: Snowy Purple Ice Wolf! (1/1)
Then Wen Ning, Linghuo Dragonfly, and the guards rushed back to where Ji Yange and He Fanling were. Ji Yange and He Fanling probably wouldn’t have thought of it either.
Wen Ning and everyone…
Some food has been found.
Not long after, Wen Ning and the guards brought the wild wolves to Ji Yange and He Fanling. Ji Yange saw the wild wolves at a glance.
Just now Wen Ning and the guards left for a long time.
Ji Yange, He Fanling and the others did not encounter danger, after all, there are three sapphire dragons here, so there is nothing to be afraid of even if there is danger.
“Ji Yange, what is that?”
He Fanling next to Ji Yange spoke, but Ji Yange couldn’t see clearly, and didn’t know what those things were, but soon they both saw them.
It turned out to be a wild wolf.
Needless to say, Ji Yange and He Fanling were also hungry, so they were also very happy to see the wild wolf. Wen Ning immediately asked the guards to deal with the wolf’s corpse.
You have to find a cave in the snowy area.
The cave before…
It’s a long way from here.
So Wen Ning didn’t want to go back at all, but planned to find a cave nearby, and there happened to be the entrance of a cave not far ahead.
It will be warm inside the cave.
“Everyone go to the cave for me.”
“Get ready for meat tonight!”
“it is good!”
“Big chunks of meat…”
The guards of the Ji family carried the wolf on their shoulders and walked behind Wen Ning excitedly and said, everyone’s enthusiasm is higher tonight, and it’s all because they don’t have to worry about food.
Seeing the guards in the family, Ji Yange was also very happy to be so happy tonight.
Then Wen Ning and everyone came to the edge of the cave, and Wen Ning had to be clear about the situation in the cave. Before that, there were imperial beasts in the cave.
But this cave…
There are no beasts at all.
This is because Wen Ning asked some people to check it out.
“Don’t worry, Patriarch!”
Wen Ning and some guards put the wolf meat they got on the flames and roasted it. It didn’t take long for the wolf meat to be eaten.
I saw the aroma of wild wolf meat.
Wen Ning asked Ji Yange and He Fanling to come over, and even many guards of the Ji family were drooling greedily. I have to say that the wild wolf meat is really delicious.
Wen Ning went down in one gulp!
extremely satisfied…
If Wen Ning hadn’t gone to kill those wild wolves tonight, there would be no way to enjoy it with everyone, and after eating the wild wolf meat.
Wen Ning asked everyone to stay in the cave.
Never go out.
In fact, Wen Ning didn’t need to remind everyone, and no one would go out rashly, after all, no one wanted to die outside the cave.
In the end, it was already dawn in the snowy area of ​​the Zhujia family forbidden area. After seeing that there was not much snow outside, Wen Ning stood at the entrance of the cave and stretched.
“That is?”
“Familiar beast?”
I saw Wen Ning looking far away from the entrance of the cave.
A pair of terrible eyes.
He was staring at Wen Ning now.
Last night Wen Ning ordered the Spirit Fire Dragonfly to attack and killed all those wild wolves, but the imperial beast in the Snow Region, the Snow Region Ziyou Ice Wolf.
Wen Ning will not be let go.
The Snowy Ziyou Ice Wolf searched for a lot…
Eventually the carcasses of those wild wolves were found.
I saw that the wild wolves were all dead!
Snowy Ziyou Ice Wolf was half dead with anger.
It vowed to avenge the dead wolves, but the Ziyou ice wolf in the snow region didn’t know who the enemy who killed those wolves was. .

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