: A Leopard! (1/1)
At this time, Wen Ning just got rid of other things directly, and then directly got these things done.
But the current problem here is of course needless to say, there are not many things that can be done, and it is also because there are not many things that can be done, so Wen Ning will not mess around.
Just like that, Wen Ning took Liu Xin and quickly ran in after the frightened imperial beast.
Just after entering the canyon “Zero Twenty”, there was only a roar, Wen Ning almost didn’t think about it, and blocked Liu Xin behind him.
Then Wen Ning summoned the panda, and said, “Liu Xin, be careful, don’t be hurt by the imperial beast.”
Liu Xin also nodded behind Wen Ning: “Okay.”
But at this moment, Liu Xin immediately made his panda murmur at the roaring guy.
I saw a leopard coming out with its teeth bared. Seeing this leopard, Liu Xin also said, “It’s a beauty leopard.”
“The Beauty Leopard?” Wen Ning was also a little confused: “Isn’t the Beauty Leopard a car?”
But Liu Xin said: “No, the name of this royal beast is Beauty Leopard, but it is very fierce. Is your panda your opponent?”
And Wen Ning just laughed: “Such a C-level beast master, who do you look down on?” Wen Ning said directly.
“Panda, get rid of this guy directly, and let the imperial beasts in this valley know what it means to be a big and small king.”
“Otherwise, this guy doesn’t know what it means to be powerful.” Wen Ning said directly.
And after hearing Wen Ning’s words, the panda also roared angrily, and then a green light erupted all over its body.
Then I saw that the panda rushed over quickly, and Wen Ning himself was a little surprised by the speed.
Although Wen Ning always knew that his panda was fast, Wen Ning didn’t know that his panda was so fast.
This thing is also a good guy, this Wen Ning’s panda can have such abilities, this is beyond Wen Ning’s own imagination.
andLiu Xin, who was behind Wen Ning, said with a shocked expression, “Is your panda so powerful?”
“Haha, of course, do you still think my panda is a very low-level imperial beast?” Wen Ning said…  
And I saw that the beauty leopard also had blue rays of light in both eyes, and the next second I saw this beauty leopard also dodge quickly, and then rushed out directly.
Then the panda also directly raised his right hand, just to pat this guy with a paw. At this time, Wen Ning said directly: “Good job, panda.”
At this time, Wen Ning said directly: “Don’t worry, now my panda can basically become a very powerful being.”
“But I’m not too worried now, but this panda seems to be a little uneasy, and I don’t know what this guy is going to evolve into.”
“Anyway, now I think this guy seems to be really incredible in 4.6. In short, I don’t care about other things, mainly what this panda will evolve into now.”
“I don’t even have a clue in my heart. I am the champion of the Yicheng Beast Fighting Competition.” Wen Ning said cheerfully.
And Liu Xin said with a smile: “I didn’t see that you are so powerful, this beautiful leopard is such a powerful beast, I don’t know if you can help?”.

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