Desert Dormant Lizard! (1/1)
Is it really terrifying?
Can it be stronger than his Imperial Beast Qingyu Sanshou Jiao?
Wen Ning couldn’t believe it!
“Yo, it’s Zhang Wenyao.”
“Who am I to be, what are you going to do today?”
“Do you think that being there with some beastmasters can stop us from leaving the depths of the Forest of Ghosts?”
Wen Ning questioned Zhang Wenyao of the Zhang family, but now that Zhang Wenyao told the family’s death and injury, he forced to ask Wen Ning who did it.
Zhang Wenyao wanted to take revenge for the beastmasters who died in the family, in the depths of the Forest of Ghosts.
At that time, most of those beastmasters were killed by Wen Ning, and they had nothing to do with Ji Yange and He Fanling, nor did they have anything to do with the Ji family’s beastmasters.
One person does one thing!
Wen Ning won’t drag them down, so in front of Zhang Wen Yao…
“it’s me!”
“What’s wrong, Zhang Wenyao, are you going to teach me a lesson?”
“I kill you!”
It is impossible for Zhang Wenyao to just teach Wen Ning a lesson. If he can stay here with the Zhang family’s beastmasters for so long, Wen Ning must pay a heavy price.
And now Zhang Wenyao wants Wen Ning to die?
His words were heard by Wen Ning and the Ji family’s beastmasters, and they almost laughed at them. Wen Ning didn’t know how many people had heard such words.
Even the people from the An family before, they have said it many times.
But have they done it?
Not only did he not kill Wen Ning, he was even killed directly by Wen Ning.
So Zhang Wenyao didn’t even think about his beasts, could they compare with Wen Ning’s beasts and Ji Yange’s beasts?
If it is really stronger than the imperial beast Qingyu three dragons, and Jiuli Niekong demon tiger.
Then Wen Ning was killed by this piece of Wenyao’s beast, and Wen Ning recognized it later, but Wen Ning knew that Zhang Wenyao’s beast couldn’t do it!
“Wen Ning, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you.”
“You’ll find out later, the price to pay for offending Zhang Wenyao.”
Zhang Wenyao stood in front very domineeringly and said that today Zhang Wenyao did not come alone, he also brought most of the beastmasters of the Zhang family.
The rest of the beastmasters followed the Zhang family patriarch.
In addition, Zhang Wenyao himself still has the existence of imperial beasts, which means that if Zhang Wenyao is afraid of Wen Ning, then he is not Zhang Wenyao at all.
I saw that Zhang Wenyao did not let his imperial beast come out, but planned to test the strength of the spirit fire dragonfly. He saw Wen Ning and He Fanling beside them.
At this time, there wasn’t any beast at all. Instead, it was Ji Yange’s side. At this moment, there was a dragonfly, a spirit dragonfly…
Zhang Wenyao had heard that the Spirit Fire Dragonfly was very strong, but he didn’t know how strong the Spirit Fire Dragonfly was.
The role of the Zhang family’s beastmasters around him seems to be reflected in the next.
One order!
(Hao Nuo Zhao) Zhang Wenyao let his subordinates start to fight, but now it is not to deal with He Fanling and Wen Ning, at a glance they can see that they want to let the imperial beast deal with the spirit fire dragonfly.
Apart from Zhang Wenyao’s unexpectedly strong beasts, the beasts of the Zhang family’s beastmasters, Wen Ning saw that they were not very strong.
Hundreds of imperial beasts have appeared…
Although it looks scary in terms of momentum, the attributes of these beasts have all appeared in front of Wen Ning’s eyes. .

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