: Jade Carving! (1/1)
“I came to see you this time. This little gift is also my little gift. If it’s not a respect, please accept it.” After finishing speaking, Pang Yong got out the gift he had carefully prepared.
Then Wen Ning looked at the gift in his hand, and saw that it was a jade horse carved from jade.
Wen Ning didn’t know what kind of jade this was, but it looked pretty good, so Wen Ning knew in his heart that this thing was worth a lot.
It just so happens that I can keep it, and if I lack money in the future, I can also take it out as a pawn.
At this time, Wen Ning gave the things to He Fanling and said: “Thank you, new leader, so this time the leader is here, is he looking for me, Wen Ning, for something?-”
But Pang Yongcai said with a smile: “Actually, there is nothing wrong. I came today to have a good talk with Mr. Wen Ning.”
“Please sit down first.” Wen Ning also smiled and invited Pang Yong to sit down.
After the two sat down, Pang Yongcai said at this time: “Mr. Wen Ning, I had a lot of unhappiness with Mr. Wen Ning in the Beast Master League before.”
“The final result is that the former leader and the former deputy leader of my Beastmaster League are both dead. We don’t want to see this matter develop until now.”
“Since the matter is not going to happen now, we are here to solve the problem.” Pang Yong said.
“As the saying goes, when is it time to repay the grievances? Today, the leader of the alliance is here to make a thorough understanding of this matter. I wonder if Mr. Wen Ning has any objections?” Pang Yong asked.
And Wen Ning nodded with a smile and said: “As long as Mr. Pang Yong’s opinions are suitable, then I don’t think I have one.”
But Pang Yong clapped his hands and said with a smile: “I knew that Mr. Wen Ning is a straightforward person, and he is also a benevolent person.”
“Actually, I won’t say much about other things, because it’s too fake. I came here today just to hope to turn hostility into friendship.” Pang Yong said.
“Since we’re making trouble and fighting, and people are dying in this matter, what if we stop here?”
“The unhappiness that happened between us before, Mr. Wen Ning, from this moment on, how about treating it all as if it were all gone in smoke?”
· 0 for flowers 0 ····
“We don’t need to waste time to deal with those things now. Let’s make peace. In the future, the Beast Master League will not seek revenge from Mr. Wen Ning.”
“Mr. Wen Ning don’t want to attack my Beast Master League members again?” Pang Yong said.
When Wen Ning heard what Pang Yong said, he immediately understood in his heart that this Pang Yong was indeed a smart person, and he reached such an agreement with himself.
….. . . . .
No matter it is a good thing for Wen Ning himself, Pang Yong, or the Beast Master League.
First of all, for Wen Ning, he lost an organization that came to make trouble for him. In fact, such an organization is really troublesome for Wen Ning himself.
If you were talking about an individual, then Wen Ning would just kill him at the worst, but if Wen Ning wanted to kill all of such an organization, that would be nothing but a dream.
Therefore, it is the best that the Beast Master League is willing to reconcile with itself.
Secondly, it is also a good thing for Pang Yong. Pang Yong himself is now the new leader of the Beast Master League. Four.

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