Calling Out Helpless! (1/1)
Wen Ning was really not interested in wasting time, so Wen Ning quickly let his panda kill Yang Long directly.
But since Wen Ning’s panda also devoured Yang Long’s Howling Devil Bear, its strength has really exploded.
And Wen Ning can also feel one thing, that is, Wen Ning himself knows about this matter, his own “Seven Seven Three” is a very powerful place.
Don’t talk about other things, at least this thing is here now, if you can really get some other things out.
Then there is nothing to say, and there is nothing else to say about the current matter itself, but this matter is still good.
So soon Wen Ning also directly ordered his panda to give Yang Long directly on the the west.
Soon Wen Ning also turned to look for He Fanling and Ji Yansong who were still fighting against those three guys.
After seeing the two women, although the beasts of He Fanling and Ji Yange didn’t say that they killed each other’s beasts, they still had the upper hand. Basically, they just needed a little effort.
It must be possible to directly fix all these things, but fortunately there is no way to do it now,
There are some things that can only be done like this, and there are not many things that can be done. Wen Ning originally said that he planned to help, but now it seems that there is basically no need to help in this matter.
Originally, Wen Ning wanted to help, but after thinking about it, Wen Ning still had no intention of helping, mainly because Wen Ning knew it.
If you help yourself, seriously, if this is not done well, and it also breaks the hearts of Ji Yange and He Fanling, then this is considered a bad thing done with good intentions.
Wen Ning was not such a person, and he was unwilling to do such a thing, so Wen Ning also held his hands and watched.
And soon Wen Ning also discovered a very strange phenomenon, that is, He Fanling and Ji Yange didn’t mean that they couldn’t win against each other.
It just feels as if these two people seem to be a little less confident in their own strength, so they have looked at each other successfully for several times.
The result was very fast, He Fanling or Ji Yange didn’t know what they were thinking, and the result was that they lost 0 ……
This made Wen Ning feel helpless.
I saw Wen Ning also said to Ji Yange and He Fanling, “I said what are you two thinking, now it’s just waiting for you to take action.”
“Then just clean up these two hateful guys. As for other things, that’s not what you should think about.”
“Go on, kill these three guys directly,” Wen Ning said.
I don’t know if it was Wen Ning’s words that gave the two of them great confidence, or what other reasons. In short, Ji Yange quickly killed the other’s two masters by 2.4.
Soon after, He Fanling also shot and killed one of them directly. At this time, Ji Yange and He Fanling came to Wen Ning’s side.
Then Wen Ningcai said helplessly: “I said, if you rely on both of you, this is really going to be cold.”
And He Fanling said: “This, isn’t it the first time, this is also inexperienced.”.

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