Embroidered Jade Valley, Moving Flower Palace

Here, all the time, the flowers are in full bloom.

Chrysanthemums, peonies, roses, plums, peaches, orchids, daturas, evening primroses, tulips…

All kinds of flowers in various forms violate their respective solar terms and growth environments, and rush to bloom.

It’s a mountain area that should have been filled with gloomy clouds and cold winds.

But here, the sun shines like gold on the flowers, and the climate is gentler forever like spring.

Anyone who arrives here will be fascinated by this sea of flowers.

Forget the troubles in the red dust, forget the gains and losses of honor and disgrace…

“It’s really beautiful, these two women understand it quite well, but unfortunately, they still can’t keep men.”

Chen Yu stood on the edge of a high cliff, looking at the beautiful scenery in the valley, and expressed his opinion.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, deep valleys are quiet, and palaces made of white jade are hidden in heavy fog, almost like a fairyland on earth.

Wei Wuya didn’t play any tricks all the way, and after taking a few large tonic, he quickly sent Chen Yu over.

After Chen Yu confirmed that there was no problem, he considered that Yan Nantian should still have trouble with him later.

He just dropped Wei Wuya off the cliff.

You can’t die, but you can’t recover in five years and ten years.

It is estimated that this goods will not have the heart to raise Su Ying…


Walking into the Embroidered Jade Valley is a long corridor.

The corridor passes through an endless sea of flowers and leads to the palace group, which twists and turns.

This place is extremely secretive, covered in clouds and mist all day long.

Although it is rumored to be extremely dangerous, it is better than the Jedi of the “Valley of the Wicked”.

In fact, the defense system is far less rigid than the world thinks.

There are no step-by-step murderous machines, no murderous invisible traps, and even the patrolling maids can’t see a few.

However, as long as the Master of the Moving Flower Palace is still there, this is a dangerous place in the world.

After Chen Yu walked the corridor, the road turned sharply ninety degrees and came to a white jade gate.

The gate opened, and you could faintly see that behind it was a huge white jade square.

At the door, there were two girls in white with swords.

The girl was chatting and grinning while subconsciously glancing towards the corridor.

He just looked at Chen Yu.


Both girls couldn’t help but be stunned.

“You you you… Who are you? ”

The girl in white on the left hurriedly said.


“I… I know you’re a man, I ask you… Hey, what am I going to say? ”

The girl was startled, her expression was a little broken, but there was a trace of curiosity in her eyes.

They were all invited to take in or buy the stars since they were children, and stayed in the palace.

Men basically know this kind of thing through books.

When I dream, I occasionally fantasize about it…

Although Chen Yu’s appearance is not as good as Jiang Feng, it also makes them very new.

Frankly speaking, such an inquiring look made Chen Yu feel strange.

No wonder Yueyue was given green by his maid…

“Uh, we mean… Who are you? Do you know where this is? ”

The girl in white on the right swallowed her spit, and her voice was a little cold.

But considering her slightly chubby appearance, it is a bit of a caged version of Xiaolongnu’s sense of déjà vu.

“I am the bloody hand of the Valley of the Wicked, I have come to meet the two palace masters, you can help to get through.”

“Ah, who is the Bloody Hand Du Kill?”

“I don’t know, it sounds scary.”

“Do you want to ask the Second Palace Master?”

“Are you crazy? Just by you, you can also go to the second house master? ”

“What then?”

“What did Grandma Liu say?”

“When a man enters the valley, he will be captured?”

“So what are you waiting for?”

“But, he said he was looking for two palace masters? The two palace masters are older than Grandma Liu! ”

“What is the matter with the two palace masters… It’s this man! Is he big or Grandma Liu big? ”

“Oh, I see, so we listened to Grandma Liu? Capture him and show it to the sisters? ”

“You’re not too stupid yet.”

“You’re stupid!”

The two girls quickly finished communicating, and their eyes lit up as they looked at Chen Yu.

“…… Okay, needless to say, I probably see what you mean. ”

Chen Yu sighed, waved his right hand, and clicked twice with a snap of his fingers.

The two girls trembled at the same time and sat down slowly.

Between the whiskers, the two women breathed evenly through their noses and fell into a deep sleep.

Facing Wei Wuya’s apprentice, killing it will also kill.

But these two little girls are still in the stage of innocence and talk cutely.

Since Chen Yu couldn’t feel the killing intent of the other party, he didn’t kill him.

The original book also clearly describes the structure of the Shifting Flower Palace.

Chen Yu had the impression that the moon, mercy and flowers belonged to people.

The others who appeared were palace maids or slaves.

It is much worse than the ordinary martial arts inheritance.

But looking at it now, it seems that it is still divided into three, six, nine, and so on.

Grandma Liu in the mouths of the two girls just now may be similar to the steward or even the grandmother, and is higher than the two Mengxin palace maidens.

Considering the world of “Peerless Double Pride”, there should be no “Dream of the Red Mansion”…

Taking Grandma Liu’s name doesn’t seem to constitute a groove.

“Go to a crowded place, or ask someone with a high status.”

“It’s really not possible, fight all the way and force those two women to come out, that is.”

Chen Yu shook his head, and his figure flashed, and he had arrived at the White Jade Square.

It seems that during the morning class, there are two black-clothed aunts standing in the square, teaching more than ten white-clothed girls to practice swords.

There is the sound of a long sword breaking through the air, but there is not much sword qi.

Probably the level of the third order, right?

Considering that most of them are newly acquired palace maids from the Moving Flower Palace, it is not bad to have this level.

“What man? Dare to trespass on the Flower Palace! ”

The faces of the two black-clothed aunts sank, and they said angrily.

“I am Du Kill, I don’t know that the two palace masters can be in the palace, take me to see.”

Chen Yu was too lazy to sign up

“Bloody hand killing?”

“Whoever it is, the trespasser dies!”

The two looked at each other, and at the same time the long sword was unsheathed, and the sound of the sword cut through the long sky.

The next moment, two sword lights were like shooting stars, pointing towards Chen Yu’s throat and eyebrows.

“Let’s do something awesome.”

Chen Yu took out the Xuan Tie Sword and slapped it lightly.

The blade shook in the air, turning into a violent wind dragon and meeting the sword light of the two.

The sword light shattered, and the long sword shattered.

The two black-clothed aunts snorted at the same time, blood sprayed wildly, flew far away, and fell under the square.

“Enemy attack!”

“Come on!”

“The big devil is coming!”

The girl in white who practiced the sword was frightened, crying and running away.


Chen Yu shook his head and stood in place.

To chase these little girls seems to be a little too unusual.

“Those who trespass on the Flower Palace will be killed!”

A moment later, the three side halls opened their doors at the same time.

The sound of clothes breaking through the air sounded, and seven women in green clothes swept up to Baiyu Square with swords.

Seven women were old or young, the older one had gray hair, and the younger one seemed to be less than twenty.

The hands holding the sword are extremely calm, like a generation of swordsmen who have experienced a hundred battles.

The seven women made a mistake, and instantly formed a strange and unpredictable sword array.

Slowly contract.

“Huh? Do you still have this hand? Kind of interesting. ”

Chen Yu, who was located at the core of the sword array, smiled slightly, and his eyes were a little playful.


“What’s going on outside? Noisy. ”

In the apse of the Moving Flower Palace, a palace beauty sitting cross-kneeled on a bed and meditating with her eyes closed suddenly opened her eyes.

His eyes shone with wisdom like stars.

The beauty is at least in her twenties, but her voice is extremely innocent and childish, like a cardamom girl.

She wore a splendid palace dress, a long skirt and floor, and a shawl with long hair, like flowing clouds.

As she spoke, she showed a smile, as if the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was belled.

“Back to the second palace master, someone came to break into the palace, and the seven-star sword envoy went to stop the enemy.”

Not far away, a maid hurriedly knelt down.


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