Weakness! (1/1)
Now that they have already fought, there is nothing to say now. Wen Ning looked at him so condescendingly. When this guy was extremely frightened, Wen Ning said directly.
“Now you should know who you provoke just now. I told you not to provoke me, but you don’t believe it. Who can blame it?”
“That’s all, now I want you to apologize to me. You just need to talk well to make my heart feel comfortable, and all this can pass, otherwise I’ll let you go!”
Wen Ning had already given an ultimatum. At this moment, the powerful aura on Wen Ning’s body made Chen Hui very, very scared. After all, it was like being in the wilderness right now.
If Wen Ning really attacked him, he would probably be dead?
As the saying goes, staying in the green hills is not afraid of running out of firewood. No matter what, he has to save his own life first, and I saw him take a deep breath.
Then frowning tightly, he thought about it for a while, and then said bluntly.
“Wen Ning, I admit that I’m not your opponent, but I hope you can give me a chance and don’t harm me!”
This guy simply regarded Wen Ning as a rascal, no matter how much Wen Ning had an opinion on him, Wen Ning wouldn’t kill him.
After all, if this guy’s life was killed, it would also dirty Wen Ning’s own hands, but at this moment, aHe Fanling, who was next to him, came over and looked at this guy so scared.
He Fanling couldn’t help but wanted to tease him, but He Fanling took a deep breath and then wrapped his arms around him. He also looked down at this Chen Hui with a condescending attitude.
“I said you weren’t crazy just now? Why can’t you be crazy now? How do you know you’re begging for mercy now, why did you go earlier? Why do you feel like it’s too late for you to beg for mercy now.”
“Again, as you said just now, there is nothing here and no one can see it, so if we really do something to you, you don’t seem to have any way to do it.”
“It was very rude of you to say those words to me just now. I think you should still remember it now, so even if Wen Ning spares you today, I will definitely let you live and die!”
· · · Flowers · · · ·
Hearing what Ji Yange said, Chen Hui didn’t know how scared he was at this moment. After all, as a man, he was actually facing a woman.
Men are always strong, but he is in a weak position now, and he also knows that women’s revenge is actually very strong.
He had been very, very close to Ji Yange just now, and was also very, very impolite. Now Ji Yange would target him.
.. .. . . . . .
It is estimated that he is disabled even if he is not dead. As a person like him, if he is really disabled, it would be better to kill him.
“Ji Yange, I didn’t provoke you, so please don’t attack me. If you leave Qingshan in fear of running out of firewood, I don’t think you should be able to attack me!”
This guy really speaks in a set way, it really makes people laugh and cry.
But seeing him so scared, Wen Ning instantly understood what Ji Yange meant.
I saw Wen Ning smile, and then play with his heart. After all, this kind of person who is greedy for life and fear of death cannot be seen all the time. Dry.

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