“It is indeed a bit evil, Yang Xiao’s martial arts are naturally high.”

“But at best, it is only equal to the Sky Wen Divine Monk, Song Yuanqiao, Exterminator Tai and others.”

“Now I heard that he single-handedly picked the three monks of Shaolin with one sword, and broke the True Martial Seven Interception Array of the Wudang Town faction, isn’t it hell?”

“Could it be that he can ask Mingzun to get on his body?”

The palm dragon head scratched his head.

This matter really made him a little difficult to understand.

“Humph! The so-called divine fighting techniques are all nonsense, if you can really invite the gods and Buddhas to come to the world, then the Mongolian court can still live until now? ”

The law enforcement elder hummed.

“Maybe it’s a god and Buddha who is relatively rubbish?”


“Then if Yang Xiao’s rumors are true, most of us are not opponents.”

“But I have been grudging with the Ming Sect for a long time, if the Ming Sect wins the world, how many people can stay with their lives?”

The law enforcement elder sighed.

“If it really doesn’t work, let’s gather tens of thousands of people and fight with the Ming Sect first?”

“No way! Didn’t we say yes and stay with the tartars? ”

“Tartan messes with my Central Plains, how can you sit idly by!.”

“If we don’t restrict the Ming Sect, we will have no place to die in the future!”

Several elders argued.

“Don’t be impatient, listen to me!”

Shi Huolong waved his hand, and the audience fell silent.

“The Demon Sect naturally wants to fight, and the Tartan is also going to fight, but the Tartan world has been fighting for so long, and we are still alive and well.”

“But if the Demon Sect wins the world, we will die in an instant, and there will be no place to bury.”

“Therefore, everyone is a smart person, for now, we still have to deal with the demon sect first.”

“Help the Lord wisely!”

“Help the master!”

“They must not be allowed to do it!”

“I will help fight the Demon Sect to the end!”

“Fight, dry them up!”

“The tartar is to be beaten, but you must not let the Demon Sect win the world!”

The crowd was furious and shouted.

“Hahahaha, although the Ming Sect is rampant, we are not easy to mess with.”

“Our brothers are single-minded, and their profits are cut off from gold, and pinching them to death is like pinching an ant to death.”

Shi Huolong also laughed loudly, his eyes were bright, and he seemed to be confident.

“The gang master has always been far-sighted, why is it that after this comeback, he is full of words, like changing someone?”

Elder Chuangong frowned secretly and glanced at the law enforcement elder with a slight look of worry in his eyes.


“Yang Xiao, the leader of the Ming Sect, come to see the heroes of the Begang.”

The gentle and elegant man’s voice slowly came from outside the door, word by word, shaking the void.

Hundreds of beggars present shouted enthusiastically.

But the voice is still drilled into the ears, clearly recognizable.

“Yang Xiao? What is he here for? ”

“Send to death?”

“Who died?”


The group of beggars were all stunned, and their eyes couldn’t help but look behind them.

“Isn’t it welcome?”

Chen Yu didn’t care what others thought, and pressed his palm on the door.

With a crisp “click”, the two gates fell apart.

The scene was eerily quiet…

“It’s neat.”

Chen Yu’s eyes swept over everyone, and he felt slightly satisfied in his heart.

This Shi Huolong’s last job is just a mountain thief leader, and he can’t make sense.

With hundreds of people in the gang, it is even more eye-catching.

After Chen Yu left the final south mountain, he received a flying pigeon transmission from Yin Tianzheng, marking the route of the Beg Gang clearly.

Then they followed the route all the way and easily found the meeting point of the Begang.


Chen Yu’s way of appearing was too domineering, and the group of beggars looked at each other for a while, but they didn’t know whether to drink and scold.

“Sect Master Yang is a guest from afar, and he is a generation of grandmasters, and he should have been treated with wine and meat.”

“But while I was waiting for the discussion, you broke in privately, but you inevitably didn’t take my gang seriously.”

The palm bowl dragon head was startled, and only then reacted, sneering.

“Exactly, the world can’t say a single word, I don’t know how Sect Master Yang will explain it.”

The law enforcement elder continued.

“Why should I put you fools in my eyes?”

Chen Yu said in surprise.


The four elders froze at the same time, stood up, and looked angry.

“Grandma is a bear, this old Wang Ba looks down on our brother, and he doesn’t chop his hands and feet and bury him in the soil!”

Shi Huolong said angrily.

He was born as a mountain thief, did all evil, and after becoming the leader of the Begang, he relented a lot.

Now when I heard Chen Yu’s provocative words, I was immediately furious.

“I heard that Sect Master Yang defeated the masters of the Six Sects with the strength of one person under the Holy Flame Peak, and the four of my brothers were extremely impressed, and they came to learn the teaching.”

Elder Chuangong’s face was solemn, and he slowly walked out.

The law enforcement elders and others did not say a word and followed behind.

“Elder Cao, Elder Zhou, Weng Longtou, Feng Longtou, four and slow.”

At this moment, Mrs. Shi’s voice sounded outside the courtyard.

The yellow-shirted woman held Mrs. Shi with one hand, held Shi Hongshi with the other, and with a slight lift, she skimmed over the high wall of the outer courtyard.

Clothes fluttering, walking in the air, taking the two of them into the courtyard.

Shine on the scene.

She and Chen Yu have the same purpose, trying to add chips to Shi Hongshi’s two people.

“Mrs. Shi, Miss Shi? How do you guys…? ”

Elder Chuan Gong was confused.

“Four elders, that person is fake, the real fire dragon has been killed by them.”

Mrs. Shi howled.


“What’s going on?”

The four people were shocked and quickly stopped, looking suspicious.

“Nonsense, let her mother fart, and don’t drag this demon woman out and beat her to death?”

Shi Huolong’s face changed drastically, and he scolded.

“…… The stakes are high, and I will discuss it later. ”

The four elders looked at each other with embarrassed expressions.

The dignity of the gang leader shall not be offended.

But the lady of the gangster is not something they can offend …

Nowadays, this kind of ugly thing does not seem to be a simple husband and wife conflict.

It will be difficult to deal with for a while.

It’s just in front of hundreds of gangs.

What’s even more disgusting is that Yang Xiao, the leader of the Ming Sect, is still here.

It made the beggars embarrassed and couldn’t raise their heads.

“It’s also simple, you let your gang master use a few tricks to lower the dragon eighteen palms or hit the dog stick, it’s true.”

Chen Yu kindly persuaded.

“What Sect Master Yang said has some truth.”

Elder Chuangong nodded.

The other party is the leader of the Ming Sect, but he is a big devil, and he must be regarded as his own opponent.

But if the gang leader is impersonated by others, it is the top priority of the gang.

At this time, the four of them were no longer in the mood to trouble Chen Yu.

“Hmph, the old man is unwell today.”

“Otherwise, the old man will kill this demon cult man with a gesture, how can he be allowed to clamor?”

Shi Huolong was shocked, and his eyes turned sharply.

“Isn’t Cheng Kun there? It’s really boring. ”

Chen Yu shook his head, stretched out his fingers, and flicked his fingers in the air.

The finger wind passed through the main hall and hit Shi Huolong’s nose.

The next moment, half of Shi Huolong’s nose flew up and landed on the ground.

But not a drop of blood flowed.

It turned out that his original nose was low, and the high nose was pretended.

The audience was silent!

The group of beggars froze at the same time, speechless.

Chen Yu stepped out one step and came to the group of beggars, his body flashed, and he came to Shi Huolong again.

As soon as he grabbed it, Shi Huolong’s hair fell all over his head.

Revealing an oily, shiny, programmatic-like bald head.

“Unwell, even the appearance will change? It’s really uncomfortable. ”

Chen Yu shook his head, grabbed Shi Huolong’s clothes smoothly, and threw him away.

Shi Huolong’s huge body smashed into the disciples of the Begang, and his nose and face were swollen when he fell.

“You… You! ”

Shi Huolong saw that the group of beggars had a bad eye, and trembled with fright.

“Do you need to explain?”

Chen Yu asked lightly.

“No need…”

The four elders sighed at the same time, feeling extremely embarrassed.

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