Deadly pupils! (1/1)
Ye Tianhe will definitely not miss this opportunity.
When Ye Tianhe finished talking to his imperial beast, the four-eyed spirit fox, the four-eyed spirit fox immediately stared at the spirit fire dragonfly, and the four-eyed spirit fox’s eyes were very strange.
The spirit fire dragonfly has fallen into the bewitchment of the four-eyed spirit fox!
The four-eyed spirit fox used deadly pupils, so the spirit fire dragonfly became like this, even if the spirit fire dragonfly’s beast-controlling strength was stronger.
In front of this four-eyed spirit fox…
It seems to be useless!
Even He Fanling’s Polestar Purple Flying Insect is in danger. If the Four Eyed Spirit Fox continues to attack with its beast-fighting ability, it is very likely that the Polestar Purple Flying Insect will be bewitched.
Wen Ning had already seen this at 28.
Wen Ning didn’t know the four-eyed spirit fox’s ability to control beasts before, it looked so powerful.
But at this time, after Wen Ning understood, he would definitely keep everyone away from the four-eyed spirit fox, not only the imperial beast was already very dangerous…
I am afraid that Ji Yange and the guards of the Ji family are more dangerous in Wen Ning’s eyes.
I saw Wen Ning shouting loudly at those Ji family members in the distance.
“Close your eyes now!”
“Don’t look at this fox with four pupils.”
“Have you heard everything?”
Wen Ning was also worried that the guards of the Ji family would not be able to hear it, so he deliberately increased his voice, but the guards of the Ji family could hear it clearly.
Even when Wen Ning finished speaking…
All of them have closed their eyes.
Ye TianHe didn’t think that his ability to control beasts had already been seen through by Wen Ning. It must be said that Ye Tianhe still had some fears about the current Wen Ning.
But Ye Tianhe has a four-eyed spirit fox here, how could he be afraid of Wen Ning?
Besides, the spirit fire dragonfly has been successfully bewitched, although the four-eyed spirit fox couldn’t order the spirit fire dragonfly to go to deal with Wen Ning, Ji Yange and others.
But the Spirit Fire Dragonfly couldn’t start attacking!
The Spirit Fire Dragonfly stayed where it was and did not fly, let alone attack the Four Eyed Spirit Fox, and the Spirit Fire Dragonfly seemed to be no different from a dead imperial beast.
After seeing this scene, Ji Yange, the owner, was puzzled at first…
It was not until Wen Ning reminded Ji Yange that Ji Yange knew that the reason why the spirit fire dragonfly was like this was that it was attacked by the four-eyed spirit fox.
“Master Wen, what about the spirit fire dragonfly?”
“The Spirit Fire Dragonfly cannot fight.”
“You won’t die in the hands of the four-eyed spirit fox?”
What Ji Yange is worried about is not her own safety, but the safety of the beast-fighting spirit fire dragonfly. For the current Ji Yange…
Spirit Fire Dragonfly is very important!
So no matter what, you can’t let the spirit fire dragonfly die, plus the four-eyed spirit fox 473 is in front of the spirit fire dragonfly, once the four-eyed spirit fox goes to attack.
The Spirit Fire Dragonfly is at stake.
“Miss Ji, I’ll find a way.”
“Let the Polestar Purple Flying Insect get on first!”
“Be careful with the polar star purple flying insect.”
After Wen Ning finished speaking to the Polestar Purple Flying Insect, the Polestar Purple Flying Insect nodded and started to pass. Before, it was the Spirit Fire Dragonfly that saved the Polestar Purple Flying Insect.
But this time!
It was time for the Polestar Purple Flying Insect to save the Spirit Fire Dragonfly. The Polestar Purple Flying Insect was still relatively fast until Ji Yange approached the Four Eyed Spirit Fox.
The four-eyed spirit fox also wanted to use the beast-fighting ability just now to confuse He Fanling’s polar star purple flying insect. .

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