I am looking forward to the performance of the two of you! (1/1)
“I look forward to the performance of the two of you.”
After Wen Ning left the venue with the two women, he was about to go back to the hotel, and the three of them were about to go back to the hotel to rest.
At this time, there was also a person standing in front of him, this person looked a little strange, Wen Ning was also curious, why this person would block the way out of the three of them.
At this time, Wen Ning directly went up and asked, “Who are you, and why are you blocking our way?”
And that person said: “My name is Marte, I am a beast master. I saw your beast master on TV this time.”
“You seem to be very powerful. Are you interested in fighting with me? In terms of such things, we are also equal opponents.”
“Fight with me, I guarantee you can get the result you can’t think of.” Marte said.
Wen Ning, on the other hand, gave this guy a blank look and then received: “I’m not interested in fighting you, if you want to fight me”‖.”
“Then you should find a way to get this matter right, but the most serious thing is that you should sign up for the competition.”
“This is the current issue. It seems that it is too late for you to sign up now.”
“That’s why I’m curious, is it because you didn’t sign up successfully, so you want to come to me to PK here?” Wen Ning asked.
But Marte said with a look of disdain: “This kind of competition is not worth my registration at all. I have no interest in signing up for such a weak competition.”
“This kind of game is not worth my shot. I just saw that you seem to be very good on the field, so I decided to come and see your strength.”
“How about you agree or not?” Marte asked.
And Wen Ning directly shook his head and said, “I’m not interested. You should know that according to the regulations, you are not allowed to compete with beasts in the street without permission.”
“If you want to be taken away by the control bureau, that’s your business.”, but I don’t have this interest, so you don’t have to tell me this, you know? “Wen Ning said.
According to the regulations of the control bureau in this world, the beast master is not allowed to engage in battles with beasts in a non-competition state.
Firstly, the Control Bureau prevents some beast masters whose beast masters are really very destructive. If one is not careful, the local city will be destroyed.
Even killing a large number of innocent civilians, these things are not allowed, so this is where the current issue is.
If there is really another way, then naturally there is nothing to say, but the current problem is here.
If these things can be done well, then naturally it is the best thing, if not, then naturally there is no need to say more.
So here is the current problem, it is impossible for Wen Ning to compete with Malte in the street, unless he wants to be captured by the Control Bureau.
After hearing (Li’s Zhao) Wen Ning’s words, Marte said: “‘ ‖The control bureau is also a group of people who are full and have nothing to do.”
“Since this is going to be like this now, then naturally there is no need to talk nonsense. In terms of the current issue, there are only so many things that can be done.”
“However, since this is what you want to do, it is natural that there is no need to say more. In short, there is not much to say about other things. If this can achieve something you want to do, then it is the best thing.”.

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