“Does Yang Zuo Envoy really feel that he is invincible in the world of martial arts? Didn’t put a few of us in the eye? ”

Wei smiled and was startled, his palms struck lightly, and the cold ice palms urged, and suddenly the surrounding area was cold and piercing.

“The surname is Yang, do you think you are Wudang Zhang Sanfeng?”

Zhou Yi said angrily.

“Yang Zuo Envoy has spared no effort, and plans to personally test the martial arts of the big guys, so everyone must not live up to Yang Zuo Envoy’s good intentions.”

Zhang Zhong, a Tieguan Taoist, was shattered by Yang Xiao with his left shoulder back then, and he was originally an enemy.

Now in a rage, you are not polite.

“Fight if you want, roll if you don’t fight.” Yang has a lot of affairs, and he doesn’t have time to accompany you to fight with your mouth. ”

Chen Yu’s eyes swept over everyone and he shook his head slightly, as if a little disappointed.

“Fuck your shit!”

Zhou Yan was furious, a strange light was released in his eyes, and he suddenly stepped forward and slapped a palm on Chen Yu’s head.

A crisp slap sounded.

Everyone’s eyes were dazzled, but they saw Zhou Qi’s body smash through the wooden door of the hall and flew out.

A loud noise came, and Zhou fell to the ground, opened his mouth, and dropped a bloody tooth.

Then, with a roll of his eyes, he fainted directly.

Frankly speaking, this force is quite difficult to control…

Directly slapping Zhou’s head flying, or slapped him into a vegetative person, is much simpler than slapping him stunned.

Of course, killing Zhou Jian is not a loss.

However, the consequences are a bit bad.

Most likely, Leng Qian and the others directly left in anger and never returned to the Ming Sect.

The task requires the integration of Mingism, not to find a way to tear Mingism apart from pieces.

Chen Yu had to use his words to provoke these people.

Guess their vaguely overflowing energy.

Only then did he generally have a sense of proportion.

“Pick me up!”

Wei Yixiao took a long breath, turned into a green shadow, and whisked towards Chen Yu with one palm.

In this case, even if others can retreat.

But as the Four Great Dharma Kings, he could not retreat.

Otherwise, he would be shorter than Chen Yu in his life.

The position of the sect leader is basically not to be thought of.

“The power of the bat king palm is really cold.”

Chen Yu smiled slightly, Yi Tendon was urged, his right hand slapped out, and Wei Yixiao’s palm touched, and glued together in the air.

Wei Yixiao is also a master who is qualified to compete for the sect leader.

Boosted by the movie version, the strength is far beyond the original.

It seems that not only does it not need to suck human blood, but the cold ice palm is much more powerful.

There are almost seven successes of Chen Yu.

Chen Yu had the heart to test the internal strength and exerted his skill to seventy percent strength.

After a few breaths, Wei Yixiao’s face became ugly, and his palm kept retreating.

This is also the restraint of the exercises.

Wei Yixiao’s internal strength combined with the cold ice palm, although the evil sect is very cold.

But the Yi Sutra is an authentic martial art of Buddhism, broad and profound.

Cold ice palm, since he couldn’t break through Chen Yu’s body protection strength, it was only a matter of time before Wei Yixiao lost the defeat.

“What to do?”

“Yang Xiao himself feels that he is invincible in the world, and he can’t look at us one by one.”


It is impossible to say that the people of Tieguan Dao have always been at odds with Yang Xiao.

Seeing that Chen Yu had the upper hand, the four of them didn’t care what they did, and they shot one after another.

“Let’s get on together! Don’t hurt! ”

Leng Qian looked at Zhou Ji who fell to the ground and sighed.

The four people palmed the wind like a knife, breaking through the air.

Together with Wei Yixiao’s palm force, he hit Chen Yu.

“Let’s all get out.”

Chen Yu touched their palms, and his right hand suddenly pushed out.

The purple dragon-shaped shadow appeared, as if it were a reality.

The angry dragon roared, and an invincible force pressed down.

The five people felt as if there was a landslide tsunami in front of them, and they were invincible!

I couldn’t help but be shocked and hurriedly retreated.

In the next moment, the dragon-shaped phantom suddenly rushed, turning into a violent palm force and sweeping forward.

Swept away by the palm force, Wei Yixiao and the others involuntarily soared into the air and fell out of the hall.

The palm wind was endless, tearing the main entrance of the hall to pieces and exploding outside the hall.

“How come…”

Wei Yixiao, Leng Qian and the others looked at each other, jumped up, and their faces became extremely ugly.

Wei Yixiao is an absolute master in the Ming Sect and even in the entire rivers and lakes.

The Shaolin abbot Kongwen Divine Monk was only slightly better than him at most.

The five scattered people are also first-class masters in the rivers and lakes, and their strength in the sect is only second only to the left and right messengers and the four great kings.

As a result, now Chen Yu’s palm, with an irresistible force, almost scattered their self-confidence.

Well, it’s really a matter of strength.

Although Chen Yu’s internal strength is good, it is not the enemy of the five of them.

However, Chen Yu never positioned himself to eat with internal strength.

The internal force is insufficient, and the strength is combined.

More than 1200 points of strength, with the words of the Tianzi Dragon Qi…

Even if you don’t use internal force, it is estimated that you can hammer and blast King Kong without bad magical powers…

“Do you still want to fight?”

Chen Yu looked at the embarrassed Wei Yixiao and the others, and slightly regretted.

The movie does not have the plot of this scene, but he remembers that here in the original book, Cheng Kun will come to sneak attack.

The original plan was to directly turn it into a kunsec to save trouble later.

As a result, Cheng Kun actually did not appear!

It made him act for a long time in vain.

It’s a bit of a waste of feelings…

Of course, now there is more butterfly effect.

For example, the forbidden place was violently cracked by him, which was much more tragic than an earthquake.

It was as if several elephants were walking side by side.

According to Cheng Kun’s old traitor and cunning personality, it is very likely that if he is shocked in his heart, he will not come.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu shook his head, and didn’t care.

It’s just a Cheng Kun, and it’s not worth laying out for him.

If you don’t take the bait, forget it, and kill it the next time you see it.

After all, the butterfly effect is inevitable.

Now because of his arrangement for Xiao Zhao, the plot has changed more and more.

After playing the Bright Top, most of the follow-up plot can only follow the fate.

Speaking of the butterfly effect, though…


Chen Yu’s heart moved, and he frowned secretly.


“Yang Zuozhi, I didn’t expect that your martial arts had reached such a realm.”

“It’s the former Yang Sect Leader, I’m afraid it’s not as good as you.”

After a moment, Wei Yi got up from the ground with a smile, with some admiration in his eyes.

Martial arts masters, everyone talks about reasoning is Tu Yile.

What really depends on is personal force.

Chen Yu had just won with one against five, and he still won easily with a snap of his fingers.

It really made Wei Yixiao’s heart so shocked that he could hardly believe it.

Without hesitation, he chose to bow his head.

“Batman is too polite.”

Chen Yu didn’t refute either.

Yang Dingtian is just a master of the fourth stage of the Great Movement.

To be reasonable, it’s really not very powerful…

It would be nice to have a fifth-order upper grade.

Certainly not their own opponents.

“Yang Zuo has made martial arts a world master, and he is the top figure in this religion. In the next willing to gamble and lose, fully assist, no second word. ”

Wei Yi smiled bitterly.

“The surname Yang… Uh, Yang Zuo, you are powerful, Lao Zhou served this time. ”

“As long as we don’t die in the hands of the Six Gates Sect this time, I will listen to you.”

While speaking, Leng Qian and the others hurriedly woke up Zhou Qian.

Zhou Yi understood what happened and said with some leakage.

He originally thought that his martial arts skills were only slightly inferior to Chen Yu, but he didn’t take it seriously in his heart.

As a result, he can’t even take a move from the other party now.

As a result, some are disheartened.

“When you came up, did you see the Five Elements Flag?”

Chen Yu casually said a few polite words, turned his words, and asked.

“See, just below the mountain, Ruijin, flood, and fire are equal to Huashan, Kunlun, and Kongyu.”

“It seems that Emei also went over there.”

“Those few banners have a strange temper and don’t want us to help.”

Seeing Chen Yu’s solemn expression, Peng Yingyu and the others hurriedly replied.

“Emei? Sure enough, go check it out. ”

Chen Yu frowned, his figure flashed, and he had already left the hall and hurried down the mountain.

As soon as he thought of the butterfly effect, he thought of this question.

Now that Zhang Wuji has not appeared, he can’t expect Zhang Wuji to save people.

Others are just that, if Ruijin Qi doesn’t care, there is a risk of group annihilation.

At that time, his sword-casting task will be gone…

Thinking of this, Chen Yu simply unleashed a blood qi explosion and forcibly increased his speed.

“I am willing to fight side by side with Yang Zuojian.”

Wei Yixiao’s heart moved, turning into a green shadow, and followed closely.

“What’s going on?”

“Yang Zuo Envoy seems to care about the Five Elements Banner?”

“Let’s all take a look.”

Leng Qian and the others hurriedly rushed out, performed light skills, and chased Chen Yu and the others.

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