Two Choices! (1/1)
In this way, the three of them returned to Tiankuan City again by car.
As soon as he arrived in Tiankuan City, Wen Ning soon discovered that there was something wrong with this place. Wen Ning couldn’t tell what was wrong.
It’s just that this is how the whole Tiankuan City feels now.
It seems like a lot of people are suppressing something, and at this time at the gate of Tiankuan City, there are also many people watching ~ something.
And Wen Ning said directly after seeing such a situation: “Let’s go over and see, it seems that these people are looking at something.”
He Fanling and Ji Yange nodded when they heard Wen Ning’s words, and the three of them followed directly.
Soon the three of them also went outside the crowd. At this time, Wen Ning found someone and said, “What happened?”
And the man looked at Wen Ning and said, “You don’t know yet, there was a man named Gong Shan before,”
“Challenge here and there, and then once you win, kill the opponent’s beast, this is not a beastmaster.”
“A good C-level imperial beast was killed by the imperial beast of the palace mountain. At this time, I can’t think of it and hanged myself here. Do you think this is true, hey!” The man also said helplessly.
“What?” Wen Ning said after hearing the man’s words: “This guy called Gong Shan is really going too far.”
“Not to mention killing someone’s imperial beast, but also causing this person to commit suicide, this is something you can’t bear,” Wen Ning said.
At this time, He Fanling said, “Wen Ning, if we really want to take care of this matter, then we have to be more careful.”
“I’m afraid this Gongshan seems to be a very powerful beastmaster. If we want to take care of this matter, how confident are you Wen Ning?” He Fanling said.
Wen Ning thought for a while, and then shook his head: “Actually, I don’t know, although pandas are very powerful now, it doesn’t mean they are invincible.”
“If this Miyayama is really a very powerful guy, then I really don’t have any confidence that I can do this well.”
“So if you ask me what I can do, I really don’t know what I can do.” Wen Ning also said directly.
After hearing Wen Ning’s words, Ji Yange said: “We have two choices now, or leave Tiankuan City directly, it has nothing to do with us anyway.”
· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?
“Either find this man named Gong Shan in Tiankuan City, and then defeat him, Wen Ning, now you still have a chance to choose.” Ji Yange said.
And when he heard Ji Yange’s words, Wen Ning said directly at this time: “I absolutely cannot give up this matter halfway, if it is true that the other party is very powerful.”
“I also have a way to say that my panda will kill him, so I must find this hateful guy. I am the most invisible person.”
“That’s the kind of person. There is absolutely nothing else to say. In short, if there is really something else in other things.”
“Then I naturally don’t need to say more. In short, I won’t say anything else. In this matter, it can only be under such circumstances. We can just go to the Gongshan.” Wen Ning said.
After hearing Wen Ning’s words, He Fanling and Ji Yange also nodded directly: “You are right, then since that’s the case, this matter is fine.”

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