A few centipedes! (1/1)
No matter how powerful this imperial beast is, it is an animal after all, and this animal is naturally afraid of fire, but it’s hard to say what the water dragon said.
However, Wen Ning didn’t plan to use the spirit fire dragonfly to deal with the water dragon, Wen Ning thought very clearly, that is to directly use the panda to deal with the water dragon, which is still a C-level beast.
Only in this way, then it is possible for Wen Ning to put other things aside, and directly figure out these things by himself.
But at this time, Wen Ning knew in his heart that there were actually some things that he couldn’t help, if he could really get something else.
Then it’s still okay, but in terms of the current matter, Wen Ning knows it himself, as long as other things can be done well.
Then nature is the best thing,At this time, Wen Ning just put everything else aside.
Then, with Wang Gang and the Spirit Fire Dragonfly, they walked directly to the front.
Soon Wen Ning heard a rustling sound from both sides of the woods.
After Wen Ning heard the voice, he naturally knew what the voice represented, but Wen Ning also directly said to Wang Gang, “Be careful, it seems that there are wild beasts attacking us~’ .”
Wang Gang nodded, and then Wen Ning directly ordered Spirit Fire Dragonfly to quickly occupy some other places, and then only saw each other for a while.
From the woods on both sides, more than a dozen centipedes slowly rushed out, and one of these centipedes was almost as long as Wen Ning’s arm.
To be honest, no matter who saw this, it is very necessary to say it, and it also feels very tingling on the scalp.
But even so, there is no other way to do this. If it really comes up with other things, then it is naturally the best.
At this time, I saw that the spirit fire dragonfly was already well prepared. After seeing these centipedes, the spirit fire dragonfly immediately sprayed out a flame.
Then, a few centipedes were burned to ashes on the spot, and the other centipedes were after seeing the ability of this spirit fire dragonfly.
This is to directly prepare to escape, but for such a fighting opportunity, the Spirit Fire Dragonfly can’t let go at all, and I saw that the Spirit Fire Dragonfly also flew directly to the other side.
Then the flames were sprayed out again, and the remaining centipedes were also burned to death by Wen Ning’s spirit fire dragonfly on the spot.
There are no other problems in this matter, but fortunately, this matter can be clarified now.
Now it can be said that this Spirit Fire Dragonfly has reached a very good level, and its strength has been improved a lot.
Wen Ning was naturally very happy when he saw that his Spirit Fire Dragonfly had improved so quickly.
It’s just that the current matter is here, the Spirit Fire Dragonfly is very aware of his current strength, and because of this (Nuo’s good), Wen Ning is naturally willing to continue cultivating the Spirit Fire Dragonfly.
After that, if there is an S-rank fire attribute dragonfly, then it is simply an existence that is invincible in air combat.
After all these centipedes were eliminated, the two continued to walk forward.
And Wang Gang also said to Wen Ning with a look of admiration: “.〃Your beast-guarding strength is really powerful, this is the first time I have seen such a powerful spirit fire dragonfly.”.

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