Chen Yu slept for eight hours and fully recovered.

After washing up and drinking a pot of hot porridge, it was not even seven o’clock.

Anyway, idle is idle, Chen Yu even went to the park not far away to go around.

It’s a pity that I didn’t meet the sword-dancing grandfather who cut through the void, nor did I meet a high school student who can kill people by flying flowers and falling leaves.

He was slightly disappointed.

Of course, there are such masters, and it is estimated that they have also put their energy into the liver reincarnation tower.

When I arrived at the company, it was only half past seven.

Speaking of which, the company’s office is also quite strange.

When there is no one, the office is lit up with a green light, and once someone enters, it becomes a red light.

Chen Yu has always been very dissatisfied with this unconventional setting.

I feel like I’m in the toilet every time I enter the office…

Today, more than 80% of private offices have a red light, indicating that someone is inside.

“Are they all so positive…”

Chen Yu shook his head and also swiped his card into his office.

I have the impression that there is no overtime allowance for overtime work here.

However, unless they decide to make a copy, many people still work late into the night and then come back in the morning.

It can be seen that the key to overtime behavior lies in the driving force itself.

Chen Yu mixes a customized overtime meal at 7:30 p.m. every night and leaves on time.

It is basically the earliest among the extraordinary people in the whole company.

Of course, Chen Yu doesn’t matter, anyway, he doesn’t count attendance…

He felt that Mozi would not put small shoes on him because of this matter.

“Hey, Xiao Chen, it’s convenient to chat?”

Chen Yu turned on the computer and just poured himself a cup of vodka, when a chat pop-up window popped up on the desktop.

The avatar is an old man’s big headsticker, grinning, heartless and smiling.

It’s the old man Moli.

The signature is “A new generation of simulated anthropomorphic robots has been developed, and the similarity with humans is as high as 99%.”

“In addition to the intelligent module, there is also a home module and an emotional module, which can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen.”

“The first place in personal performance of the month can receive one and accept exclusive customization requirements.”

Chen Yu was stunned and seemed to understand why this group of people worked so diligently.

“Talk and talk, how do you know I’m here?”

Chen Yu typed and replied.

“The door of your office just showed someone entering, if it wasn’t you, it would be troublesome.”

Mo Li quickly replied to the message.

“It’s inhumane for you to monitor your employees like this.”

“Is this also considered surveillance? Behind closed doors, I don’t even know what you’re doing inside. ”

“I’m working, I’m working, what else can I say.”

Chen Yu was a little speechless.

“Anyway, I feel that you are quite idle, just talk to the old man.”

“What do you have to talk about as an old man, change Murong Xueyue to talk.”

“Really? Am I going to get her to come to the company? ”

“Forget it, it’s better for you to come…”

Chen Yu thought about it and said decisively.

The last time we met, I felt that the girl’s mood was not very stable.

Nine times out of ten, it is the card level that causes psychological anxiety.

In case it does come, it will freeze this place without saying a few words…

Then you must be able to run away.

I really want to meet, wait until she breaks through the eighth rank.

It is very likely that I was also seventh-order at that time, just for reference.

Or, after two months, she gets used to getting stuck.

You can also communicate normally.


A moment later, there was a knock on the outer door.

Chen Yu pressed the door button, and the door opened by itself.

Mo Li held a cup of goji berry tea with a smile on his face.

“There are no chairs, let’s stand and talk together.”

Chen Yu left the office chair, picked up the vodka, and came to the window.

Outside the window is a six-lane street, with heavy traffic and endless flow.

It’s a good background for chatting.


Mo Li glanced at Chen Yu’s office chair, a little helpless, and also came over.

“Drinking vodka early in the morning really doesn’t understand health.”

Mo Li complained.

Drinking strong alcohol will not affect the work.

Of course, the taste has not changed.

However, alcohol is no different from water for reincarnations after the fourth order.

Mo Li is just a little unaccustomed to it.

I remember when he was younger, he was a department manager on a design team.

Everyone is conscientious at work, and it is good to drink some coffee or Coke.

More than ten years ago, the reincarnation space came, but so much life was made.

As a result, everyone’s physical fitness has improved, but the generation gap has become more and more.

“It’s that I don’t think about it, and it seems that the atmosphere is not right to drink like this.”

Chen Yu shrugged, drank the vodka and put down the glass.

“Do you know what happened in the reincarnation space last night?”

Mo Li was stunned and got to the point.

“True Martial God has won the SSS evaluation for twelve consecutive times?”

“…… Not this. ”

“So what’s the big deal?”

Chen Yu was surprised.

“You young people, don’t just focus on whether Zhenwu is good or not.”

“I admit he’s really good, even better than everybody.”

“But his clearance method can’t be copied at all!” Down-to-earth, isn’t it? ”

Mo Li said seriously.

“It seems that you are also quite concerned about him…”

“…… Last night, I organized the people below to sweep the copy of “Tang Bohu Points Autumn Fragrance”. ”

Mo Li was startled, and changed the topic a little bluntly.

“Can this be organized?”

“In fact, 10 people were organized and randomly went in. As luck would have it, 4 people made it into the copy of “Tang Bohu Points Autumn Fragrance”. ”

“Then, 3 took an S and one took an A, which was perfect!”

“Where did you get so many of your men? It’s all cadets… Oh no, it’s all colleagues? ”

“I still have some connections in the major battle groups.”

Mo Li was stunned, seemingly unwilling to say more.

“It’s just S.”

“S is not easy, right? That Ben seems to be the highest evaluation at present. ”

“Zhenwu will not discuss it first, even if Armin has SS all the way, occasionally S!”

“After the 25th floor, it is basically a B evaluation, and few people can even get A!”

“This is not after the 25th floor…”

Chen Yu thought for a while, as if this was what the 8th layer looked like.

“Forget it, I won’t talk to you about this.”

“We evaluate SS evaluation to get Yangming sage, SSS evaluation nine times out of ten to regicide, are too over-the-top.”

“But anyway, we had a good experience with this copy. Find a way in the future, team up and go in together, it is likely that you can pile up SS-level evaluations. ”

“A Confucian saint like Wang Yangming is actually very decisive in killing, don’t try it indiscriminately.”

“Understood, we have experience with this.”

“The company decided to reward you with a car, and the company also left you a permanent parking space.”

Mo Li smiled and took out a car key.

A horse is printed on it.

“It’s just a car, and I don’t lack this money.”

Chen Yu complained and put the car keys into his pocket.

“The car is nothing, the license plate is still very valuable, this is the company’s customized reward number plate, the entire Xia Country, without any travel restrictions.”

“You can’t buy it for millions!”

“…… Thanks so much, so kind. ”

Chen Yu was startled and changed his words.

“Young man, don’t you want to drive your own car, walk around, and pick up a few girls?”

Mo Li took a sip of tea and seemed to plan to leave.

“Sounds good, but I don’t have a driver’s license.”

According to the experience of the previous life, Chen Yu can drive.

But the reincarnation should also be reasonable, and you can’t drive without a license…

“This is easy to do, I’ll open a letter of introduction for you, hurry up and learn it, a matter of a few days.”

“Yiduo does not weigh down, driving is useful in quite a lot of copies.”

Mo Li was startled, and looked at Chen Yu a little speechlessly.

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