The restaurant of the hotel! (1/1)
If this is done, then it is naturally the best, but it is also very tired recently.
Therefore, Wen Ning had the opportunity to have a good night’s sleep here, and as for other things.
Wen Ning didn’t think about it anymore.
The next morning, Wen Ning also got up early, and after taking a shower, he went down with the two girls.
After having breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel, Wen Ning also looked around directly. It was obvious that this was the situation in the hotel.
Wen Ning was eating when he heard someone beside 22 say, “Have you heard that this morning, just now.”
“That guy named Miyayama appeared again. This guy seems to have defeated a little-known beastmaster.”
“Then he killed that guy’s imperial beast. Seriously, what’s going on with this man named Gong Shan? Why does he feel so strange.”
“I don’t know if this guy has a grudge against the beastmaster in Kuancheng.” The person next to him said.
And after Wen Ning heard such words, he asked directly, “I said to ask the Gongshan you mentioned, we are also looking for it.”
“Excuse me, do you know where this Gongshan is?” Wen Ning also asked directly.
At this time, the man looked at Wen Ning and said, “You are a beastmaster, young man. I suggest you don’t go looking for this guy.”
“Because this guy is really powerful, but the problem is here, and I don’t know what to do. I can only say that it is in such a situation.”
“If you can’t protect yourself, then it’s best not to mess around, otherwise there’s really no way to do this.”
“After all, this guy is now a nightmare for everyone in Tiankuan City,” the man said.
This is what Wen Ning said: “Thank you, but I have reasons why I have to go to this person, so please tell me.”
Hearing Wen Ning’s words, that person said at this time, “Well, since you must know, this person was just outside the city in the western suburbs, and he should still be there now.”
Hearing the man’s words, Wen Ning said thank you, and then the two women quickly finished eating, and then the three of them also hurriedly left the hotel.
Then he went directly to the suburbs by car, and when he got to the place, Wen Ning just got out of the car and saw not far away.
A man’s voice also sounded: “You are not the person I am looking for, and your imperial beast is also rubbish to death.”
“If this is the case, there is no need for your imperial beast to exist.” The man said.
Hearing the man’s words, Wen Ning also said directly: “It’s Gong Shan, let’s go and see. 320”
The two women nodded, and then the three of them ran after them.
When I got behind the crowd, I only heard the sound of “Puchi”, and the imperial beast of Gongshan also killed the other’s imperial beast.
At this time, Gong Shan said cheerfully: “With such a big Tiankuan City, I can’t find the person I want to find.”
“Why is this, if I can’t find it, then I’m really not good at dealing with each other.” Miyayama said.
At this time, Ji Yange rushed to the front of the crowd angrily after hearing Gong Shan’s words, and said directly: “Do you still deserve to be called a beastmaster?”.

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