Global Sage Era

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

What’s the meaning?

Everyone didn’t react, even Xie Hong was puzzled.

At this moment, two groups of people eagerly stepped forward, and shouted at the insider Xu Sheng before entering the door:

“Hello, student Xu Sheng, we are the admissions office of Qianjing University.”

“Hello, student Xu Sheng, we are the admissions office of Kunhai University.”

At this time, everyone didn’t have the time to pay attention to the consistency of their words, and they were all shocked by their self-reported family.

Then everyone understood.

There was a hiss immediately.

They actually witnessed the robbing scene of two dominant universities one day.

And the object of being robbed is still his classmate!

This is so special that you can make yourself blow for a year!

The class 5 students looked forward to and awed at the last two groups of people who came. At this time, the only thought left in their minds was: What if their goal was to be themselves!

It’s a pity that, not to mention these two dominance universities, even the top universities are far behind.

They can’t even think about it.

Then, everyone turned round neatly, and their gaze fell on Xu Sheng, the main master this time.

Xie Hong, Xiao Sihai and several leaders also smiled and waited for Xu Sheng to speak.

After Xu Sheng’s initial surprise, he quickly figured out the situation.

To be honest, he didn’t expect such a scene.

In his cognition, the two dominant universities should be superior. Even if he got a perfect score this year, he should win himself over the phone and promise him some conditions.

In the posts he saw on the Internet, some of the top scholars came out to say so.

But who knows that they don’t play cards according to the routine, and within a few hours of the end of the exam, they even rushed to their own home.

In terms of ranks, the two heads of the admissions office are both quasi-sages. Except for Xiao Sihai, the aura of several school leaders was far suppressed.

Overlord-level universities, naturally there will be a sense of arrogance, although there is no obvious manifestation, but everyone present still feels a sense of depression.

Of course, the admissions office of Qianjing University and the admissions office of Kunhai University are more of a rivalry!

It’s no secret. The two universities are competitors, and it can be said that they are not pleasing to the eyes of each other. The annual admissions promotion is full of tricks, and it is fun to tease each other.

Under this circumstance, for the same goal, when they met together, it was naturally the tip of the needle against the wheat, and no one would let anyone else.

“It’s really bad luck. I didn’t expect to happen to meet them.” The head of the admissions office of Qianjing University is a middle-aged man with an ordinary face. He was very upset at this time.

“These guys from Qianjing University made their home in Luyuan? How quickly.” The person in charge of the admissions office of Kunhai University was even more depressed to die. Obviously he has a positional advantage here, so he didn’t even ask for it. That’s good.

“Hello, two teachers, do you have anything to do with me?” Xu Sheng smiled politely.

Chatting requires the will of both parties, so even though Xu Sheng guessed what their purpose was, he still pretended not to know, and threw out the words for them to follow.

Xiao Sihai was amused, and for the first time discovered that Xu Sheng still had a slick side.

The two persons in charge felt very comfortable, the young man went on the road!

“That’s the case. We at Qianjing University have always paid great attention to outstanding students. This time I came here to invite you to become a member of Qianjing University…”

The person in charge of Kunhai University was anxious when he heard it, and unceremoniously interrupted: “As the world’s number one university, Kunhai University has a complete set of training plans for outstanding students. It is absolutely correct for the university to choose Kunhai University. .”

The person in charge of Qianjing University exploded. He resisted his anger and said, “Student Xu Sheng, don’t listen to some people bragging. There has always been only one university ranked first in the world, and that is our Qianjing University. Is the most correct.”

“Kunhai University has strong teachers!”

“Qianjing University has a long history!”

“The students who graduated from our Kunhai University have made great progress!”

“There are our students from Qianjing University in all walks of life!”

The students from Class 5 opened their mouths one by one and watched the two persons in charge spit directly over there, just like bargaining aunts in the vegetable market at their doorstep.


They felt that some good impression in their hearts was broken.

For the first time, I knew that even the person in charge of the admissions office of a dominant university would actually be similar to ordinary people.

Xiao Sihai and Xie Hong looked at them with a smile, they are adults, knowing that this is the norm in front of them.

The students feel that these admissions officers are superior, but they are just in front of people who are not qualified.

In front of truly good students, whether it is a third-rate university or a dominant university, you have to lower your posture and show your sincerity and attention.

Xu Sheng was a little confused by the quarrel, and more importantly, he could not stop it at all.

Looking at the two jealous people in charge with thick necks, all he could do was smirk.

I have been arguing for a few minutes, and the two persons in charge looked at each other, knowing that there will be no results if this continues.

In fact, the two of them are not strangers. As the heads of their respective schools, this is actually the third year. After the previous two years of competition, it can be said that each other wins or loses.

In the end, everything is determined by the conditions that oneself can come up with.

Regarding the conditions, the person in charge of Kunhai University is very confident. The special plan promised this time is only used once every ten years. The various conditions inside are so rich that no student can refuse it.

“Student Xu Sheng, we Kunhai University came with sincerity. As long as you come, you will receive a full scholarship. In addition, you will be exempted from entering the Yuzi Class 1… Also, considering your family situation , The school has decided to give a life subsidy of 1 million credit points. At the same time, if you want to settle down, the school will come forward to solve the hukou problem for you…”

Every time there is a condition, the class 5 students will wow, envy, jealousy and hate are no longer enough to describe their feelings, and they can’t wait to replace Xu Sheng immediately.

No one noticed that Sun Hang, who was standing next to him, looked a little dazed at this time, and he was distracted by this situation.

Sun Hang at this time has already fallen into memory.

His expression was extremely complicated, and a pair of firm eyes appeared in his mind.

Time seems to go back all of a sudden, back to the class where the second model was approaching more than three months ago.

In that class, Own was at the same table, and the tablemate in front of him who had been snatched by two domineering universities categorically said to himself, “No! I must go to a good university!”

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