Sit down on the ground! (1/1)
On the other hand, Wen Ning waved his hand with a smile: “I didn’t intend to shoot, but the luck of these two is very good.”
“Success made me angry.”
The two of them didn’t know that Wen Ning was so powerful, so after hearing Wen Ning’s words, they all laughed, “What is it about success that pissed you off.”
“I see that you don’t know what it means to be prudent when you speak, so since you said it like this.”
“Well then, let’s see how powerful you are.” At this time, the two of them were also directing their own beasts to charge towards Wen-Ning.
Wen Ning, on the other hand, said to his panda, “Kill all of them directly, and leave none of them.”
Hearing Wen Ning’s order, the panda roared angrily, then turned around and rushed towards the two imperial beasts. Soon, Wen Ning’s panda slapped the two imperial beasts and slapped them out on the spot. .
Then I saw that the panda was also holding one of the beasts, and he just tried his best, and then directly divided the body of the beast in two.
The panda also roared, this beast died so pitifully on the spot, and another beast saw such a situation.
He knew that he was not an opponent, and this time he was shivering with fright, and soon the panda rushed over.
The remaining beast was also directly killed by the panda on the spot.
It can be said that the whole process did not take more than thirty seconds before and after, and the two of them were dumbfounded on the spot. After all, they did not expect Wen Ning to be so powerful.
At this time, the two wanted to run, and Wen Ning said directly, “Catch these two.”
The panda also didn’t care about the speed of the two people at all, and rushed behind the two with a single stride, and soon the two were also directly caught.
“This eldest brother, please spare your life. It was my two faults in this matter. We just wanted to grab some money or something, and we haven’t done anything else.”
“Also ask this big brother to give us a chance, we don’t want to die.” The two begged for mercy.
Wen Ningcai smiled and said, “Did you guys just stole some money? That’s because my panda can beat your beasts, but if my pandas can’t beat your beasts.”
“If my panda can’t beat your beasts, will you two let us go?” Wen Ning asked directly.
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At this moment, one of them hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted, “Big brother, big brother, spare your life, big brother.”
This is what Wen Ning said: “Big brother? It’s useless to call you dad now.”
“Puchi”, the panda directly sealed the person’s throat, while the other person was so frightened that he slumped on the ground.
“You…you. Royal beasts can’t kill people. If you kill people, you will be killed.” The man was too frightened to speak.
…… ……
And Wen Ning said with a smile: “I know that, but you don’t have to worry, although imperial beasts are not allowed to kill.”
“But you only need to know one thing, that is, just let my imperial beast tear you all to pieces, so that if you find a place to bury it, no one will know?”
“And you don’t think about it, what is this place like? To put it bluntly, you have to know that if you can’t get all these things right.”
“Then I’m also sorry for myself. Didn’t you guy was arrogant just now, and you still want to rob me and let me see how good you are?”
“Now you know what it means to be powerful.” Wen Ning said. Where.

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