The battle between the dragonfly and the lizard! (1/1)
At this time, Wen Ning directly moved to the side to avoid it, leaving the battlefield to the spirit fire dragonfly and this lizard.
At this time, the lizard also looked at the spirit fire dragonfly in front of him with vigilance, and the strength of its own spirit fire dragonfly was placed here.
Not to mention that it is superfluous, at least the current situation is like this. Since the Spirit Fire Dragonfly took the mysterious potion, its skills and strength have increased significantly.
It was also because of this that Wen Ning dared to let the spirit fire dragonfly fight this lizard, and the lizard seemed to have used the instinct of the beast to know that the spirit fire dragonfly was not easy to deal with.
Therefore, the two sides were stuck on the ground for a while, and the spirit fire dragonfly flew in the air to observe the weakness of the lizard.
And this lizard was still in order to observe the weakness of the spirit fire dragonfly. It can be said that there is really no other good way to do this.
And at this moment, I saw that the spirit fire dragonfly also burst out with a golden light, and the strong light for a moment also directly caused the lizard to close its eyes.
It can be seen that the lizard was almost blinded by the fire dragonfly.
At this time, I saw that the spirit fire dragonfly also immediately spewed out a fierce flame, and it burned towards the lizard.
Wen Ning saw the Spirit Fire Dragonfly preempting the attack, and naturally he knew that there was nothing to say about this matter, and that was the problem right now.
But here is the problem. Although the flame of the spirit fire dragonfly is also very powerful, it does not produce the effect Wen Ning expected.
At this time, Wen Ning originally thought that the lizard might be burned to death, but what he didn’t expect was that this fire dragonfly just made the lizard back a few steps.
This lizard seems to be unaffected by the fire, as if the skin on its body will not burn.
Wen Ning also knew for a while, I’m afraid this thing is going to be bad, if the flame of the spirit fire dragonfly can’t hurt this guy.
So I’m afraid I can’t rest here todayNow, I have to leave quickly with the two girls.
At this moment, I saw that the lizard also opened its mouth directly, and spit out its tongue towards the spirit fire dragonfly.
Seeing such a situation, Wen Ning also shouted, “Be careful, Spirit Fire Dragonfly.〃.”
The lizard didn’t see that it actually wanted to eat the spirit fire dragonfly. This was what worried Wen Ning.
However, since the Spirit Fire Dragonfly drank the mysterious potion, the speed has also become very fast, so it is not afraid of this guy at all.
I saw the spirit fire dragonfly dodging, and immediately disappeared in place, and then appeared on the other side, and the lizard just flew into the air.
At this time, Wen Ning was a little relieved. After all, to Wen Ning, this Spirit Fire Dragonfly could be said to be his comrade-in-arms.
If his comrade-in-arms died, Wen Ning would never forgive himself. After all, how much help Linghuo Dragonfly had given him along the way.
At this moment, I saw (Hao Nuo’s) Spirit Fire Dragonfly moving directly and quickly, and the light on Spirit Fire Dragonfly became brighter immediately.
I saw the spirit fire dragonfly also rushed towards the front, and then I saw a flash of golden light, and the next second spirit fire dragonfly left a trace on the skin of the lizard.
“‘ . Well done, Spirit Fire Dragonfly.” Wen Ning was overjoyed to see that Spirit Fire Dragonfly also gave the lizard a good meal. .

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