Zhao Family Manor! (1/1)
Wen Ning brought the two women along with this woman and walked along the way.
Along the way, Wen Ning looked at the situation in the manor, and also said to He Fanling and Ji Yange who were on the side: “This Zhao clan master will also enjoy life.”
The woman said coldly: “The door owner has always liked quietness, and this manor is also the door owner’s favorite place, just because of the quietness, plus the flowers and plants.”
“So that’s why there are so many people here,” the woman said.
At this time, He Fanling asked: “This sister, we don’t know your name yet, why do you look so cold.”
And the woman said, “I’m not cold, it’s just that I’m like this, but there’s no big problem.”
“However, I met Mr. Wen Ning through this match on TV. Mr. Wen Ning, your strength is very strong, and your imperial beast is really powerful.”
“It’s just that we are all curious, why your imperial beast can have such a powerful destructive power, this is really beyond our imagination 々ˇ.”
“Mr. Wen Ning hopes that this time we will have a very big affirmation of your strength,” the woman said.
Wen Ning nodded, and then the three of them followed the woman in.
Entering a large living room, I saw a man in his thirties sitting on the sofa. This man was also holding a book and reading.
And when the woman came in, she said, “Sect Master, Mr. Wen Ning is here.”
After the man heard this, he closed the book, then stood up and walked over to Wen Ning, reaching out his hand and saying, “Hello, I’m Zhao Fei, the head of the Zhao family.”
“Hello, I’m Wen Ning.” Wen NingAlso said.
At this time, Zhao Fei said to the three of Wen Ning: “Please sit down, please. This time, please come here. To be honest, there is something that needs your help, Mr. Wen Ning.”
After Wen Ning sat down, he asked, “I don’t know what it is. It would be best if I could help.”
And Zhao Feicai said: “Actually, there is nothing else about this matter. This is the current issue. This time, I invite Mr. Wen Ning to list it.”
“It’s because the Familiar Panda in Mr. Wen Ning’s hand is the only Familiar that can complete this task, while the other Familiars cannot.”
“That’s why we invite Mr. Wen Ning.” Zhao Fei said.
Hearing Zhao Fei’s words, Wen Ning asked curiously: “What kind of task can only be completed by my beast master, and no one else can complete it?”
And Zhao Feicai said: “Actually, there is nothing else about this matter. This is the current issue.”
“This thing is like this. I have been looking for something called a bell flower, but this bell flower can only appear in a specific place.”
“This place is full of poisonous gas and miasma. It can be said that any beast master (good Li Zhao) will die if it enters, even if the beast master is poisonous.”
“But only one royal beast will not have such a situation, they themselves will pass through after eating the green bamboo leaves.”
“Then purify the poison in itself and expel it through the gas. It’s right, Mr. Wen Ning, your panda.”
“No way.” After hearing Zhao Fei’s words, Wen Ning said directly: “My panda still has such a function?”.

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