Rush down from the snow mountain! (1/1)
Wen Ning looked at the white snow all around him, and didn’t know there was any way to quickly rescue He Fanling, but just when Wen Ning was extremely anxious.
He Fanling coughed.
Standing on the top of Jixing Zi Feizhu, he was lifted up. Seeing that He Fanling was not dead at all, Wen Ning immediately laughed…
“Great, He Fanling~ You’re fine!”
“not good!”
“What happened to He Fanling?”
Wen Ning thought that He Fanling had nothing to do, but He Fanling didn’t have nothing at all, she looked very bad-.
Especially He Fanling’s body.
trembling all the time!
Wen Ning looked at He Fanling’s face from such a distance in the past, but it is not at all bad now, so Wen Ning must go to He Fanling’s side to see what happened to He Fanling.
Wen Ning walked towards He Fanling quickly, and soon Wen Ning successfully came to her side.
Polestar Purple Flying Insect released its owner He Fanling, and Wen Ning fled with He Fanling in his arms.
When he came to Ji Yange and the Ji family guards, Wen Ning found a relatively soft ground and slowly placed He Fanling on the ground.
“Master Wen, who is He Fanling?”
“She is very weak.”
“Her body has to be warmed up.”
Wen Ning tried He Fanling’s skin, and it was already very cold at the moment, even though the spirit fire dragonfly was beside He Fanling…
But He Fanling still didn’t get better.
The one who attracted Wen Ning, Ji Yange and the others just now was the snowy purple ice wolf standing on the boulder.
Although there are three Ji family guards…
Died in an avalanche.
But this is not what the Snow Region Ziyou Ice Wolf wants to see. It wants to see that everyone must die, including the two imperial beasts who also died under the avalanche.
And Wen Ning’s eyes!
An unprecedented murderous aura appeared immediately, not only Ji Yange was shocked, but the Ji family guards saw Wen Ning like this.
I am also surprised…
Why did Wen Ning do this?
This is all because of He Fanling’s body. After all, He Fanling is very important to Wen Ning.
So even in order to avenge He Fanling, he had to let the snowy Ziyou ice wolf die tragically, but Wen Ning didn’t need to let Qingyu Sanjiao go.
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????
It’s a waste to use the three sapphire dragons…
And the spirit fire dragonfly is very suitable!
Wen Ning immediately asked the spirit fire dragonfly beside Ji Yange to kill the already injured Xueyu Ziyou Ice Wolf, who heard Wen Ning’s order.
How could he possibly dare to wait any longer?
Because it knows that if it stays for a while, it will give itself a high chance of dying, so the Snow Region Ziyou Ice Wolf didn’t even think about it…
…… 0
Immediately turn around and continue to run away.
Before, it could also use avalanches to attack, but now the Snow Region Ziyou Ice Wolf thought about it.
There is simply no terrain available.
And if the spirit fire dragonfly uses the normal flying speed, it is indeed difficult to get close to the snowy purple ice wolf, but once the spirit fire dragonfly uses its beast-defense ability, it will fly very fast.
If he wanted to catch up with that snowy purple ice wolf, he wouldn’t have much problem with the spirit fire dragonfly. Wen Ning also knew that the spirit fire dragonfly was very fast.
Only let the spirit fire dragonfly go.
Otherwise not at all!
Xueyu Ziyou Ice Wolf saw a strong flame behind him and was about to touch his body. It didn’t know what was behind the flame…
It was actually a spirit fire dragonfly. Death.

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