Black-armored giant crocodile! (1/1)
Wen Ning, Ji Yange, and the beast masters were completely unaware of this matter, and the spirit fire dragonfly went straight forward to chase and kill them.
After a while, the unicorns stopped, and Wen Ning and Ji Yange saw that suddenly there were two more unicorns.
The purpose of the unicorn just now was to attract the spirit fire dragonfly here.
Its strength is not the opponent of the spirit fire dragonfly, but if the three unicorns fight together, the spirit fire dragonfly may not be their opponent.
“Mr. Wen, why are there three unicorns?”
“This is the Forest of Ghosts, even if there are ten unicorns, it wouldn’t be too strange…”
The Ghost Forest itself is full of threats, and there are a lot of beasts.
So now that Wen Ning said it, Ji Yange wasn’t as surprised as before, but whether the spirit fire dragonfly can kill all these unicorns depends on its attack.
Ji Yange still believed in her spirit fire dragonfly, so she continued to let the spirit fire dragonfly attack.
This time, the spirit fire dragonfly did not use the raging fire to start a prairie fire, but used its own attack to deal with the three unicorns.
This time it took the initiative to attack!
The three unicorns were not afraid at all, standing together and attacking the spirit fire dragonfly.
The unicorns’ attack was stronger than that of the spirit fire dragonfly, so they repelled the spirit fire dragonfly in an instant, and the spirit fire dragonfly suffered some injuries as a result.
After Ji Yange saw that the spirit fire dragonfly was injured, she glanced at Wen Ning beside her. Wen Ning could see that Ji Yange was worried.
But Wen Ning told Ji Yange not to worry, the spirit fire dragonfly should not die.
If the spirit fire dragonfly died in the hands of the unicorns, then the spirit fire dragonfly would not be a spirit fire dragonfly. Were the beasts it killed before for nothing?
“Miss Ji, you can rest assured!”
“The attack of the spirit fire dragonfly just now should be just to test their strength!”
“Once the spirit fire dragonfly descends with flames, the unicorns will be completely unable to resist its attack…”
After Wen Ning comforted Ji Yange, Ji Yange understood what Wen Ning meant.
The spirit fire dragonfly was right in what Wen Ning said, it used its own attack as a test, it didn’t intend to kill the unicorns just now.
As for the strength of the unicorns, the spirit fire dragonfly has almost mastered it.
The flames on the spirit fire dragonfly suddenly began to increase, and the spirit fire dragonfly used the flames to descend on the unicorns.
When the flames fell, the area around the unicorns was already a sea of ​​flames.
It even caused many trees in the forest of ghosts to start burning all at once.
The beast masters of the He family in the distance all looked in this direction and saw a fire in the forest of ghosts, and they didn’t know what (okay) happened.
If they knew it was the flame of the spirit fire dragonfly, they would definitely be extremely shocked at this time.
I saw that the three unicorns were all panicked, because they had never seen such a powerful flame before, and the spirit fire dragonfly not only attacked with the descending flames, but even continued to attack with its own attack!
As a result, all the unicorns are desperate!
Wen Ning saw the injuries on their bodies, all of which were continuously increasing at the moment. .


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