No Concealment! (1/1)
Since Wen Ning was able to beat Zhu Jianyuan to death, it was no problem for Wen Ning to teach Zhu Xingzhou a lesson at this time.
“I wish Xingzhou, you are dead!”
Wen Ning said at Zhu Xingzhou now, and punched him hard in the back. Zhu Xingzhou spat out a lot of blood when he was punched.
In an instant!
He knelt down in front of Wen Ning, and the other Ji family guards, they didn’t show any mercy…
Even without Wen Ning instructing them, they were constantly attacking Zhu Xingzhou at this moment.
I wish Sin Chew was constantly attacked like this.
In just a short time, the dead can no longer die.
After Zhu Jianyuan saw this scene, he closed his eyes.
Saying that Zhu Xingzhou is also a great elder, today Zhu Jianyuan killed Zhu Xingzhou.
“Zhu Jianyuan, just be honest with me!”
“You too are dead!”
Wen Ning used the death of the chief elder of the Zhu family to threaten the current Zhu Jianyuan, even if Wen Ning did not threaten Zhu Jianyuan.
Zhu Jianyuan never dared to escape!
But today it wasn’t just the two of them, Wen Ning came to attack the Zhu family.
It has been known by the patriarch of the Zhu family, and Zhu Haoyan, the patriarch of the Zhu family, has led the manpower to rush here.
And Zhu Haoyan also brought Su Li out of the dungeon quickly at this time.
Zhu Haoyan must let Wen Ning and Ji Yange know the price of attacking the Zhu family.
Zhu Jianyuan saw the patriarch Zhu Haoyan coming, and the Zhu family guards behind Zhu Haoyan actually had more than a few hundred people today.
All this made Wen Ning a little surprised, it seemed that all the guards of the Zhu family.
They were all brought out by Zhu Haoyan today, and many powerful beastmasters from the Zhu family also followed behind Zhu Haoyan, the patriarch of the Zhu family.
“The Patriarch…”
“Save me!”
Zhu Jianyuan asked Zhu Haoyan for help now, he knew that except the current patriarch Zhu Haoyan, no one could save him.
He didn’t want to die in Wen Ning’s hands!
So Zhu Jianyuan had to turn to Zhu Haoyan for help, but when Zhu Haoyan saw that the elder was dead, his expression changed instantly.
“How did the great elder die?”
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????
“How did you die?”
“speak out!”
Zhu Haoyan started talking to many beastmasters around him, they didn’t know how the elder died, but when Zhu Haoyan’s words just fell.
At this moment, Wen Ning started to laugh.
Others may be afraid of the current Zhu Haoyan, but Wen Ning is not at all afraid.
Isn’t that the patriarch of the Zhu family?
Wen Ning didn’t take Zhu Haoyan in his eyes, even if Zhu Haoyan’s beast-guarding was very powerful, but his beast-guarding strength…
It shouldn’t be as strong as Wen Ning’s beast master!
“Are you Wen Ning?”
“What are you laughing at?”
“Could it be that the Great Elder of our Zhu family was killed by you today?”
Seeing Wen Ning laughing all the time, Zhu Haoyan asked Wen Ning now, but Wen Ning didn’t hide it at all.
Although the chief elder of the Zhu family was actually beaten to death by the guards of the Ji family, Wen Ning said that he killed it himself.
This made Zhu Haoyan instantly angry!
If the guards of the Zhu family died a lot, Zhu Haoyan would not care at all, but there was only one great elder. Death.

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