People from Guicheng! (1/1)
And Li Hua is also very powerful. When he saw Wen Ning’s shot again, he also dodged directly to the side, and then he swept his legs and called.
Wen Ning had long known that this guy was going to make such a move, so it was natural to take off and then kick Li Hua heavily.
Li Hua couldn’t help but was kicked out by Wen Ning, looking at Li Hua like this.
Immediately, Wen Ning also laughed: “You are really like a dog eating mud, this thing really gives you a chance.”
“But I really want to know one thing right now, and that is why you dare to fight me with your three-legged cat skills,” Wen Ning said.
Li Hua obviously couldn’t stand the humiliation, especially because of the fight between the two, as a result, more and more people around here were watching.
Naturally, in this matter, Li Hua definitely wants to bring these things back as soon as possible.
I saw that Li Hua also roared, and then hit Wen Ning with both palms, but Wen Ning also laughed.
Then there was a direct dodge, and then I saw that Wen Ning’s pace was like a ghost, and he went straight behind this guy.
Soon Wen Ning also immediately captured Li Hua, and Li Hua couldn’t move. Wen Ning slapped Li Hua a few times without saying a word.
“These slaps are for you, to let you know the fate of this bribe~〃.” Wen Ning said cheerfully.
At this time, Li Hua said angrily: “You…you bastard, you must give you when you wait for me.”
“Stop.” Before Li Hua finished speaking, he heard a man’s voice.
At this time, Wen Ning looked over, only to see a man in his thirties with bright eyes walking in front of Wen Ning.
Judging from Wen Ning’s first impression of this man, this man’s status should not be low, at least Wen Ning could tell.
This man should be a very powerful man, otherwise, he would not have such an aura, giving people a feeling of not being angry and arrogant.
And with the appearance of this man, many of the people present were also quiet, only to see that this man also said to Wen Ning, “This little brother, why do you want to hurt my people in Guicheng?”
And Wen Ningcai said, “This Li Hua, when I came to sign up, I asked me for a bribe. If I didn’t give it, I said I wouldn’t sign up, and I would also terminate my registration.”
“¨〃My friend was so angry that he reasoned with him, but this guy asked his guards to send us to prison? You said what else can I do about this matter.” Wen Ning said.
But after hearing Wen Ning’s words, this man handed over his hands and said, “I’m really sorry, I’m Wang Yande, the city lord of Guicheng.”
“If this is true, then I will apologize to you on behalf of my subordinate. I really don’t know about this matter, so please don’t have any thoughts.”
“In this way, let go of people first, and I will clarify this matter and let’s talk about it later,” Wang Yande said.
Originally, Wen Ning didn’t want to give face to this guy, but he heard that this guy is Wang Yande, the city lord of Guicheng.
Wen Ning naturally wanted to give a third of his face. This was the problem right now, and there was no other problem with this matter. .

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