High-speed rotation! (1/1)
Seeing such a situation, Wen Ning gradually began to worry in his heart, not to mention other things.
At least Wen Ning knew it now. Although this golden beetle wasn’t his panda’s opponent, it was too perverted to be able to withstand this guy’s defense.
The attack that caused his own panda did not pose any threat to the gold beetle, and it could even be said to directly put his panda in a disadvantageous state.
At this moment, I saw Long Yu also said with a smile: “Now your panda has no way to break my golden armor 10 insects. If that’s the case, then it’s time to watch my golden beetle’s performance.”
As soon as the words fell, Long Yu said directly to his golden beetle: “Golden beetle, attack.”
After hearing Long Yu’s words, Jin Beetle’s eyes suddenly lit up, Wen Ning saw such a situation and secretly cried out in his heart.
From this look, the golden beetle seems to be a lot of bad people.
Sure enough, the golden beetle’s eyes lit up, and the whole body spun around.
Seeing such a situation, Wen Ning also knew in his heart that the high-speed rotating attack of the golden beetle should be a very fast move that could effectively break defenses.
Otherwise, the golden beetle wouldn’t just wait for a long time without taking action, that is, carrying its own panda’s attack.
Now it seems that there is still something strange about this matter. In terms of this thing, there are really not many things that can be done.
But because of this, Wen Ning felt more and more worried about his panda. Who wouldn’t worry about this.
Fortunately, for Wen Ning right now, some things are like this. No matter how worried you are, there is nothing else.
As long as these things can be done with peace of mind, then it won’t be a big problem. Thinking of this, Wen Ning is secretly praying that his panda will be okay.
Although it’s just an ordinary challenge, no one wants to lose, isn’t it?
I saw that the golden beetle was also in the process of high-speed rotation, directly and quickly advancing towards the front, and soon hit the panda.
The panda was on the alert, and then stared at the golden beetle. This one heard a “bang”, and the high-speed rotating golden beetle was directly blocked by the panda’s palms.
Seeing this scene, even Wen Ning was very surprised. He never thought that his panda could resist this high-speed attack like this.
Wen Ning knew too well the power of such a high-speed rotation attack. The high-speed rotation of this golden beetle was nothing, it was mainly due to the power behind it after the high-speed rotation.
That is the real thing that people have to see clearly. It is hard to say about other things, at least the current question 153 is here.
I saw that Wen Ning’s panda also stubbornly resisted the attack of the golden beetle, and immediately kicked the golden beetle away with one kick.
And after the golden beetle was kicked away by the panda, it immediately fell to the ground, and then stood up and bit its head.
It seems that the gold beetle was also knocked unconscious by the kick of his own panda, and there is really no way to do this.
Wen Ning felt a little relieved after seeing the golden beetle being kicked out by his own panda. After all, it meant that his panda was not afraid of the golden beetle. .

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