Meet the cloud beast! (1/1)
At this time, Wen Ning said directly: “Well then, I’m going to see your father passed away.”
After speaking, Wen Ning also went directly to Liu Mei’s father.
When I saw Liu Mei’s father Liu Hui, Liu Hui’s complexion was much better at this time, much better than when I saw Liu Hui just entered the hospital before.
At this time, after seeing Wen Ning, Liu Hui said with a sigh of relief, “If you don’t come back, then this matter may not be easy to handle.”
“But you are back now, so this matter proves that you have no problem. I was worried about the people from the Master Beast Master League. You are too powerful and you are not an opponent.”
“But looking at it now, it seems that I underestimated you, Wen Ning, your strength is really powerful.” Liu Hui said.
Wen Ningcai said with a smile, “Don’t compliment me. In fact, I’m not that powerful. The main reason is that you also know about this issue.”
“What I’m thinking about right now is that on things like this, I want to put some other things aside, I just want to see my own strength’ ‘ .”
“But to be honest, there are no other problems in this matter. The main reason is that there are not many things we can do now. If it is really possible, then I hope to be able to do such a thing.”
“It’s true that you can help City Lord Liu to solve some of your troubles, so now I’m curious, what is the reason for you to come to me, City Lord Liu?” Wen Ning asked.
And Liu Hui said: “There is no other problem in this matter, it is mainly here, in fact, I want to tell you.”
“As the city owner of this cloud beast city, I have always shouldered the heavy responsibility of guarding this place. In addition, as the city owner, I can naturally feel that this cloud beast is a more important thing to me.”
“Let’s put it this way, the current situation of this cloud beast is here. I was in the hospital before and heard the news from the cloud beast to me.”
“It said it wanted to meet you, it said you were a person with great luck, and I don’t know what a person with great luck is, but at least that’s where the problem is right now.”
“Since the cloud beast wants to see you, I think there must be something important, Wen Ning, can you go see it?” Liu Hui looked at Wen Ning and said.
Wen Ningcai said, “There is no problem with this, but will I directly inherit some mysterious power and let me guard the Cloud Beast City?”
“‘” I really can’t do anything about it. If I let me do it, then I really can’t do it. “Wen Ning said.
And Liu Hui said with a smile: “I know what you mean, but don’t worry, it won’t happen.”
“And besides, who do you think of me, Liu Hui, I can tell you directly and clearly about this matter.”
“Even if you want to protect me, I won’t let you this Cloud Beast City, at least not now (Li Dehao), I’m still very young, I think the Cloud Beast should have other very important things to find you. .”
“It’s also because of this, that’s why I said it. I hope you can meet the cloud beast. This old man has always had a good relationship with me.” Liu Hui said cheerfully.
After hearing Liu Hui’s words, Wen Ning thought for a while and then nodded: “Okay, since you have said that, City Lord Liu, then I have nothing to say.”

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