Waiting for a long time! (1/1)
So this is the reason why there will be such a great improvement. If this is the case, there is no big problem.
I saw that Mingyue Jiao directly flew towards the front, and quickly cleaned up the remaining guys.
And Wen Ning looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, and immediately Wen Ning also said: “These guys who don’t know whether they are dead or alive, they come out to die even if they know they are going to die,”
“It’s really incomprehensible, but to be honest, why is this happening? Don’t talk about other things, at least the problem is here.”
“Why are there so many imperial beasts around here? It’s a bit outrageous.” Wen Ning also looked at the surrounding situation and said with some surprise in his heart.
After all, for Wen Ning, it’s normal for beasts to attack him, and it’s normal for beasts to besiege him, but he attacks his beasts in batches like this.
Then it’s not a normal or abnormal thing, it’s just making fun of myself.
It wasn’t what Wen Ning said about this matter, no one would think that there was anything normal about this matter, so Wen Ning naturally felt strange about such a matter.
At this time, after seeing such a thing, Wen Ning said directly: “It seems that other things are~ there is no other way.”
“But I must find out the reason behind this incident. There must be someone behind this who is manipulating these beasts.”
Just after Wen Ning finished speaking these words to himself, not far away, Mingyue Jiao opened his mouth wide again, and saw a violent flame sprayed out directly.
Then he heard a man’s scream of pain, and Wen Ning immediately ordered when he heard this voice: “Mingyue Jiao stop, there are people.”
For the beast master, generally speaking, if someone really threatened his life, then he would not say that he was going to deal with this person, after all, if you were going to deal with people.
Then this matter is hard to say, so naturally there is nothing to do about some things, but the current problem is here.
From the screams of someone on the side when the Mingyue Jiao attacked just now, it can basically be concluded that someone has been hiding here to observe him and others for a long time.
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This also proves from the side that there are people behind these beast masters who are manipulating them. If there is no one, it will not be like this.
So Wen Ning immediately told Mingyue Jiao to stop.
Then Wen Ning hurried over to check, but unfortunately Wen Ning came too late, this person had already been burned to death by the fire of Mingyuejiao.
…… 0 …
Looking at the corpse civilization in front of him, he began to doubt in his heart.
After Ji Yange and He Fanling also came back, seeing Wen Ning like this, Ji Yange said, “What’s the matter, is there something wrong with Wen Ning?”
And Wen Ning pointed to the person who had been burned to death and said: “This is the person who was burned to death just now. This guy seems to have been manipulating these beasts behind his back.”
“But as far as I know, it is impossible for this person to control too many beasts at the same time. Now that this person can control so many beasts by himself, it is impossible for him to be weaker than me.”
“So this is definitely not controlled by one person. It’s just that this person was unlucky and was burned to death by my Mingyue Jiao. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have happened.” Wen Ning said. pill.

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