Two Beastmasters! (1/1)
That beautiful leopard probably knew that she was not a match for Wen Ning’s beast-guarding beast, so she nodded and then stood behind Liu Xin.
Seeing that the beautiful leopard was willing to follow her, Liu Xin immediately said excitedly, “Look Wen Ning, this little guy is willing to follow me.”
“In the future, I will have this beloved beauty leopard as a royal beast.” Liu Xin also said excitedly to Wen Ning.
And Wen Ning said with a smile: “Okay, are you happy to see you? Those who don’t know think that you have got some good imperial beast.”
“You don’t know, I’ve always wanted this beautiful leopard, so I’m so happy, and this time it’s because of you.”
“I won’t say anything else. Anyway, I know about this matter. Since you can come here, there is no need to say the rest.” Liu Xin said.
And Wen Ning nodded: “Since you’ve got your beautiful leopard now, then there’s nothing wrong with this matter.It’s over, let’s not say anything else~~. ”
“At least now you need to know one thing, that is, this beautiful leopard is yours now, so it’s time for us to go back.”
“Speaking of which, it’s really dangerous to go to this valley with you without telling your father. If you are your father, I’m sure you’re going to come to trouble me.” Wen Ning said.
And Liu Xin said with a smile: “Where is it possible? Such a thing will definitely not happen. Besides, I asked you to come.”
“But don’t say I forgot, it’s really late now, let’s go back quickly.” Liu Xin said.
In this way, the two also left here directly, and then prepared to go back to the city master’s villa.
It was only halfway through. At this time, Wen Ning discovered a very big problem. When the two returned, they met two beast masters who didn’t know where they came from.
The two beastmasters didn’t look like good people, but Wen Ning didn’t think about anything else, he just thought that as long as the Xi’e guy didn’t cause trouble, the rest would be easy to say.
But what I didn’t expect was that just as Wen Ning and Liu Xin were about to leave, the two of them said, “Where are you two going?”
“Don’t you know that the two of us have been covering this place?” said one of the men.
And Wen Ning laughed this time after hearing this guy’s words: “What? Why do I feel like you are a gangster.”
“¨”Why are you still telling me that this place is where your protection fees are collected?” Wen Ning also laughed.
Wen Ning had heard of this kind of thing before, but at that time Wen Ning didn’t take it to heart. After all, this thing is plain, who would have trouble with these guys.
But it’s different now. The problem with these guys is here, and there is no way to do this.
If you can get some other things, then naturally (Zhao Lihao) is the best, if you can’t get it, then there is definitely no way to do this.
For Wen Ning, there are some things that don’t need to be done, but now that this kind of guy has appeared.
Then I will definitely not let these guys go.
Thinking of this, Wen Ning also smiled and said, “It seems that you are really good, so what are you two going to do?”.

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