Cooked Grilled Fish! (1/1)
Instead, he raised his hand, and a fierce flame was sprayed on the fish monster, and then I saw that the fish monster also turned into something like a fully cooked grilled fish.
At this time, Wen Ning was also a little confused: “You are really capable of being a fire dragon. Now you can do such a move.”
As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the fire dragon also rushed over, and then directly swallowed the fish monster that the magma giant had cooked “eight nine three” in a few mouthfuls.
Then I saw that the fire dragon here also emitted a red light, and then I saw that the fire dragon returned to Ji Yange’s side.
And that magmaPeople also disappeared on the ground, as if they had returned to hell.
That’s when Ji Yange said to Wen Ning: “This is a new discovery by me. It seems that the Earth Fire Dragon is also using this method to devour the imperial beast to improve its own strength.”
And Wen Ning looked at Ji Yange’s fire dragon and said: “I don’t think this thing looks like the fire dragon you said devouring the opponent’s beast, I feel like your fire dragon is preparing dinner for yourself. ”
Wen Ning can’t be blamed for thinking this way in this matter, but the performance of the fire dragon just now made Wen Ning have to think this way.
However, there is no big problem with the current situation. Anyway, for Wen Ning, there are some things that cannot be helped. Now that we have encountered it.
Then Wen Ning just accepted it.
After clearing away the fish monster that he met suddenly, Wen Ning continued to walk forward with the two girls.
The three of them also looked here for a long time along the way. There are endless plains everywhere along the way, and some docile imperial beasts appear on this plain from time to time.
These beast masters are all beast masters that will not actively attack others, so they are basically beast master encyclopedias, classified as docile beast masters, so they do not pose any threat to people.
But not long after walking, Wen Ning saw a small cave in front of him. It seemed that there was something inside this cave.
Originally, Wen Ning was also very strange in his heart, but now he still came up with such a thing, but now it seems that there is no other way for this matter…
But fortunately, that was the case with this matter, so soon Wen Ning knew something in his heart, if this could really bring out something else, then naturally it would be the best.
Thinking of this, Wen Ning also directly said to the two women: “You wait for me outside, I will go into this cave and have a look.”
“No, we have to go with you too.” Ji Yange and He Fanling said,
And after hearing what the two women said, Wen Ning also said: “Maybe there is something in this cave, it would be too dangerous to bring you in.”
And the two girls persisted here. Wen Ning saw that the two girls insisted that he had no choice but to nod in the end and said: “Go to 2.8, since you must persist, then follow what you said.”
“But you have to say it first, you have to listen to my arrangement after you go in, you know? Don’t run around.” Wen Ning said: “Otherwise, if there is any unexpected situation, then this matter will be difficult to talk about.”
At this moment, the two girls followed Wen Ning into the cave with a smile. .

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