Don’t Blame Ji Yange! (1/1)
A rainstorm is coming…
It rained very heavily.
Wen Ning and Ji Yange have nowhere to hide, and there may be beasts in the forest, Wen Ning knows that if he doesn’t find a place to hide from the heavy rain, it seems that it will be impossible in the future.
“Oops, why is there a heavy rain?”
“We haven’t had our fill yet.”
Wen Ning looked at the grilled fish in his hand and said helplessly, but there was no longer any delay, so Wen Ning threw the grilled fish away.
Just pulling Ji Yange and He Fanling through the rainstorm, Wen Ning’s vision was already blurred.
The rainstorm is really terrible.
The forest floor…
It has started to get muddy.
There is more and more stagnant water.
Wen Ning at the beginningWhen we escaped with everyone, it was actually very easy, but now it is very difficult.
“Master Wen, what are we going to do?”
“It’s raining.”
“Is it too big?”
Ji Yange had encountered a heavy rain before, but she had never seen such a heavy rain. It was obviously unrealistic for Ji Yange to figure out what to do at this time.
The same is true for He Fanling.
They can only rely on the current Wen Ning.
Wen Ning intends to find a place to shelter from the rain with everyone, otherwise he will surely die in the torrential rain.
“Look for a nearby cave〃〃.”
Wen Ning thought that there might be a cave in this forest, so he started asking everyone to keep looking for it, but in this case, he was looking for a cave.
It’s just luck.
With bad luck…
No use at all.
After Wen Ning and Ji Yange’s hard work, they finally came across a small cave in the forest, although the cave looked very small.
But let them die.
“The cave is just ahead.”
Wen Ning shouted out to Ji Yange and the Ji family guards, and their physical strength was exhausted.
Without this cave.
Wen Ning didn’t know what to do anymore.
After everyone finally entered the cave, all of them had already slumped in the cave. I have to say that the cave is dark and dim now.
But at least it’s not raining.
“It’s dangerous.”
“Why is the rainstorm outside so heavy?”
Several Ji family guards said curiously, but Wen Ning couldn’t tell right now, some beasts outside the rainstorm…
is also approaching.
Just when Wen Ning and Ji Yange thought they were all right, a wild bear suddenly appeared outside the cave…
Although the wild bear is not a royal beast.
But there is still some fighting power.
He Fanling suddenly screamed.
Because she was worried about being attacked by the wild bear, but Wen Ning was extremely calm, if the wild bear were compared to the spirit fire dragonfly.
Isn’t it vulnerable.
The wild bear did not yet know the seriousness of the matter.
They walked towards Wen Ning and Ji Yange. The cave must be very small now, and there is absolutely no way to escape in the cave.
If there is no spirit fire dragonfly.
I guess they can only wait to die. (Lee Hao)
But who made the current spirit fire dragonfly beside Wen Ning and Ji Yange?
“¨”If you don’t want to die! ”
“Just get out.”
“Otherwise you are beautiful!”
Ji Yange warned the wild bear. Ji Yange thought the wild bear would be afraid, but she did not expect the wild bear to become more ferocious.
Don’t blame Ji Yan for singing Mai.
Ji Yange motioned for the spirit fire dragonfly to come forward, and the spirit fire dragonfly made a flame, and the wild bear was already burned by the flame. .

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