Global Sage Era

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 The School Is Proud Of You


After sending everyone away, Xu Sheng was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking back on today, too much happened.

The college entrance examination is certainly an unforgettable experience in a lifetime, but it is better to come less for those who are exhausted like this.

Rarely, Xu Sheng stole laziness once. After confirming that Yin, Kuangyuan and others in Minor World were in good spirits, he left the maintenance cabin and went to bed to fall asleep.

For him, the last time he went to sleep was almost three years ago.

Although the maintenance cabin can replace the role of sleep, this seamless switching mode that guides the development of Minor World during the day and the night is not for everyone.

Many people will go to sleep secretly from time to time because of laziness.

Therefore, Xu Sheng can say with a clear conscience that he has tried his best.

In the development of Minor World, many times after setting the direction, it will be followed for a long period of time. Even if you are always watching, it can only play a minor adjustment role. Therefore, many people feel that it is almost a little bit, and the impact is not big. .

But as everyone knows, it’s just this ‘nearly’. After the accumulation of time, it will become a ‘much worse’. With Xu Sheng’s Minor World’s poor pre-conditions, if it hadn’t been kept on guard, it would have been extinct as early as the first year of high school.

Before the first to second grade, his strength was in fact in a long-term stagnation, and at first glance, his efforts were in vain.

But is it really in vain?

The accumulation of inheritance, the accumulation of Practitioner’s experience, and the accumulation of spirit are all invisible.

All of them are actually only one chance.

“Everything is equal” is an opportunity to finally make him reborn.

But if there is no long-term accumulation, people like Yin with Spiritual Roots will definitely appear immediately?

This is not necessarily true.

This night, the world was silent.

Xu Sheng slept extremely sweetly, and didn’t even have a dream.

The bright moon in the sky is also big and bright. As far as the line of sight is concerned, the original shadow of the sky has disappeared, and there is no cloud covering the moonlight.

It seems to indicate that the clouds will clear and the future will be infinitely bright.

In this moonlight earth, thousands of lights are on.

The end of the college entrance examination relieved countless families’ nerves that had been strained for a long time.

Although there are some joys and some worries, after all tonight, tomorrow is a new beginning.

In the room, when sunlight fell on his eyes through the curtains, Xu Sheng’s eyelashes moved.

“I haven’t slept for a long time, and I feel like the world is different when I sleep.”

Xu Sheng sat up from the bed, stretched his waist, and then lifted the quilt off the bed without reluctance.

The feeling of sleeping is comfortable, but it is easy to make people feel slack.

Only this time, I still can’t waste time like this in the future.

After washing and eating breakfast at the fastest speed, Xu Sheng then entered the maintenance cabin. After seeing that the Huntuo tribe did not have any problems, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This is also an old problem for him. As long as he doesn’t keep his eyes on him, he always feels that Minor World will have a problem.

In fact, if there is a major problem, the maintenance cabin will send out an alarm through the bound wristband, so that the students can deal with it immediately.

When such a situation occurs in the school, it is necessary to immediately go to the maintenance cabin of the school to deal with it.

But in general, the probability is not high, because Minor World is so big after all. Once there are signs of natural disasters, they will be noticed early.

“Yin and the others have just experienced a life and death, and now they have a lot of insights to be digested. The past two or three years have been developing steadily, and the monster world continues to focus on persistence.”

After Xu Sheng observed the state of everyone, he roughly made a plan.

Like the previous events, since everything is real, it is also a rare opportunity in terms of comprehension.

Among them, the one who benefited the most was Kuang Yuan. After the “Boom Seed” temporarily experienced the scenery above the Qi Sea realm, this period of time actually showed signs of breakthrough.

“I didn’t exchange Martial Master Realm’s inheritance for you before. I just feel that you have a good chance of being promoted by yourself. I didn’t expect to give me a surprise.” Xu Sheng muttered to himself, feeling a little happy.

If you can comprehend it automatically without redeeming it, let alone save hundreds of thousands of incense, what is more important is that what you comprehend is better than what Houtian can get.

Although the difference is not big, Xu Sheng has high hopes for Kuang Yuan and wants to be better.

If there is no hope, it’s fine. He will exchange it without any difficulty. If there is hope, then naturally you have to wait and see.

The three little guys have also gained some gains. After digesting them, it is estimated that they can be promoted once or twice on Realm, but compared to their Master, it is far inferior.

In addition to these five ‘focused objects’, the runes and practitioners in the tribe have also gained a lot. It can be foreseen that in the next few years, the strength of the Huntuo tribe will rise again.

However, the development of the Talismans is limited. They don’t have Spiritual Roots. At most, Ascension ends at the ninth floor of the Talisman. It is a pity that I have to say.

In a flash, two days passed.

On the third day, Xu Sheng received a notice from the school, hoping that he would go to the school to give a speech to the students.

This is a routine project of the school. At the same time last year, he sat on the Guangchang Square and watched the seniors and sisters on the podium talk freely.

He still remembered thinking that if he could become one of them, he didn’t expect that in a blink of an eye, this idea became a reality.

He was not the only one who received the notice. Normally, the top ten college entrance examination schools will be there.

It is rare for Xu Sheng to dress himself up a little bit. This last “report speech” should be the final chapter of his high mid-rank segment. After completing the college entrance examination, he does not need to go to school.

Xu Sheng’s appearance is not bad, but in this world, everyone doesn’t really care about appearances, everything is speaking of strength.

After getting off the public rail transit, before Xu Sheng had time to look elsewhere, he was taken over by the three huge banners at the school gate.

The two hanging vertically on the left and the other are:

“Today you are proud of your school”

“Tomorrow’s school will be proud of you”

The last one is hanging horizontally, and the upper point is the school name of ‘Luyuan City No. 3 Middle School’.

The content is:

‘Warmly celebrate that Xu Sheng from our school won 900 points in the 2177 College Entrance Examination, becoming the country’s first full score champion! ’

I don’t know if it is intentional or undoubtedly, the middle one with the left and right sides always feels something special.

In previous years, there will be a lot of entries, and I can’t wait to put up the list of all the students admitted to the top universities.

But this year, there are only three.

Xu Sheng stood at the platform and looked at it for a long time, before finally showing a free smile and walking towards the school.

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