Hit the stone with an egg! (1/1)
“I don’t dare to talk about other things, at least we know how to do this, so you don’t have to worry about it.”
“But to be honest, you have to be careful. You are the main fighting force. If you have a problem, then we will not be able to deal with it.” He Fanling said.
Hearing He Fanling’s words, Wen Ning just said with a smile, “Don’t worry, I’m going to have an accident again, just know that I’m very good in this matter.”
“As for other things, it’s not something I should consider. After all, there are many things I need to know now.”
“Anyway, I won’t say anything else, you can just do it.” Wen Ning said cheerfully.
In this way, under the leadership of Wen Ning, the three of them walked towards the front all the way.
As soon as they arrived at the gate of the Beast Masters Alliance, three people came out to stop Wen Ning.
After seeing the three Wen Ning, one of the three asked, “Who are you?”
“My name is Wen Ning, and I’m here to find your leader.” Wen Ning said.
“Our leader has something to see today.” One of the men said.
And Wen Ning looked at the man and said, “Who are you guys?”
“That person said, my name is Liu Hong, I’m the head of the Beast Masters League, do you have any questions?” Liu Hong said.
“No problem, I’m just telling you, if you don’t let go, then you might die here today,” Wen Ning said.
“What an arrogant tone, where did you come from, kid, if you don’t leave, then you will be killed directly by us.” Liu Hong said.
Wen Ningcai smiled and said, “It’s just you? I’m thinking of a question, how powerful are you as a little hall master?”
“Your deputy leader, Chen Nuo, and that one named Fang Zhen, I killed him. Could you be more powerful than your deputy leader?” Wen Ning said cheerfully.
“What!” Liu Hong said angrily after hearing this: “You are the guy who killed our deputy leader?”
“It’s me, why don’t you think I’m amazing?” Wen Ning said cheerfully.
“Good boy, this heaven has a way, you don’t want to go, this hell has no way to break in. Today is just to avenge our deputy leader.” Liu Hong said.
“It’s just you, it’s worthy!” Wen Ning said coldly.
0 ·For flowers··········
“Who’s arguing?” a voice called.
At this time, Wen Ning looked at the past and realized that it was none other than Liu Mo who he met last time.
Seeing that it was Liu Mo Wenning, she said, “Liu Mo, I let you go last time, can you still come this time?”
“If you want to die, then you can’t blame me for this, so you can do it yourself,” Wen Ning said.
…. . . . . . .
And after seeing Wen Ning, Liu Mo said, “You’d better leave quickly, this is not the place you should come.”
“Wen Ning, I admit that your strength is very strong, but you must know that no matter how strong your strength is, you can’t be the opponent of our entire Beast Master League.”
“If you do this, it’s called hitting a stone with an egg.” Liu Mo said.
And after hearing Liu Mo’s words, Wen Ning said directly: “Hmph, I’m not here to do other things this time.”
“Your alliance lord attacked the city lord of Cloud Beast City sneakily before. Your city lord can’t deny it. Now I am here to ask your alliance lord on behalf of the city lord of Cloud Beast City.” Shao.

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