheel bosses at all.

A moment later, the bones and flesh regenerated, the meridians reconnected, and the injuries in the body had recovered.

It took a few more minutes, and the consumption of mental and internal strength was also restored to its original state.

Overall, the injury is not light.

But it doesn’t involve luck and curses, and it seems to be a little easier to handle than the Three Kingdoms copy.

“Let’s settle the rewards.”

Chen Yu exhaled and sat on the sofa, with some expectation.

It’s good to kill a sixth-order big guy, I hope there should always be a little extra expression, right?

“Main quest: 1. Gain at least 2,000 prestige points and match the current plane grandmaster master.”

“Rewards will increase with prestige.”

“Completion: A total of 9999 prestige points have been obtained, becoming an imperial master and martial arts myth.”

“This task has been perfectly evaluated.”

“2. On the night of the full moon, at the top of the Forbidden Purple, watch or participate in the battle at the peak of Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue.”

“Challenge mission: kill Mu Daoren, Ximen Chuixue, and Gong Jiu.”

“Completion: All three have been killed.”

“This quest reaches the evaluation limit and gets 55 potential points (mission cap)!”

“Side quest: Discover the secrets of the embroidered thief and the red shoe.”

“Completion: The secrets of the Embroidery Thief and the Red Shoe have been explored, and the evaluation of the copy has increased!”

“Hidden mission: defeat or kill the nameless island master Wu Ming.”

“Completion: Target killed!”

“Respected Your Excellency Zhenwu, you have received an SSS-level evaluation, and the reward is as follows:”

“Get 11,000 reincarnation points.”

(The base reward of this quest is 1100 reincarnation points, and the multiplier coefficient of SSS-level evaluation is 10 times, and the reincarnation points are obtained 1100*10=11000 points.) )

“This quest achieves SSS-level clearance for the first time, doubles the reward of the challenge mission, and earns 110 potential points.”

“The main story and challenge missions of this quest have been perfectly evaluated, and they have obtained a legendary-level martial art: Lingxi One Finger!”

“Lingxi finger: Lu Xiaofeng’s famous martial arts. Legend has it that there has never been a weapon in the world that cannot be clamped by one finger and can still be defended in an unfavorable situation and in an undefensible state. ”

“Hidden mission completed, get legendary item: Wordless Heavenly Book”

“Wordless Heavenly Book: Arbitrarily upgrade a level of legendary-level martial arts. (Do not break through the upper limit of the exercise)”

“This reward… Seems to be good? ”

Chen Yu was somewhat satisfied.

Lingxi finger is a high-end defensive martial art, and there are extra potential points to learn.

Wordless heavenly books are simple, crude and practical effects.

Legendary-level exercises, practiced to the back, the difficulty of improving is extremely high.

The legendary seven-level and eight-level exercises are only full, and the next few levels are even more hellish step by step.

But with this thing, you can directly handle the most difficult level.

In terms of mentality, it was suddenly much easier.

Chen Yu looked at the Outer Heavenly Flying Immortals, and then looked at the Tianzi Dragon Qi.

I plan to keep this skill book for the time being.

These two exercises, although practical, are actually not difficult to upgrade.

Even, the Outer Heaven Flying Immortal will soon be able to reach full level.

This “Wordless Heavenly Book” is obviously still reserved for martial arts with high difficulty in upgrading, which is more cost-effective.

“Ding, with the departure of Emperor Ye Gucheng, half of the top experts in the rivers and lakes have fallen, and Wudang’s vitality has been greatly injured, and it is difficult to compete with the imperial court.”

“A year later, the new emperor ascended the throne and set all kinds of rules for the rivers and lakes, requiring that the private rules of all sects be forbidden and that they be governed by the law of the country.”

“Iron-shouldered monks, honest monks and other supreme masters were recruited by the imperial court. At this point, the Shaolin Temple became the leader of the rivers and lakes supported by the imperial court. ”

“Three years later, the rivers and lakes were punished, and all the innocent were killed indiscriminately. There is no foreign war, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. ”

“The imperial court is imitating the treasure ship of Zheng He in the past, re-entering the Western Ocean, and opening the curtain of the great age of exploration.”

“After the emperor talked about rewarding meritorious deeds, he said that this move was discussed by the emperor master Ye Gucheng, and the merit was in the thousand autumns. Artists are also sent to make statues of them for incense. ”

“Judging that the reincarnation has a significant impact on the subsequent changes of the copy, Terran luck +800.”

“The current progress of luck is 100%, and reincarnation and promotion to the sixth rank can upgrade the Tianzi Dragon Qi again.”

Considering the relationship between Daoye Gucheng and Nanwang Shizi, Chen Yu tried the proposal to rectify the rivers and lakes and the great navigation.

As for what industrialization, new laws and the like, the impact is too great, and it is too testing the ability of the executor.

This kind of thing that is likely to be played, Chen Yu is too lazy to try.

After all, that plane does not have a talent like Zhang Juzheng to design the route, and it will probably be self-defeating.

The effect is also good, although it is not as profitable as the Three Kingdoms time, but it also brings the points to 100%.

“Repair the gold wire vest.”

“Repair successful, deduct 300 reincarnation points.”

White light flashed, and the gold wire vest returned to its original state.

“Open my properties panel.”

Chen Yu hesitated and opened the panel.

Reincarnation: Chen Yu

Codename: Zhenwu

Area: Zone 3

Samsara Tower: 12th floor (not entered)

Evaluation: Five-order Yungang realm

Power: 915

Stamina: 720

Sharp: 907

Spirit: 831

Internal force: 385

Free attribute points: 6

Skills: Ward off evil swordsmanship, Quanzhen sword technique, planting lotus in fire, transfiguration (3/3), Flying Immortal (4/5)

Stunts: God of Food, Seven-Star Sword Qi, Blood Qi Burst, Unparalleled in the World, Domineering

Special: Tianzi Dragon Qi (2nd weight · 100%)

Talent: Demon Dao Skywalking

Internal strength: Yi Tendon Sutra (fourth stage)

Reincarnation points: 21500

Potential points: 151

Props: Golden Silk Vest, Xuan Tie Sword, Gentleman’s Sword, Lady Sword, Wordless Heavenly Book [Unlearned martial arts cheats are omitted later]

Title: Sixth Heavenly Demon King (Nobunaga), Martial Arts Overlord, Reincarnation Hunter

“Let’s do it first.”

Chen Yu thought for a moment and closed the panel.

Strength 915 and Keen 907 are very close to breaking through the sixth order.

But now if you add a lot of energy, although you may be promoted to the sixth rank, it will cause the potential points to be exhausted.

At that time, the skills of Yi Tendon Jing, Heavenly Flying Immortal, and Tianzi Dragon Qi will not be able to add points.

Very influencing subsequent developments.

It’s better to wait three days and get a new copy.

See what martial arts you can earn for nothing, and then make points and breakthroughs for it.

In theory, now that he will only become a master above the grandmaster, the skills earned for nothing should still be good.

Whether practical or not, at least the properties are not too bad.

If you are extremely lucky, it is possible to directly meet the requirements of the sixth order.

Then you can calmly break through your current skills.

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