No distinction between day and night! (1/1)
So facing Ji Yange and He Fanling’s inquiries, Wen Ning didn’t know where to start.
“I don’t know if you want to ask me like this. After all, there is such a big waterfall in front of us. It is understandable that such a thing would happen.”
“We didn’t find anything after we passed that gate just now, why don’t we just walk forward?”
Wen Ning always had an intuition, he might walk along this small ditch. There will be new discoveries. Although Wen Ning is not sure if there will be any new discoveries, it is better to take a look at it than to see nothing at all.
Hearing what Wen Ning said, the two women in 810 agreed without hesitation. After all, they still had 10 points in their hearts.
“Since you’ve made a decision, then hurry up and lead the way, let’s not waste it here, what’s the point of consuming it all the time, hurry up and lead the way!”
With the approval of the two women, Wen Ning continued to walk along the small river ditch, and the more purple plants around him, the more he walked.
The lush greenery everywhere really surprised Wen Ning. After all, such a scene must not be seen outside, and only in this place can one see such a wonderful scene with his own eyes.
Looking at so many beautiful plants, it really seems to make people come to another world.
He Fanling and Ji Yange are naturally the happiest. After all, women like such dreamy scenes.
He Fanling couldn’t help but look around and let out his own sigh. During this time, He Fanling coughed twice, and then said word by word.
“You may not believe it when you say it. I used to have such a scene in my dreams many times. I always thought that such a dreamy scene can only appear in a dream. Now I have seen it with my own eyes, but I feel that it is not in line with reality. !”
After listening to these words, Wen Ning nodded heavily. In fact, not only this woman, but even Wen Ning once felt this way.
“For example, you, even I have the same feeling, I guess you all want to laugh.”
“I also think it’s very broken here. Not only do you like it, but even I myself like it very much.”
“What’s the use of just being beautiful? We can’t find anything, can we?”
All in all, everything about him really surprised Wen Ning too much. Everyone kept walking down the road, even focusing too much on appreciating the surrounding scenery, and they had forgotten what they should pay attention to.
Because this place is originally an underground cave, it is pitch black everywhere in such a place, which naturally makes people forget the existence of time.
After walking for another two hours or so, Wen Ning felt that this place seemed to be a bottomless place, and he could go all the way to the end.
Because there is no difference between day and night, Wen Ning didn’t realize until he was exhausted that they had been gone for a long, long time.
Looking back, He Fanling and Ji Yange didn’t seem to feel at all. The two laughed and talked and seemed to be very satisfied with the performance here. When people are extremely excited, sometimes they really forget the existence of time.
At this time, Wen Ning suddenly stopped because Wen Ning realized a serious problem, even if they had to continue exploring. .

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