The voice of the cricket! (1/1)
Wen Ning felt that something was wrong, so he quickly stood up and looked around.
There was no movement.
“He Fanling, Ji Yange?” Wen Ning also shouted loudly without any response.
There was only the sound of crickets around, and the rest was silence. At this time, Wen Ning became a little anxious.
At this time, Wen Ning hurriedly went to the woods in front of him, because for Wen Ning.
Ji Yange and He Fanling were also very important to him. If they could not be found, Wen Ning would never bypass him.
What else is there to joke about, it is absolutely necessary to find these two people quickly, if they can’t find it.
That’s really going to happen.
At this time, Wen Ning ran directly towards the front and hurried over. As soon as he arrived in the woods, Wen Ning saw the woods in front of him.
There was nothing else in the woods, Wen Ning shouted a few times, but still no one was there.
At this moment, Wen Ning also saw that there seemed to be something in front of him.
Wen Ning was curious and quickly followed, only to see piles of gold and diamonds appearing in front of him.
Seeing such a situation, Wen Ning immediately woke up: “I’ll go, so many gold jewelry, this is simply a fortune.”
“Is it because my time has come to work, or is it that I have come to find me and need me to get these things?”
“I can’t believe that I have encountered such a good thing after so many years. I’m not dreaming.” Wen Ning also directly touched his face.
It feels like it shouldn’t be a dream.
At this moment, Wen Ning also hurried up, and when he was in front of the gold and jewels, Wen Ning also planned to stretch out his hand.
But after thinking about it for a long time, Wen Ning still did not extend his hand, but said to himself, “This is definitely a dream.”
“If there really is a gold mine here, it is absolutely impossible to have other problems. In short, I won’t say anything else.”
“Then it’s a point. For me, this can only be the case. There must be something wrong with this gold mine.”
“Forget it, I’m leaving. This is definitely not a real gold mine. If this is a real gold mine, then I’ll go straight to eat shit.” Wen Ning said.
Wen Ning really had a self-awareness. After all, in such a wild country, if such a situation suddenly appeared, it was definitely a problem.
If this is really a gold mine, then it’s definitely not Wen Ning’s turn to think about it, so Wen Ning knows more about this matter than anyone else.
It is also because of this that Wen Ning directly forgot all other matters and turned around to leave.
At this moment, Wen Ning saw his panda suddenly rushed out from the side.
Wen Ning saw his panda and said, “Why are you here, what are you doing so angry?”
With a slap, the panda also slapped Wen Ning in the face, and Wen Ning opened his eyes immediately.
I saw Wen Ning’s panda didn’t know when it came out, and he was lying on the grass next to a bonfire. .

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