Fragrance! (1/1)
What else is there to say, the current issue is here, there is nothing to say about this matter, naturally there is no need to think too much about it,
However, the current issue is here, and this cannot be said to be a bad thing, but it can only be said to be under such circumstances.
There is no way to do this in itself. I saw that the panda was also divided by three and five after going up, and directly killed all these imperial beasts on the spot.
Then these smugglers were also beaten to the ground by the panda on the spot, and this is the only way to completely let these guys stop talking nonsense.
And soon the people from the Imperial Beast Administration also arrived at the scene. After careful investigation, this is the only way to arrest these smugglers.
Wen Ning and Wu Di were also praised by the management of the beasts. Wen Ning said to Wu Di after the matter was over, “Okay, now the matter is over.”
“I still have to do what I want to do. It’s hard to say other things, but the problem is here.”
“Some things are like this in themselves. I won’t say much about other things. After all, this is what we can do now.”
“If there’s anything else, then of course it’s the best thing to do, but obviously that’s the way it is with some things.”
“If there are really other problems, then it’s naturally the best thing, but thank you for this time.”
“Then I’ll go first, and I’m going to find Han Vanilla,” Wen Ning said.
Hearing Wen Ning’s words, Wu Dicai said, “That herb is a kind of herb with fragrance. Are you going to find this herb for your girlfriend?”
“It’s not really, but it’s just a good confidante.” Wen Ning said.
“Is there any difference between them?” Wu Di also said directly.
And when he heard Wu Di’s words, Wen Ning at this time also said that it seemed that there was really no difference.
But Wu Di didn’t ask much, and Wen Ning went directly to where Ji Yange said after saying goodbye to Wu Di.
It was only after Wen Ning got to the place that he discovered the place Ji Yange said had vanilla in it.
This Wen Ning really did not want to understand, there is such a place in the suburbs of Tiankuan City.
There are some woods everywhere, and these woods look very strange.
And the most important thing is that there are swamps in some places in the woods, and the herbs have to enter the woods to know.
After knowing the truth, Wen Ning’s first reaction was: Ji Yange, you really want to kill people to be happy.
However, there is nothing else to say, this thing itself is also impossible for Wen Ning right now.
Ji Yange Bi 603 is actually a very good person around her. Since she is going to have a test tomorrow, Wen Ning doesn’t want Ji Yange to be nervous.
This helped Ji Yange to get this matter right, and it was also Wen Ningning’s own thought.
At this time, Wen Ning directly entered the forest. After entering the forest, Wen Ning soon saw some spiders around.
The presence of these imperial beasts also made Wen Ning a more conspicuous target. At this time, Wen Ning was directly looking at the spiders in front of him.
That is, the spirit fire dragonfly was summoned. The reason why the panda was not summoned, but only the spirit fire dragonfly was summoned, mainly because it was in such a place. .

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