Global Sage Era

Chapter 115

Chapter 115 A single spark can start a prairie fire (fourth more seeking subscription!)

In the world, Xu Sheng couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed as he watched Kuang Yuan’s last ‘shameless act’.

“Don’t look at this guy after becoming a patriarch over the years, the impression he has given everyone is steady, but fundamentally speaking, he is still the naughty bear kid when he was a kid!” Xu Sheng sighed with emotion.

Although his age in the main world is only eighteen years old, his consciousness has been over a thousand years in the world.

For such a long time, all the people of Minor World are small, even the oldest in the tribe at this time, but only will be a hundred years old.

Kuang Yuan’s breakthrough to Martial Master Realm means that the strength of the Practitioners of the Huntuo race has been raised again.

The road is like this. When no one has walked out, everyone wanders in place. Only when the correct path is unearthed can everyone follow this road to Baoshan and find the treasure.

Higher Realm is Baoshan, and higher power is treasure. At this time, Kuangyuan is the one who digs the way.

He continued to look down at Minor World. After breakthrough, Kuang Yuan quickly spread the news to the entire tribe, and then spread from the tribe to Tongtian City.

This naturally brought great excitement to the Practitioners.

Many Practitioners who had already settled in Tongtian City wanted to come back after hearing the situation and settled in the Huntuo tribe again.

But they were all rejected by Yin. At that time, when everyone chose a different path, he had made it clear that once they chose to go out, it would not be easy to come back.

These people faced a big Elder like Yin, even if they had the most dissatisfaction in their hearts, they didn’t dare not to listen. In the end, they could only sigh back to Tongtian City.

And not long after, dozens of martial arts halls, large and small, appeared in Tongtian City, saying that as long as you come in and learn martial arts with them, you can successfully break through to the Martial Master Realm.

No one knows the details of these martial arts gyms better than Xu Sheng, let alone Martial Master Realm, even Qi Sea Realm can’t be cultivated. The creators of these martial arts gyms are just to get more money.

In the city, Life is different from the tribe. If they don’t have to do anything to produce, it would be difficult for them to even feed themselves.

In the Huntuo tribe, because everyone eats together and the materials are uniformly deployed by the tribe, as long as there is enough food in the tribe, no one will be hungry.

But in the city, this situation has changed. They are no longer tribes, but city citizens. Their relationship with their neighbors is much longer than in tribes. Even if they sleep at night, they have to plug in the door, let alone Say something else.

Xu Sheng sighed. Two places separated by only a dozen miles, Tongtian City and Huntuo Tribe, had completely different atmospheres, which made him very embarrassed.

According to the rubbish of the previous life, this is the so-called “bad root nature” of human beings. He was also misled before, but after coming to this world, he has a deeper understanding of things, and he knows that there is nothing but a bad side.

In the case of Tongtian City, he saw the rapid promotion of the entire ideology.

The reason why he took the attitude of the martial arts club is that this form has already fit the early stage of sects and sects.

The predecessor of the martial arts hall can be counted as the talisman passed down from generation to generation, from one-to-one, one-to-several, to scale.

Of course, things like sects are still too early, at least the number of the Huntuo human race has just exceeded 30,000, which is still not enough to support it.

In a blink of an eye, more than half a year passed in Minor World.

At this time, after seeing that all the people should digest were almost assimilated, Xu Sheng issued instructions to let them continue to advance in the world of the monster race.

The Yaozu world, at this time, it has been almost forty years since Xu Sheng discovered it.

Because of the long-standing urgent need for survival, the indigenous peoples have developed the idea of ​​breeding as soon as possible in terms of fertility, so women often start to conceive and have children at the age of twelve or thirteen.

It’s not that the aboriginal human race matures faster, it’s all because of the overdraft of life, and many women are equivalent to the existence of fertility tools.

In just forty years, the indigenous peoples have generally multiplied for four generations, and the population has rapidly increased to more than tens of millions in the form of balloons.

This is still due to the low survival rate of newborns, otherwise the current number may have to double.

In the case of the Huntuo tribe, such a huge consumption of food is naturally impossible to supply, so long ago, they brought various crops from Minor World to make the indigenous tribes self-sufficient.

In addition to population, progress in other areas is actually limited, especially with regard to culture, which is still at a rudimentary level, in the form of tribes.

At the Practitioner level, Qi Sea realm Practitioner did not appear either, and the highest level was the Body Refining Realm.

The ratio of Practitioners to ordinary people is roughly one to ten, which means that there are now about one million Practitioners.

The Practitioner of the One Million Body Refining Realm can be considered a powerful force, but it is still vulnerable to a blow compared to the Monster Race, only less than one-thousandth of the strength of the Monster Race.

The reason why the Huntuo tribe can continue to destroy the monster race with a very small number is more because of its own strength. The people who can come here to fight in the world, the lowest is above the middle stage of body refining, and there are also Yin and Kuangyuan. Such a powerful person takes the lead.

Of the thirty-seven domains of the Yaozu, there are now five domains that have been attacked.

Geographically, these five regions are surrounded by natural dangers. Except for one direction to the north, it is impossible for monsters to attack from the other three sides.

Without those natural dangers, Huntuo Practitioner would not be able to maintain Huntuo City.

“The Yaozu hasn’t reacted in the slightest for so many years. It seems to have forgotten this part of the southern side… It’s really serious internal fighting.”

In Huntuo City, Yin couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched the bustling crowd outside the city.

Next to him, Kuang Yuan, who has completely consolidated Realm, said with disdain: “Some beasts, they want to use our hands to remove their opponents, and are not afraid of playing with fire and setting themselves on fire.”

Even the dull race, after dealing with it for so long, it is impossible to find nothing.

Just as the Huntuo tribe knows a lot about the monsters, those monsters also know about the human situation.

The most ridiculous thing is that Yin and Kuangyuan were secretly contacted by several ‘demon clan messengers’ who promised them that as long as they did what they did, they would be given the corresponding status.

The tone was high above, like charity.

Therefore, Yin and Kuangyuan also gave alms to these demon envoys-Death.

The fact that the two armies are not cut off is a previous life statement, and the Huntuo tribe and the monster clan have not yet given birth to such an idea.

It was originally a hostile situation. If you dare to come and let you know how to write dead words, wouldn’t it be a waste of your good intentions?

The Yaozu side was naturally furious, but Yin and Kuangyuan laughed it off.

Originally, the human race and the demon race are endlessly unending. Even if it tends to be stable recently, this is just a stopgap measure. Their ultimate goal is to get rid of the entire demon race world, leaving only the demon race. Those Demonic Beasts who have never been civilized.

“You and I have understood what the ancestors meant. We will set the time in half a month. Then we will bring the Practitioner and take down the nearest domain.” Yin said lightly.

Kuang Yuan nodded first, but then frowned again: “However, the position of this sixth domain is not good. There is no natural barrier, and it will meet the enemy on three sides.”

The five domains now occupied are like a bag, and the northernmost domain is the mouth of the bag. Outside the bag is a larger area, which is also the main part of the Yaozu world.

It is dominated by plains, and at a glance, there is almost no end.

“En, so you and me should pay more attention to the surrounding situation, otherwise, if something goes wrong, it is likely to be severely injured.” Yin’s expression was a bit solemn.

After the two talked about it, they quickly conveyed their meaning.

Under them, each Qi Sea realm Practitioner began to send notices to the indigenous peoples, asking them to gather the Practitioners and fight together.

Naturally, casualties cannot be avoided in the battle. The indigenous tribes are not without wisdom, knowing that as long as they go, Death is something that can happen at any time.

But they didn’t refuse, they gathered at Huntuo City as soon as they received the news.

Kill the monster race!

They shouted such slogans, harbored an assiduous hatred of the Yaozu, even if they sacrificed their lives.

Most of these practitioners are around the age of twenty. Although they are new-born human races, under the continuous narration of the elders, they have already learned about the long-term dark situation of the human race. From the first day of martial arts training, He made up his mind to stand upright on this land.

The Practitioner of the Huntuo tribe admires this kind of spiritual will and recognizes the Practitioner of the aboriginal race a little bit more.

The Practitioners of the indigenous peoples all learned from the Practitioners of the Huntuo tribe. Among them, the most powerful group of people are the disciples of the Huntuo Practitioners, so the two are extremely closely related.

More importantly, the Huntuo tribe is not really eager for this world. What they are more interested in is the resources of this monster race world, and will not split from the indigenous human race because of the living area.

The Practitioner of the aboriginal races that came together quickly surpassed the 100,000 mark.

One hundred thousand Practitioner’s vitality and blood is extremely huge. Under the unified command of Huntuo Practitioner, he learned the corresponding cooperation in only a short time, and his strength was even stronger.

It is a pity that such a large number cannot be perfect in terms of weapons and armors. War is a huge consumption. Even if the Huntuo tribe is fully equipped to build weapons and armors, it is only a drop in the bucket.

After all, the indigenous human races ultimately rely on themselves to stand up. The Practitioner of the Huntuo tribe can only bring them fire, and after turning this fire into a prairie fire, can the filth of this world be burned to the sky.

When the filth is gone, the sunlight belonging to the aboriginal race will surely shoot down from the blue sky, so that all future generations can grow up safely!

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