Only the entire army can be wiped out! (1/1)
But looking around, there were no other hotels around, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter this so-called five-star hotel.
Fortunately, after coming in, it became much warmer, and Ji Yange’s mood naturally improved a lot.
Although the hotel was dilapidated, it was already very, very good compared to the previous green leather train, so the two women naturally didn’t complain anymore.
After putting down their things, the three of them ate their first meal in the lobby. This meal was not satisfactory. After all, people like Wen Ning who have such high requirements for food are already eating hard. up.
“Wen Ning, now I really feel that the life we ​​lived before was simply a fairy life. It’s been a long time since we’ve traveled far, but I never thought it would be so shabby when we travel far!”
There was nothing wrong with this statement. It was not an exaggeration to describe their current situation as shabby. Wen Ning smiled, and then stopped talking.
Wen Ning returned to the hotel after finishing his meal.They took out the map and started preparing for the second day’s itinerary. After all, they were scheduled to arrive at Liufeng Waterfall in three days.
But now, the first day has passed, that is to say, for the whole day of the second day, they must cross the snowy mountain safely and quickly.
Wen Ning’s expression in the room was particularly solemn. After a brief inquiries just now, the altitude of this snow-capped mountain is actually not very high.
But because of the particularly bad weather these two days, from time to time – there will be avalanches.
If the weather hadn’t been so bad, maybe the snow-capped mountains would have been very safe. After learning about the situation, Wen Ning took a deep breath and spoke to the two women word by word.
“I checked the situation of this snow-capped mountain. If the weather is good on weekdays, it only takes about three hours to climb over it, and there is a road.”
“Although it is a no-man’s land, there seem to be a lot of people coming recently, so they forcibly opened up a path.”
“But the weather in the past two days has been particularly bad and caused heavy snowfall, so if we go to the snow-capped mountains now, it is very likely that there will be an avalanche!”
Seeing Wen Ning looking so serious, He Fanling and Ji Yange couldn’t help but gasp.
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The two knew that human beings would never be able to compete with nature. Although they said they had a beast, but if they really encountered an avalanche, they would probably only be wiped out.
He Fanling is more cautious in this regard, after all, He Fanling is a person who cherishes life very, very much.
… … … … …
“My God, if it’s like this, then we have no other way, although we made a reservation at the beginning, we must reach Liufeng Waterfall within three days.”
“But there is an old saying that there are unforeseen circumstances, and we are now encountering unpredictable forces.”
“Wen Ning, otherwise let’s pause and wait until the weather gets better before we set off!”
After hearing these words, Wen Ning silently rolled his eyes in his heart. Could it be that these two women don’t watch the weather forecast on weekdays?
The weather forecast has been broadcast very clearly, and this is almost the case in the past month. Where.

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