Onlookers! (1/1)
After finishing speaking, Qi Ming took the two to a lobby, and then saw a man who was about forty years old inside.
He is also commanding his own beasts to fight with a young beastmaster. This man’s beasts seem to be very powerful, but he doesn’t say anything else.
First of all, this guy’s beast master is also very good. I saw this man also commanding his own beast. With a very powerful move, he defeated the beast of the young beast master on the opposite side.
Then the man smiled and said: “Your strength is very good, but if you want to win me, you still need to pay more attention.”
“But your strength is very good, so I appreciate 01 to appreciate you. You have done a good job in this matter, and I won’t say much about other things.”
“At least you let me see your progress. I hope you will know so well in the next battle?” the man said.
The young beastmaster nodded and said, “Thanks to the pavilion master.”
“He’s the owner of the museum,” Wen Ning said.
And Qi Ming also said with a look of admiration: “Yes, this is the owner of the museum. Since he is the owner of the museum, it is easy to say.”
“I don’t need to talk about other things, at least the current issue is here. Wen Ning, you are the champion of Yicheng. I don’t know if you can compete with the owner of the pavilion.”
Wen Ningcai smiled and said, “There is naturally no problem in this matter. I don’t dare to say anything else. At least I still have the confidence to challenge it.”
Hearing Wen Ning’s words, Qi Mingcai smiled and said, “You have not been misunderstood, you are indeed very good, you can think so.”
“Then let’s go in. I believe the owner of the museum will be very happy to meet an opponent like you.” Qi Ming said.
Wen Ning walked into the lobby after hearing this. At this time, the owner of the pavilion also looked at Wen Ning and asked curiously, “What’s your name?”
“My name is Wen Ning.” Wen Ning said.
“Ah, this person is Wen Ning, this guy seems to have won the championship in Yicheng before.” Someone in the crowd said.
At this time, the owner of the pavilion also said with a smile: “I know your name, you won the championship of this Yicheng competition before, and the hero is a boy.”
Seeing the owner of the museum say this, Wen Ning also smiled and said, “Thank you for the owner, but I heard that the owner was more powerful when he was young.”
“That’s why I really want to challenge it,” Wen Ning said.
At this time, someone in the crowd said: “Since this is the champion of Yicheng, maybe it’s really worth seeing, but I don’t know what happened to the owner of the pavilion.”
At this time, the owner of the pavilion said with a smile: “Since you are going to challenge me, then I naturally cannot disappoint you, otherwise, wouldn’t you come for nothing?”
“But I can also tell you about this matter. I don’t care if you are the champion or not, but now you are here.”
“Then according to what I said, I will definitely not be merciful, but you can’t be merciful, otherwise our game will be meaningless.” The owner of the museum said.
Wen Ning nodded: “The owner of the museum can rest assured. I don’t dare to say anything else, but at least I know about the current situation.”
“In short, the other things can only be like this. Our competition is also a very normal competition.”
After speaking, Wen Ning summoned his panda, and many people who saw Wen Ning’s panda also said, “Is this panda evolved or mutated.”

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