He Fanling’s words! (1/1)
“But it’s obvious that we don’t know much about this matter now. If that’s the case, it’s better to wait until we go directly to find out.”
“In short, let’s not talk about other things, at least let’s know this matter in our hearts.” Wen Ning said.
In this way, under the leadership of Wen Ning, the three of them also directly entered the canyon.
As soon as he entered the canyon, Wen Ning immediately felt something was wrong. This feeling of something wrong made Wen Ning himself feel strange.
First of all, Wen Ning knew in his heart about this matter, if the mountain 407 valley looked calm on the surface, it was actually inside the valley.
From the moment Wen Ning came in, he could feel that there was a hidden murderous aura, and the feeling of this murderous aura was very different.
However, Wen Ning himself knew that since he had already arrived here, the rest of the matter was easy to talk about.
So if this is the case, then Wen Ning put this matter aside.
At this moment, Wen Ning also suddenly discovered that there was something about to move on the hillsides on both sides of the valley.
Wen Ning was amused, and then whispered to the two women: “Be careful, there are people on this mountain, and these guys seem to be planning to take advantage of the geography here.”
“Siege us, you two prepareSo that you can summon your imperial beasts, let’s take advantage of this opportunity, let’s take this matter as a military training and do it well. “Wen Ning said cheerfully.
He Fanling and Ji Yange nodded at Wen Ning’s words and said, “You’re right, let’s take advantage of what happened this time.”
“Think of it as training for our beast master career, and then these guys will come one by one and be cleaned up one by one.”
“So we don’t need to worry at all. After all, it doesn’t mean much to worry about or not.” He Fanling said.
After hearing He Fanling’s words, Wen Ning said directly at this time: “You are right, so in this matter, just do what you said.”
“However, I am very curious about one thing, that is, there is no other way to do this matter.”
“If we can really do something else, then naturally it is also possible. In short, there is no need for us to waste time on some things.”
‘If it can be done well, then we can just do it right away. As for other things, there is no great need. ’ Wen Ning said.
In this way, the three of them walked forward cautiously, and soon when the three of them reached the center of the valley.
At this time, the first thing to bear the brunt was to see a lion and it roared, and then it rushed down the mountain directly. For a while, many imperial beasts rushed out from the valleys on both sides.
Soon these imperial beasts themselves had no other problems. Originally, this was the case for Wen Ning in this matter.
It’s just that there is no other way to do things now. If it weren’t for some other things, then naturally they wouldn’t do it this way.
So for Wen Ning and others, since these guys dared to besiege themselves here, there was nothing else to say.
This must have been done straight away. .

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