Kill them all! (1/1)
And the He family just came with some guards.
No one else came at all, and there wasn’t even a single beastmaster in front of him.
Wen Ning thought how many people from the He family had sent here, only these guards Wen Ning would not take seriously, even if the spirit fire dragonfly went to attack, they could kill all these guards. .
But what are they doing on the mountain today?
Do these guards want to kill Ji Yange, or kill Su Li?
Or to deal with Wen Ning?
Wen Ning didn’t know at all, after all, he killed the He family, and it was perfectly normal for the He family not to let him go.
“Ji Yange, we’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”
337 “You finally came todayAh! ”
“It happens that even your mother Su Li is here. Our He family patriarch sent us here to kill all your mother and daughter, and Wen Ning by your side must also die here…”
Seeing the commander of a guard of the He family, he began to speak out to Ji Yange for a while.
But as soon as the guard commander finished speaking, Ji Yange smiled at him.
It is actually very easy to deal with Ji Yange, but the premise is to kill the spirit fire dragonfly, otherwise, once these guards deal with Ji Yange, the beast spirit fire dragonfly will definitely protect it.
The guards of the He family, they think the spirit fire dragonfly is too weak, right?
Not only Ji Yange laughed, but Wen Ning next to Ji Yange couldn’t help laughing at these He family guards.
“You guards, if you don’t want to die, get down the mountain!”
“While I’m in a good mood, I don’t plan to kill you all, but once you provoke me, none of you He Family guards can run away…”
Wen Ning didn’t want to talk nonsense with them, but instead threatened them sharply, if these He family guards knew each other, they would have been scared by Wen Ning and ran away.
But the patriarch of the He family has already ordered, how could they easily go down the mountain?
So even though Wen Ning is threatening now, these He family guards still don’t know what’s wrong and still stand in front of Wen Ning and Ji Yange.
And these guards will do whatever they can to deal with Wen Ning and Ji Yange.
“Wen Ning, don’t think that you are strong enough to force us all back!”
“We have so many guards today, do you think our He family is easy to bully?”
“Brothers, kill Wen Ning first, then deal with Ji Yange and their mother and daughter…”
I saw the order of the guard commander of the He family, and then all the guards behind him went up together, but Wen Ning came to Ji Yange.
Although the Spirit Fire Dragonfly could attack, Wen Ning felt that it was time for his Imperial Beast to come out.
But this time Wen Ning, he did not attack with the three sapphire dragons, instead he let Jiuli Niekong demon tiger come out to deal with these guards.
“Juli Niekong Demon Tiger, come out for me!”
Just as Wen Ning’s words fell, his imperial beast Jiuli Niekong Demon Tiger had already appeared. The huge body of Jiuli Niekong Demon Tiger shocked the He family guards.
If they hadn’t seen the Jiuli Niekong Demon Tiger with their own eyes, they wouldn’t have imagined how terrifying Wen Ning’s beasts were. .

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