Global Sage Era

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Luyuan City, the third middle school.

All the teachers, including Xiao Sihai, gathered together.

When Xu Sheng’s results came out,

Cang Dang crunch.

The sound of chair feet sliding on the ground.

Everyone got up from their seats with a rub.

Although it has been faintly anticipated.

But at this moment when the results came out, everyone still rushed from the tail vertebrae to the sky.

“Really did it! The top prize came from our third middle school!”

“The first champion in more than a hundred years since the school was founded!”

“No, it’s not only our school’s first champion, but also the country’s first with a perfect score!”

This is an honor that belongs to all the teachers and students of the third middle school. No matter how long time passes, it will be remembered in the history of the third middle school today.

The name Xu Sheng will also be passed on from year to year, and will be known to every new student in the future.

Even in every subsequent year, not only the Third Middle School, but the entire Luyuan, Baiwan and even the whole country will continue to mention this name.

The top pick is not common, and a lot of them come out every year.

But the full score champion, this is a pioneering move, like the first time to break the ground!

“Teacher Xie, congratulations, I have brought out a student like Xu Sheng. This year, I can’t get away with the title of a senior teacher. It’s not even a super teacher.”

The people next to him were complimenting Xie Hong. Xie Hong was so excited that she couldn’t calm down. On the one hand, she was happy for Xu Sheng, and on the other hand, she couldn’t help herself because of the honor she was about to get.

“Principal, great joy, outstanding students like Xu Sheng must be greatly rewarded!”

The teaching director of the third grade high school next to him with a smile on his face suggested to Xiao Sihai.

As Sage, Xiao Sihai’s eyes were a little moist at this time. He didn’t expect that he would be able to accomplish such a thing during his tenure. He seemed to have foreseen that under the influence of Xu Sheng, the number of students he would receive this year The benefits are a lot more than in previous years.

This is a good start!

Maybe one day I can really catch up with 168!

This is what all the previous principals of the three middle schools want to see the most, and it is also the biggest goal!

Wuhui City.

As soon as Xu Sheng’s results came out, the entire teaching building was silent.

Countless people have a question lingering in their minds.

How could it be so fast?

They were surprised when they saw Xu Sheng’s results jump out so quickly at the beginning, thinking that God blessed them, and the things they had been praying for had come true. The student named Xu Sheng made a major mistake.

But the number I saw next was too dazzling, dazzling to the point of stinging.

“Others should only be the fifth wave, he completed the seventh wave?”

A teacher hesitated.

“Wang Hao just came out. His three models were ranked in the top ten in our school. It was just in the middle and late stages of the fifth wave, and the actual combat assessment score was 259.”

“Taking Wang Hao as a reference, Zheng Jingjing has just finished the fifth wave at most, and is about to enter the sixth wave… But how can Xu Sheng even complete the seventh wave?”

There was something incredible in everyone’s eyes, followed by a deep sense of powerlessness.

Sure enough, it deserves to be the existence of the first two full marks of evildoers, this kind of strength is no longer of an order of magnitude.

“If I remember correctly, he was the first full score champion in history, right?”

“You remember correctly, it’s not just us Baiwan. In the past 100 years, no matter how easy or difficult the college entrance examination was, how enchanting the candidates were, and the highest level was only 899.”

“So… can this Xu Sheng be called the most enchanting student ever?”

“If you only count the college entrance examination… you can say so.”

Although the teachers in Wuhui No. 1 High School were not reconciled, they were convinced that they lost because this is no longer a very small gap.

They understand better that just 900 points is not enough to define this student named Xu Sheng.

Gan Jing.

As the capital, the permanent population here is 30 million.

Among them, the proportion of more than half saints is scary.

In addition to a dominant university, there are also several top universities, which are the strongest teachers in the Wuhua District.

But today, these colleges and universities that don’t pay much attention to the college entrance examination on weekdays all talked about the same topic.

“Have you heard? This time the Baiwan Provincial College Entrance Examination, I got a perfect score!”

“Full score champion, that doesn’t mean he…hiss!”

“Just so, when I saw the news, the Sacred Heart was a little unstable, and I had doubts about the path of ‘Holy Nature’.”

The hidden rules of the college entrance examination are not a secret among the professors of these universities.

So compared to the surprise of ordinary people, there is a faint shock in their hearts.

Almost everyone believed that when the hidden rule was set in the college entrance examination, it was impossible for anyone to achieve it.

Facts have also proved that even after more than a hundred years, even the most amazing students did not get a perfect score in the college entrance examination that year.

But this year, in 2177, this record was broken.

The first student who passed the seventh wave in the college entrance examination with ‘humanity’ appeared.

Ganjing University.

This is a large garden campus.

“This student must enter our Ganjing University, call the admissions office, immediately dispatch a commissioner to Luyuan, and must contact him before Kunhai University!”

“It’s probably too late. Luyuan is very close to Kunhai City…”

“I don’t care, you arrange it now, I only look at the results, not the process!”


Kun Hai.

As the world’s second largest city, the permanent population here also exceeds 30 million.

What’s more remarkable is that the high-rise buildings here are extremely dense, making it the densest area in the world.

Similarly, housing prices are also the most expensive. Many people from other Sihua districts come here every year to look for opportunities and want to take root in this place.

There is also a hegemonic university here, as well as several other top universities. Although it is not as good as Ganjing, it is not far from it. It is a hard work.

Kunhai University.

Compared with the garden style of Qianjing University, the campus of Kunhai University is more modern. There are various entertainment facilities on the campus, and the main teaching buildings of several campuses are very distinctive in architecture.

“This student named Xu Sheng must take him to our side before Qianjing University. Such a good seedling is too rare!”

“I have checked his information, the identity of his parents…”

“Chen Sheng has already submitted the information, and his suspicion has been gone, and there is no problem with the political trial, so just pull him over.”

“So… then I understand! I will definitely complete the task!”

“Go, I believe you, I allow you to take a special plan.”

“Special plan…he deserves this plan?”

“No, only this plan is worthy of him.”

“I was wrong just now, so I won’t waste time, and I will leave now!”

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